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Plants that Contain DMT

Migrated topic.
Dorje, I think I love you :lol:

Thanks for making this information available, seems that the guy who posted the original info was onto something after all! My apologies for doubting your claim. :oops:

So this sounds like an interesting avenue for exploration for a number of reasons. It's DMT content, it's history and usage, and why it's never been really discussed before! This is pretty amazing thing for this site and just goes to prove how brilliant a community it is, from teks to new sources of DMT it's numero uno. I'm actually excited about this now!!! As Dorje said, it's bridging a cultural gap and will hopefully lead to more discoveries and discussions!!

Goddamned it I just love this site :d :d :d
Hei Zao...look up H19....$2.99 a pound. I think it's per pound. I once ordered several pounds of tribulus terrestris from here....I'm pretty sure it's per pound.

If anybody wants to eat up some Hei Zao and see what happens.
endlessness said:
before selling bear skin better make sure you caught the bear first :D

Hahaha, well said mate! I just also realised that Dorje was the OP for this too, for some reason I thought someone else had put it there....gotta get my glasses on now :lol: Apologies Dorje!

If Dorje doesn't mind (and if he does, I'll remove the thread), I'll put up a new thread about this and see if we can prompt some more discussion, and possibly even proper, scientific testing if anyone is able to do that.
Ident said:
...see if we can prompt some more discussion, and possibly even testing of this fruit. New ideas is good ideas 😉
At times we get threads where one suggests that the x (exotic or not) plant allegedly is a good source of the y or z chemical. Usually there is not enough data to back up those claims and usually very few and unreliable "trip reports" exist.

As for extraction, there are two issues for consideration. One is the safety issue when one extracts an unknown pool of alkaloids from each plant and goes on to try it with potantially hazardous consequences. The other is about whether it is easy for extraction as such; phalaris grasses are known for instance to be difficult both for extracting and for containing poisonous substances. I have yet to read of an extraction success by kitchen chemists.

I am not against the claim that the black dates may be psychoactive one way or another but we really have no indications thus far.
I agree that no one should dive into testing or extracting this without having sufficient knowledge, experience and the relevant equipment (for example, 69Ron) so I apologise it that came across as being overly zealous or reckless. It's certainly not my intention and, although I should have (and will also go back to edit my posting), made it clear that by testing I was referring to proper laboratory tests such as the ones performed on material by those qualified to do so.

Bear in mind also that I'm new to the site so excuse my overly enthusiastic responses to ideas like this. :lol:
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