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Migrated topic.


Rising Star
The herbal supplement "spice" was just banned in germany and it will be followed by other countries as well. This will attract unwanted attention to our community.. call it as you will but please don't use that term. Call it elfdust, dreamdust or whatever.. we will know what you're talking about.

Our community already has negative attention. I don't think that the name of these synthetic cannabinoid inscents are going to draw any additional negative attention. These are two totally different compounds, what this community has to worry abut is people getting caught selling DMT, not what we call it. Call it what you will but it is still illegal, the name is irrelevant. The negative attention is already coming, and has been growing as the media has found a "NEW" scapegoat scare tactic.
i think that the name we give it matters a lot as it pops up on google when searched for. a lot of journalists are googling away on that term at the moment to release more shocking data.. some people might actually think that dmt is the chemical used in these herbal products. also it might direct the journalists attention to our community and they could start writing even more crap about it. its already beeing called "the new party drug" ..those people must be so stupid. don't they research at all?
Wait? It was called a party drug? When, what paper. That is pretty fucking stupid. Last thing I want to do with something like DMT is be cramped inside a house with 100 people and strobe lights that could give a person a siezure.
VisualDistortion said:
Wait? It was called a party drug? When, what paper. That is pretty fucking stupid. Last thing I want to do with something like DMT is be cramped inside a house with 100 people and strobe lights that could give a person a siezure.

ahh hahaha word, yea people are stupid.
Indeed, people are stupid. The last thing I would like to see is our sacred magic getting into the hands of some of these adolescent "ravers", or people of the sort (referring not necessarily to all people who attend/have attended raves, but rather the younger generation of underage retards that run around with hardly any clothes on & binkies in their mouths, eating as much of every drug possible that they can get their little paws on & in turn drawing worlds of unnecessary attention to anything that may have "drug" connotations attached). These are the types of people that media sources use to demonize things of which they truly have no knowledge whatsoever. I pray Allah & all other gods won't allow the sacred jungle magic to fall into the hands of such as these.
benzyme said:
let's call it ... "the mind rape drug".
Hahaha! Swim does find 'spice' an odd name for it... the spice (or melange) in Dune being highly addictive and fatal when given up, which isn't anything like DMT and doesn't put it in a good light... imagine if the papers started talking about how it was named after "the highly addictive and fatal drug in the film Dune"!

He likes to call it Sacrament, because of the obvious associations, but it's a bit of a mouthful... anyone have any suggestions? Maybe not catpiss...
I believe the original phrase was Elf Spice (i.e. the stuff "The Elves" use to spice their food), which was just shortened to Spice. I dunno, it is what it is.

I'm quite saddend by the recent media craze over Herbal Spice. I guess they really do want people to be buying pot on the black market... weird. So many mixed signals.

I don't know that I can get behind not calling DMT spice after years of doing so, simply because of some herbal smoke scandle 1/2 way across the world (from me).
xcI think it would really help if we would put more weight on the religios/spiritual aspects. "Police after religious group and their holy sacrament" sounds better than "New mind raping party drug killing our children and everyone we love"
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