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PLEASE help a n00b...I have already spent over $100 and still no DMT :(

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Hey guys I have been reading up on DMT and REALLY want to try it. I followed Noman's tek letter by letter and put the naptha in the freezer but when I woke up and checked it this morning there are no crystals at all just clear naptha.:cry:

here are the instructions I used:
Noman's Tek

I see that there are many many different ways to extract DMT, it was my understanding that Noman's tek was the best one. I have already spent over $100 and I don't want to spend more money trying all the different teks until I find one that works.

I noticed that people seem to argue for using different rations of lye, water, etc. I have pH papers should I just test for a certain pH level rather than follow the ratios in the instructions?

I also notice that everyone seems to be using a dish pan but in the instructions they say to use glass jars...does a dish pan work better?

The instructions say to turn the jar end over end for a minute when mixing in the naptha and let it sit for a bit till it is separated. It says to do this 3 times. When I did this the separation was visible right away I saw the 2 distinct layers. I was reading that some people turn the jar end over end for up to 10 minutes and let the jar sit for hours. Should I have done this?

Basically I am confused because it seems that there are so many different opinions on how to extract DMT and for every step of the official instructions I followed I can find a contradicting method elsewhere. Is there some kind of super tek that I don't know about?
Hi and welcome,

The amount of time you incubated the naphtha with the basified solution is not that important at the moment. It has more to do with increasing yield rather than getting some yield in the first place. Same goes for the hardware - glass jars, pyrex dishes, plastic marionettes all are not much important to the extraction. Everyone's using different stuff according to individual preferences and availability.

But re to troubleshooting, geez some numbers first, i.e.:

How much bark did you use?
How much lye did you use?
In what volume?

And most importantly, how much naphtha was used in total?

Were the pulls done with warmed solvent?

I personally suspect that your spice may be too dilute in the total combined naphtha pulls to freeze precipitate. Evaporating the naphtha to 1/3 to 1/4 of its volume may help with freeze precip.
Thanks for helping me out
I used 100 gs of bark which I grinded up for a long time using the ice crusher feature so it was nice and powdered. I mixed 1.5 L of cold water (should it have been warm?) with 100 gs of Lye. I put all the ingredients in a 2 L pickle jar and I shook it violently for a while and then I let it sit for an hour and a half. I used 100 ml of naptha, swired it around like it said, used a turkey baster to suck up the naptha, and i put it in a jar in the freezer. I used another 100 ml of naptha and did a second pull and put that in a separate jar. I only had a bit over 200 ml of naptha so I just did the 2 pulls with the intnet of reusing the naptha the next day for successive pulls.

So I didn't warm the solvent (what is the best way to do this?)
and I didn't evaporate the naptha (do I need to heat it in order for it to evaporate?)

I still have a pickle jar full of potential! Can I salvage this experiment?

So just grab the very first naphtha pull (that did not freeze precipitate) and mix it with the bark/lye/water mixture. Try mixing it gently for some time, like for 2-3 min, let it sit for a bit in a warm place, the repeat the mixing for a few more times. A warm place could be the back of your fridge for instance.

I suspect low alkaloids in the batch you're using but you needn't worry. Even if it is the crappiest bark of the world is a moral issue to try to get what it has to offer!

So, mixing for longer time(s) and warming up the whole solution will help you capture the spice. Also, make sure your freezer is as cold as it gets.

Good luck!
OK I put the jar above the stove when it was on...it got nice and toasty hot...so hot the lid almost burnt me :shock: ...I noticed the naptha was much cloudier this time...hopefully those are DMT clouds lol. I put the jar in the freezer and this time I am not going to seal the jar maybe that will help...I don't see anything in the instructions and if people are using dish pans I guess you don't need to seal the jar.

Now I just have to wait until morning...Thanks for your help!!
Odogg said:
OK I put the jar above the stove when it was on...it got nice and toasty hot...so hot the lid almost burnt me :shock: ...I noticed the naptha was much cloudier this time...hopefully those are DMT clouds lol. I put the jar in the freezer and this time I am not going to seal the jar maybe that will help...I don't see anything in the instructions and if people are using dish pans I guess you don't need to seal the jar.

Now I just have to wait until morning...Thanks for your help!!

seal the jar before putting in the freezer, you dont want water/ice to get inside!

also, even if its cloudier, still its recommended to pre-evap it to at least half the amount and then sticking in the freezer
Odogg said:
OK I put the jar above the stove when it was on...it got nice and toasty hot...so hot the lid almost burnt me :shock: ...I noticed the naptha was much cloudier this time...hopefully those are DMT clouds lol. I put the jar in the freezer and this time I am not going to seal the jar maybe that will help...I don't see anything in the instructions and if people are using dish pans I guess you don't need to seal the jar.

Now I just have to wait until morning...Thanks for your help!!
Just note that you want it warm, not hot. Not that it makes a big difference, but a too hot solution may cause some of the spice to evaporate away. Spice evaporates at 60-70 celsius. In addition. too hot temperatures may damage some of the spice. Don't take my last sentence too seriously, it's just a wee precaution.

anything between 35-50 celsius is warm enough to pull more spice.
THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH!:d I did what you said and sure enough there were some nice white crystals waiting for me this morning! I thought that I wasn't gonna get anything from this but WOW! looks like heating it up did the trick I am going to do a few more pulls to get the most from it as possible. It looks like a small amount that I got but I know that it doesn't take much...do you guys have any recommendations for a first time experience. I have actually never done any type of hallucinogenic and I was thinking of doing one hit of 25mg and a hit of 50mg. Although I don't have a fine enough scale to measure weights that small I guess I could wait or just eyeball it.
Jorkest said:
a pile the size of a dime and like half a centimeter high is AROUND 60-70mg or so...

Check out the thread on scales. You can get a really cheap on that measures mgs (.001g) for about $20-30. A scale is not 100% necessary, but I sure like to be able to weigh out how much I'm smoking.

Eyeballing spice is not dangerous like it is with other substances...the worst that will happen with too much is simply an overwhelming experience for 5 minutes or so. Spice is really a rather safe substance. Just remember you will be incapatitated for a good 5-10 minutes so be sitting down/laying down and in a safe place (not jumping around a campfire or driving a car!)
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