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Please Help...I cant find answers anywhere...

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Hey fellow DMT-NEXUS users
Im new here and I have been to numerous sites trying the find the answers to my questions, topia, shroom etc...You guys are my last hope :lol: :lol:

My friend is having problems finding the "right" solvent, here are the questions

1) SWIM can get various forms of naptha but they all contain benzene. Does this remain in the after prodcut. Benzene is VERY bad

2) I have herd so many different things about naptha, toluene, ether etc... which is the best ALL AROUND solvent? (for pulling DMT xtals, freeze precip and evap). I dont wanna have to buy 5 different things; The question is in two parts...

2B) What other solvents work? Alcohol? Methonol? I see a lot of combos toluene + methonol OR say methyl hydrate

Thnx so much for any ideas ladies and gentlemen
go the FASA route dude! use xylene or toluene as a solvent. xylene is recommended as it doesnt smell nearly as bad as toluene.

do a standard A/B or STB, pull on it with xylene and then go the FASA route from there on.
Jorkest said:

FASA: Fumaric Acid Saturated Acetone

naphtha is about the worst solvent you can use now...read everything you can on this board...it is leading the way for safer..quicker extractions


I can think of a long, long list of other solvents that are much worse. Naphtha is still easy to get, works fast and somewhat efficiently (although there are others that work better for DMT extractions) and most people have a high success rate with a standard A/B extraction using naphtha as their solvent.

The FASA method does sounds promising, but for the old heads a good ole' A/B is what we know and what we use.
SWIM hates A/B extractions. They are so time consuming and prone to lots of problems. Whenever possible, he uses another type of extraction scheme.

Acetone can extract DMT without all the trouble of an A/B.

First you wash the powdered Mimosa with acetone. Filter and discard the acetone. Save the mimosa powder. The DMT in the Mimosa is a salt (most likely DMT tannate) and is insoluble in acetone. For best results wash about 3 times using about 4 times the volume of powder used.

Next you add 1/3 part sodium carbonate and enough water to make it wet but not watery. If it’s a little too thick, add a tiny amount of water so you can mix it. It should be like paste and not be watery. Mix for about 5 minutes.

Then add anhydrous magnesium sulftate, about 2 grams for every milliliter of water used. This chemically dries the mimosa.

(NOTE: Anhydrous magnesium sulftate can be made by baking Epsom salt in an oven at 400 F for 2-3 hours.)

Then extract freebase DMT into new acetone and evaporate the acetone. The product is very active and smokable at this point, but not pure. For best results extract about 3 times using about 4 times the volume of powder used.

(NOTE: Everything from above also works for extracting bufotenine from Yopo. But the next step only works for Mimosa.)

Then freeze precipitate in heptane to get nearly 99% pure DMT.

Works great. There are NO EMULSIONS. No fancy equipment is needed.

This hasn’t been tried with anything other than Yopo and Mimosa. It might work for other plants too.
69ron, does sodium carbonate work best for this? Will sodium carbonate work for anadertha? SWIM would probably prefer it, as calcium hydroxide is a real pain to filter out of acetone (conical coffee filters are the only thing that have worked for SWIM so far). Sodium carbonate will often rock up in aqueo, but it's still so much more manageable--incredibly easy to decant.

Also, SWIM had considered using magnesium sulfate rather than table salt for drying the paste, but hadn't needed it since he's been experimenting with lime; simply adding more lime seems to be the fastest way to dry lime paste. SWIM's glad to hear that it works.

How's the yield with that method?
amor_fati said:
69ron, does sodium carbonate work best for this? Will sodium carbonate work for anadertha?

Sodium hydroxide will work just as well but its more dangerous to handle sodium hydroxide so SWIM never uses it anymore. Calcium hydroxide would also work but not as well.

Yes it works for anadenathera. SWIM extracts from anadenathera a lot with almost the exact same tech.

amor_fati said:
SWIM would probably prefer it, as calcium hydroxide is a real pain to filter out of acetone (conical coffee filters are the only thing that have worked for SWIM so far). Sodium carbonate will often rock up in aqueo, but it's still so much more manageable--incredibly easy to decant.

Also, SWIM had considered using magnesium sulfate rather than table salt for drying the paste, but hadn't needed it since he's been experimenting with lime; simply adding more lime seems to be the fastest way to dry lime paste. SWIM's glad to hear that it works.

How's the yield with that method?

Longer soaks in acetone improve the yields, and more acetone extractions also improve the yields. I’d say the yield is about average. SWIM never compared it directly with another tech using the exact same powder mimosa though.
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