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Poll for S.H.E. Icon


In the SHE thread, it was brought up that an icon or glyph that everyone involved could concentrate on should be created. I thought it was a GREAT idea and thought I might volunteer one. Its simple, symmetrical, 'sacred', geometric and already used but like I said before, what sacred geometry has not been used before, just ask the illuminati.

Anyway, maybe you like it for the purpose, maybe not. I have some other ideas that are just as good and will show them if the enneagram fails muster.

Thanks for your time and consideration,



  • enneagram+copy.gif
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i tried to upload this one onto my profile when i added my name to the list.....apparently the glyphs aren't uploading...

this is some sacred geometry that REALLY touched something in me....VERY familiar...



  • sacred+love.gif
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Impossible? I would never say such a thing. Colors are sounds in a much higher octave. :]

I'm definitely leaning toward the enneagram. One constructed and either placed on a white wall or hanging in front of the meditation zone so it can spin slowly. I have a funny feeling the enneagram will construct a temple of sorts. Brilliance!
I am thinking simple and easy to remember while 'away'. A glyph or icon. So here are a septagon and metatrons cube. The metatrons cube image is one of the cleanest you will find on the internet.

BTW, Antrocles. That image you posted has some nice curves...up and down. I can see why your entranced by it. Thanks for the entry.


  • Metatrons_cube+sharp.bmp
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  • septagon.bmp
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A good way to get familiar with a yantra you are meditating on is by creating it yourself.

You can use a compass and rulers free hand, or even MSPaint.

I think a star tetrahedron (aka Merkaba) would be a very interesting glyph for S.H.E. and I think we should use it next time. This time, the enneagram is perfect IMO. Thanks, Jason.

( I plan on constructing one using some kind of wood and uv reactive string? )
antrocles said:
i tried to upload this one onto my profile when i added my name to the list.....apparently the glyphs aren't uploading...

this is some sacred geometry that REALLY touched something in me....VERY familiar...

WOW antrocles! This honestly rocks my world! I get all warm and fuzzy withing milliseconds of looking at this! Beautiful! It's got my vote if I'm not too late!

as cool as it may be, I personally think it contains too much information to be used for what we're doing. By all means, experiment. I'm strongly with jason on the notion of simplicity, here. That's how yantras have always worked.
thanks idtravlr.....yeah....i have seen this image or parts of it in hyperspace. in fact, i think i see aspects of it every time i break through! the six-pointed stars, the hearts, the way the center looks almost insect in origin....even the resonate circling energy....when i first saw this image i almost crapped myself. it was like being shown a part of myself or something....VERY powerful.....

i'm glad you liked it brother :)

i'm easy with whatever people are in agreement on....just happy to share this and even happier that someone else RECOGNIZES it!!!

Probably not suitable for this purpose, but why not show it!
I've been rendering 3d shots of multiple interior reflections in Platonic bodies, here's a shot inside a icosahedron and a bumpy water blob.


  • cellularwaterbubble08a2.jpg
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Very nice, just drew a quick one with a molecule in the middle I nailed to my wall. Gotta make a more serious one later! 😉
West-en said:
Very nice, just drew a quick one with a molecule in the middle I nailed to my wall. Gotta make a more serious one later! 😉

This is a great idea, especially in a 3D soccer ball-like design using hexagons. Illuminate the molecule, or have them two contrasting colors (UV string would be cool)
The most common usage is to determine personality type. If you google it you will get a TON of info. Personally, I chose it due to its simplicity, symmetry, and that its not THAT common.

Anyone can whip this out with pencil and paper or with photoshop,etc. A compass and straightedge are all you need.

I will work up a printable, high resolution image that anyone can print out and thumbtack to a wall. I might even make a tee-shirt iron-on image in reverse that says S.H.E. 07/04/09
with the spice molecule behind the enneagram.

Love you guys...thanks,


p.s. check out this site which talks about creating another cool geometric oddity, the sri yantra.
just a little something awaiting critique...


  • SHE+TEE+non+iron+on+ready.jpg
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I do not personally like this enneagram as a symbol, it reminds me a lot Lisa Simpson's head (see attached image for more) so I voted no. The aesthetics are stunning though.


  • Lisa_Simpson.png
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Infundibulum said:
I do not personally like this enneagram as a symbol, it reminds me a lot Lisa Simpson's head (see attached image for more) so I voted no. The aesthetics are stunning though.

Now where, in heavens sake, did you dig that picture up? :D
The Traveler said:
Infundibulum said:
I do not personally like this enneagram as a symbol, it reminds me a lot Lisa Simpson's head (see attached image for more) so I voted no. The aesthetics are stunning though.

Now where, in heavens sake, did you dig that picture up? :D
Lisa's picture was obviously found somewhere on the net. The enneagram was superimposed by me using Kolourpaint just to make my point. Lisa's head IS an enneagram!
Infundibulum said:
The Traveler said:
Infundibulum said:
I do not personally like this enneagram as a symbol, it reminds me a lot Lisa Simpson's head (see attached image for more) so I voted no. The aesthetics are stunning though.

Now where, in heavens sake, did you dig that picture up? :D
Lisa's picture was obviously found somewhere on the net. The enneagram was superimposed by me using Kolourpaint just to make my point. Lisa's head IS an enneagram!

Oh my, does that imply we all live in some Simpson world? :D
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