Remember there is hardly anything 'linear' and simple with our brains and neurochemistry - it's a complex web of interactions of biochemicals, fields of energy, cellular stuff and DNA. Dreams would never 'be' like a dmt trip, but dmt trips sure hava elements of dreams in them.
Either way it's a web of things going on in our bodies and brains, and dmt use might be like just pulling on one string of the web - with this act, the whole thing moves, but only one string is tweaked really tightly. Dreams are more like a co-ordinated movement of the web, evenly shifting consciousness.
I'm amazed by the coincidence that dmt IS in the body already, as though the 'metabolism of enlightenment' was just waiting to be triggered. And I do believe that you can feel endogenous tryptamine 'effects' when awake... Also when entering sleep I get lots of vivid hypnogogic imagery with 'veils' being pulled off, revealing super-psychedelic ornaments etc etc ..