Alright guys, it's been 2 or 3 days following my experience, and I think I can be a bit more objective about it right now...
After I made this post, I looked at the mirror and even though I felt sober my pupils were pinpoint tiny, so there was obviously something going on there.
The morning after I was pretty much in a state where I was before drinking the tea. All the insecurities, doubts, snappiness, mood swings came back.
Also I felt it hit my body harder milder drugs such as caffeine, cannabis, ayahuasca which I all use on a daily basis with aya being in the microdose range. It still at times makes visuals appear but I consider this possible HPPD which I don't mind actually.
I felt like a junkie, and I wanted to stay away from poppies as far as possible. There was exhaustion, stomach discomfort, the muscle soreness from my visit to the gym also bothered me a bit more than it would usually and an overall disappointed "I'm an idiot" kind of feeling.
Later on the night where I sipped the tea for the first time, as I was coming off it, I did mix it with half a joint and a little shrooms, and this was an interesting experience nevertheless.
The poppy tea kicked back in, in a wave so it seems and I was nodding off and being stoned at the same time also the shrooms in the mix kicked that feeling also a notch up a bit.
Usually I would feel anxious, but no. I was aware that I was severely altered, but I just eased into the experience. I was having those dreams while still being awake, and I could actually feel my mind leaving my body and sort of flying around the room. If I felt uncomfortable about it, I could snap out of it any moment.
I'm no stranger to either of these substances, but this combination is unlike anything I've experienced before. A good combo for astral projectors if they dare to play with the devil at times.
Anyways, I'm glad I tried it so I know how it feels on my own skin to flirt with poppies instead of being afraid of them my whole life but still being curious about how they feel like.
One time was enough to kill that curiosity, and I'm glad I didn't like a a big aspect of the experience which are the side effects. This is not addiction I'm talking about, but physical discomfort. I do not find the minimal euphoria, and a sense of well being that is achievable in a sober state as well to be worth going down the spiral.