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Poppy pod tea, medicine or a poison?

Migrated topic.


Esteemed member
I know the discussion about this class of drugs is discouraged on the nexus, but I still think it is an interesting topic nevertheless.

It is about an experiment I made. I ordered poppy pods for decorative purposes thinking they were constructed out of wood or plastic, and only look like poppy pods because well.. it was marketed as decoration, there was no mention of them being actual pods. As far as I know, selling them became illegal because you could technically make heroin out of them, so I was awaiting them to be just an imitation.

To my surprise, they actually were real dried pods. I could tell because they could be broken apart easily. Just grabbing them tightly would cause them to crack.

Because I had all these poppies, I thought I'm gonna try and make a tea out of them. Worst case scenario they won't be active.

A little back story.

In the recent time I have had some drug problems, mainly with coke but I was taking just about anything I could get my hands on on a daily basis. This lead to me feeling totally out of it, always being on the edge, feeling like crap, thinking I might even be going insane and so on.

Fast forward to today. Today I didn't do a whole bunch of drugs. I smoked a joint in the morning, microdosed aya soon after, had a cup of coffee in the early afternoon, cooked the tea in a airtight cook ware, let it sit for a few hours while going on with my day.

After all of it was done I drank the tea in a few gulps. The dose wasn't too high, since it was my first attempt at making this tea and I wanted to just kinda feel it and not get high off it.

It kicked in relatively fast. I could feel the effects within 15-20 minutes and it came on and off in waves, the experience was typical of that which you would expect from an opiate. It has been 6 hours since my last sip, and something strange happened. I'm completely sober right now, and I feel amazing.

I even cleaned my whole house just because I had the will and energy to do it. I also don't feel a compulsive need for more tea, or even any drugs for that matter.

It is almost as this reset my brain chemistry and now I feel just like I felt before I started abusing hard drugs. Healthy, fit, focused, no mood swings, no strange feelings, no questioning my mental health, nothing. As if I hit the reset button and I'm back at baseline.

This feels better than being high, I feel NORMAL for the first time in a very long time.

I truly find this state remarkable, and I am very surprised what got me to it.

I don't plan on using it anytime soon again, but this leads me to think about this substance with a different perspective.

After all this has been used for thousands of years, and it was prized as a medicine for every disease out there. It has been mentioned extensively in the Ayurveda and a lot of famous doctors in that time swore on it. Today I realized it might not be just because it feels good.

Pills and heroin only made me worse afterwards, but this was way different. Could this be because of the extra alkaloids found in the poppy?

Do we bash it because we've seen what isolated morphine does and figured that "since morphine is the main alkaloids of poppies, and morphine is bad, poppies must be bad too".

So far I have only this one experience with pods, and I was pleasantly surprised. It seems that the extra alkaloids cancel out the negative effects of morphine, and really work to heal a broken mind and body.

I would like to hear your guys opinion about this topic.

I am very aware that poppies do not posses any psychedelic elements to them, but it seems like it could be a potent medicine nevertheless if used correctly.

if you want something, just do kratom instead. Trust me.

Personally, I wouldn't even keep them in the house, if you have a history with drug problems. It's only a matter of time before your mind works against you and convinces you to keep drinking it. Opiates are none other when it comes to changing nearly the entire chemistry of the body until its impossible to live without them. Poppies can make this worse since the morphine dose in poppy tea is actually very high, since the oral bioavailability is so low, you will still get all the physical repercussions and side effects from the dose.

Other than that, yeah it is strong medicine. If someone breaks a leg, or falls severely ill, or has bad diarrhea. But that makes a perfectly good excuse to keep them around, which you'll end up regretting.
Medicine. Labourers in East Anglia drank poppy head tea after hard field work for centuries,red poppies grow all around and I've made tea many times.
How the #### can you say being high on morphine is better than being high?!?

Jesus dude, read your own damn post.

"Didnt do much drugs today". I'll tell you you did a hell of a lot more than me.

Medicine or poison? That friend depends on you. Let us know what you think once you're down.
I feel great!
Famous last words?
AwesomeUsername said:
It has been 6 hours since my last sip, and something strange happened. I'm completely sober right now, and I feel amazing.

I even cleaned my whole house just because I had the will and energy to do it. I also don't feel a compulsive need for more tea, or even any drugs for that matter.

It is almost as this reset my brain chemistry and now I feel just like I felt before I started abusing hard drugs. Healthy, fit, focused, no mood swings, no strange feelings, no questioning my mental health, nothing. As if I hit the reset button and I'm back at baseline.

This feels better than being high, I feel NORMAL for the first time in a very long time.

I truly find this state remarkable, and I am very surprised what got me to it.

I don't plan on using it anytime soon again, but this leads me to think about this substance with a different perspective.

That is the textbook experience of the very beginning of a long, miserable and life crushing addiction. The effects of the drug last 12-24hours with the withdrawal period being 48h-72hr afterwards
Alright guys, it's been 2 or 3 days following my experience, and I think I can be a bit more objective about it right now...

After I made this post, I looked at the mirror and even though I felt sober my pupils were pinpoint tiny, so there was obviously something going on there.

The morning after I was pretty much in a state where I was before drinking the tea. All the insecurities, doubts, snappiness, mood swings came back.

Also I felt it hit my body harder milder drugs such as caffeine, cannabis, ayahuasca which I all use on a daily basis with aya being in the microdose range. It still at times makes visuals appear but I consider this possible HPPD which I don't mind actually.

I felt like a junkie, and I wanted to stay away from poppies as far as possible. There was exhaustion, stomach discomfort, the muscle soreness from my visit to the gym also bothered me a bit more than it would usually and an overall disappointed "I'm an idiot" kind of feeling.

Later on the night where I sipped the tea for the first time, as I was coming off it, I did mix it with half a joint and a little shrooms, and this was an interesting experience nevertheless.

The poppy tea kicked back in, in a wave so it seems and I was nodding off and being stoned at the same time also the shrooms in the mix kicked that feeling also a notch up a bit.

Usually I would feel anxious, but no. I was aware that I was severely altered, but I just eased into the experience. I was having those dreams while still being awake, and I could actually feel my mind leaving my body and sort of flying around the room. If I felt uncomfortable about it, I could snap out of it any moment.

I'm no stranger to either of these substances, but this combination is unlike anything I've experienced before. A good combo for astral projectors if they dare to play with the devil at times.

Anyways, I'm glad I tried it so I know how it feels on my own skin to flirt with poppies instead of being afraid of them my whole life but still being curious about how they feel like.

One time was enough to kill that curiosity, and I'm glad I didn't like a a big aspect of the experience which are the side effects. This is not addiction I'm talking about, but physical discomfort. I do not find the minimal euphoria, and a sense of well being that is achievable in a sober state as well to be worth going down the spiral.
A wise man once said the only difference between a medicine and poison is the dose.

Ive had countless experiences with poppy tea and this is my conclusion after years of use.

That being said it being poisonous is much different than it being addictive. If a person is aware of how to use poppy tea without risking poisoning themselves their biggest concern should be its addictiveness.

The poppy is a powerful medicine but the nature of its addiction is equally as powerful.
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