Let me explain one thing that is very important:
Let me quote the first law of Newton's three laws of motion:
That's your frictionless object in motion, as long as we don't apply an external force to it, it will keep it's motion. If we do however apply an external force to in, like say, use it to rotate magnets, then the motion of that object will change, to be more precise: it will be slowed down.
To complete this lesson: With a frictionless design we only minimize the loss of energy in a generator on the part of, well you must have already guessed it, friction!
On to the next lesson, I'm rollin' : The magnetic force a magnet can apply in it's lifetime is utmost equal the energy you put in to become a magnet. Practically however, it cost more energy to make the magnet then it will deliver back in it's whole lifetime.
As for free energy, the best changes now are in using renewable energy like solar power, tidal power, wind power, etc. Especially solar panels get better and cheaper very fast these days.
I hope this post doesn't come as a big lecture of how it's done etc. e.g. I do know that Newtons law are not completely correct (at speeds approaching the speed of light the effects of special relativity must be taken into account). It's just to point you in the right direction.
Kind regards,
The Traveler
Let me quote the first law of Newton's three laws of motion:
I. Every object in a state of uniform motion tends to remain in that state of motion unless an external force is applied to it.
That's your frictionless object in motion, as long as we don't apply an external force to it, it will keep it's motion. If we do however apply an external force to in, like say, use it to rotate magnets, then the motion of that object will change, to be more precise: it will be slowed down.
To complete this lesson: With a frictionless design we only minimize the loss of energy in a generator on the part of, well you must have already guessed it, friction!
On to the next lesson, I'm rollin' : The magnetic force a magnet can apply in it's lifetime is utmost equal the energy you put in to become a magnet. Practically however, it cost more energy to make the magnet then it will deliver back in it's whole lifetime.
As for free energy, the best changes now are in using renewable energy like solar power, tidal power, wind power, etc. Especially solar panels get better and cheaper very fast these days.
I hope this post doesn't come as a big lecture of how it's done etc. e.g. I do know that Newtons law are not completely correct (at speeds approaching the speed of light the effects of special relativity must be taken into account). It's just to point you in the right direction.
Kind regards,
The Traveler