Rising Star
I do not know how many people do this, but I have had many interesting experiences with loading breakthrough doses ++ and vaping it 5-10 minutes after coming back from near-breakthrough and breakthrough experiences. As most people know, there is an immediate tolerance, but this tolerance doesn't seem to largely diminish the effects for me, only qualitatively changes them. I have done this many times, with varying results, and would like to tell about two types of such experiences, one of which I have reproduced 3 times.
A few months back, I had a "failed blastoff", where I had inhaled a good amount of vapour, and immediately felt the effects take hold. As an analogy, instead of the rocket launching for the sky, it felt like something had gone wrong with the launching pad or some other component, and the rocket tipped, launched sideways and quickly crashed. The next 5-6 minutes were a very unpleasant chaotic meaninglessness, where I was unable to close my eyes, and was in a forced confused and alerted state.
After returning to my human, I started Lee van Cleef's "Holy Smoke" on the speakers. I sat for 5-10 minutes after the return, feeling mostly sober, and having no visuals, pondering this time with more intent than before: Why does this happen? What could I have done differently? Why do so many launches seem to fail in this regard for me? (This was far from the first time). After genuinely asking these questions in an explicit way, the answer presented itself as if from thin air. The answer is nothing shocking, and is almost a cliche at this point, as I have "re-discovered" this answer so many times: Just sit still and observe, dummy.
This answer presented itself more as a feeling than that sentence, and was accompanied by the warm tryptamine body-wash that often occurs after returning from journeys with the Spice. However, it was coming on stronger than would be expected from having been sober-feeling for almost 10 minutes already, and it was accompanied by very obvious OEV's that were qualitatively different from anything I had seen before.
These visuals only persisted when I stared straight ahead and was in a focused but meditative mind-set. Everything was fatter and fuller of itself, while actively glittering in a deep purple hue. The old human identity of HolySmoke was completely out the window, or rather, in the backseat. No, the trunk was more like it. Someone else, something else, had stepped forth from the basement of the subconscious and taken the drivers seat. Something had been let out of its cage, been let loose. This thing is what I now was. It/I was distinctly and clearly an old reptilian babushka residing in some middle-age futuristic DMT-swamp. Loading the Machine with 40+ mg seemed obvious at this point. It had never felt this right before. Everything got inhaled in one hit.
The focused state widened, enlarged, encompassed everything. I was the focused state. The visuals became part of me, I realized that for the first time, the experience is not something that is happening to me. I was happening to it. I encompassed the entire experienced reality at this point, and no traces of my room remained. The music was still there, and it was a heavenly celebration of all that is ecstatic. I quickly discovered that I was at the knobs, I could intuitively control this reality. Focused but bordering on manically, I created the largest celebration of ecstasy that I have ever had the pleasure of experiencing. It was a carnival, a New Years Eve, a rave in a secret bunker, it was a personal Valhalla.
I made a feminine entity. After her creation, she was autonomous, and no longer a part of me, though she was still in my reality. She looked young, and had a cute grin. Telepathically, she shouted: "Yes! You did it! You finally did it! Welcome!". I continually blasted forward in this carnival-space, creating objects and space as I saw fit. This went on for maybe 10 minutes. During the final minutes of this, I was partly back in my body, but still visually fully in this space. I discovered that the "knobs" I had used to tune and create reality had, in fact, been my eyes and facial muscles. I am sure if somebody saw my face during the ordeal, it would have looked like a mixture of REM sleep, a seizure, and uncontrolled facial twitching.
I wanted to remember this somehow, but could only write simple sentences in my notebook. "Yes! Yes! YES! The best that has ever happened. A carnival. I had control. It was the best. Total control. No fear." was the best I could come up with. The reptilian babushka-OEVs were still fully there after coming back, and I revisited the space 2x or 3x by continually vaping more Spice. I am aware this was disrespectful use, and can't really defend it other than wanting to explore this reptilian-induced hyperdimensional ecstasy further.
In the following weeks, I revisited this exact mindspace 3 times by following the same procedure: An initial blastoff where whatever may occur, though it has to be a strong mind-shattering level experience, then listening to Holy Smoke, while conjuring up the reptilian babushka from deep within, asking her to take the driver's seat. She will do so, and after that, it is free sailing.
The last time I did this, something different happened. I had as per usual had a "standard" blastoff on a sizeable amount of Spice, and afterwards conjured up the reptilian mindspace, and saw the qualitatively distinct visuals that accompanies this space. 40+ mg was loaded into my newly acquired GVG, and most of it was inhaled. I felt the carnival-space beginning to rise and load, but at the point where my body would normally be completely elsewhere, it felt like something cracked, like flying through an invisible wall of cellophane. I automatically opened my eyes and everything was completely clear, very 300µg LSD-esque, but still sprinkled and spiced with Spice.
Slightly to my right, I began to see an outline. There was an invisible man there. He didn't particularly care for me, though he was aware of me. I don't know if he was aware I was aware of him. The notion that he was a ghost, a wandering soul of a dead human, became apparent. That he had always been there, I just had not seen him till now. Then I saw that there were others. Women, children playing, more men walking around with hats and briefcases from the 50s. They were dead, but business was still on the agenda. The machine was churning, and they were living normal lives. I could still only see their outlines, but all the movement made them obvious. It was clear, beautiful, and filled with a melancholy of sorts. For they knew they had been in that state for a long long time, but had only met it with an "oh well, can't do anything about it, so better just go about business as usual" instead of meeting it with despair.
These "invisible people" visuals were qualitatively different from anything else I have seen with DMT, or any substance, though it was most similar to mid-range LSD visuals where you see everything "as-is", hyper-HD and clearly.
So this turned out more as a couple of experience reports, but the reason I made the thread is mostly to get the opinions of others on this type of use of the Spice. Apart from possibly "wasting" product, and some hangover-effects, I haven't found reasons not to do this. If I excessively "go back" more than 3 or 4 times, I will get a hangover of sorts that is sometimes accompanied by a headache that is not very treatable with paracetamol or ibuprofen. The rest of the hangover is comparable to being mildly (cannabis-) stoned for 1-2 days afterwards, mixed with a meditative non-thought mode of being. If I don't have to do anything particularly demanding or stressful, this hangover/afterglow is quite pleasant. Still, I ask:
-Have you tried smoking medium to high doses after coming back from a breakthrough or near-breakthrough experience? Thoughts on this practice?
-How have these post-breakthrough blastoffs been compared with normal blastoffs?
-Has anyone here been in similar spaces to the two main ones I have described (reptilian babushka, and clear invisible people from the 50s)?
A few months back, I had a "failed blastoff", where I had inhaled a good amount of vapour, and immediately felt the effects take hold. As an analogy, instead of the rocket launching for the sky, it felt like something had gone wrong with the launching pad or some other component, and the rocket tipped, launched sideways and quickly crashed. The next 5-6 minutes were a very unpleasant chaotic meaninglessness, where I was unable to close my eyes, and was in a forced confused and alerted state.
After returning to my human, I started Lee van Cleef's "Holy Smoke" on the speakers. I sat for 5-10 minutes after the return, feeling mostly sober, and having no visuals, pondering this time with more intent than before: Why does this happen? What could I have done differently? Why do so many launches seem to fail in this regard for me? (This was far from the first time). After genuinely asking these questions in an explicit way, the answer presented itself as if from thin air. The answer is nothing shocking, and is almost a cliche at this point, as I have "re-discovered" this answer so many times: Just sit still and observe, dummy.
This answer presented itself more as a feeling than that sentence, and was accompanied by the warm tryptamine body-wash that often occurs after returning from journeys with the Spice. However, it was coming on stronger than would be expected from having been sober-feeling for almost 10 minutes already, and it was accompanied by very obvious OEV's that were qualitatively different from anything I had seen before.
These visuals only persisted when I stared straight ahead and was in a focused but meditative mind-set. Everything was fatter and fuller of itself, while actively glittering in a deep purple hue. The old human identity of HolySmoke was completely out the window, or rather, in the backseat. No, the trunk was more like it. Someone else, something else, had stepped forth from the basement of the subconscious and taken the drivers seat. Something had been let out of its cage, been let loose. This thing is what I now was. It/I was distinctly and clearly an old reptilian babushka residing in some middle-age futuristic DMT-swamp. Loading the Machine with 40+ mg seemed obvious at this point. It had never felt this right before. Everything got inhaled in one hit.
The focused state widened, enlarged, encompassed everything. I was the focused state. The visuals became part of me, I realized that for the first time, the experience is not something that is happening to me. I was happening to it. I encompassed the entire experienced reality at this point, and no traces of my room remained. The music was still there, and it was a heavenly celebration of all that is ecstatic. I quickly discovered that I was at the knobs, I could intuitively control this reality. Focused but bordering on manically, I created the largest celebration of ecstasy that I have ever had the pleasure of experiencing. It was a carnival, a New Years Eve, a rave in a secret bunker, it was a personal Valhalla.
I made a feminine entity. After her creation, she was autonomous, and no longer a part of me, though she was still in my reality. She looked young, and had a cute grin. Telepathically, she shouted: "Yes! You did it! You finally did it! Welcome!". I continually blasted forward in this carnival-space, creating objects and space as I saw fit. This went on for maybe 10 minutes. During the final minutes of this, I was partly back in my body, but still visually fully in this space. I discovered that the "knobs" I had used to tune and create reality had, in fact, been my eyes and facial muscles. I am sure if somebody saw my face during the ordeal, it would have looked like a mixture of REM sleep, a seizure, and uncontrolled facial twitching.
I wanted to remember this somehow, but could only write simple sentences in my notebook. "Yes! Yes! YES! The best that has ever happened. A carnival. I had control. It was the best. Total control. No fear." was the best I could come up with. The reptilian babushka-OEVs were still fully there after coming back, and I revisited the space 2x or 3x by continually vaping more Spice. I am aware this was disrespectful use, and can't really defend it other than wanting to explore this reptilian-induced hyperdimensional ecstasy further.
In the following weeks, I revisited this exact mindspace 3 times by following the same procedure: An initial blastoff where whatever may occur, though it has to be a strong mind-shattering level experience, then listening to Holy Smoke, while conjuring up the reptilian babushka from deep within, asking her to take the driver's seat. She will do so, and after that, it is free sailing.
The last time I did this, something different happened. I had as per usual had a "standard" blastoff on a sizeable amount of Spice, and afterwards conjured up the reptilian mindspace, and saw the qualitatively distinct visuals that accompanies this space. 40+ mg was loaded into my newly acquired GVG, and most of it was inhaled. I felt the carnival-space beginning to rise and load, but at the point where my body would normally be completely elsewhere, it felt like something cracked, like flying through an invisible wall of cellophane. I automatically opened my eyes and everything was completely clear, very 300µg LSD-esque, but still sprinkled and spiced with Spice.
Slightly to my right, I began to see an outline. There was an invisible man there. He didn't particularly care for me, though he was aware of me. I don't know if he was aware I was aware of him. The notion that he was a ghost, a wandering soul of a dead human, became apparent. That he had always been there, I just had not seen him till now. Then I saw that there were others. Women, children playing, more men walking around with hats and briefcases from the 50s. They were dead, but business was still on the agenda. The machine was churning, and they were living normal lives. I could still only see their outlines, but all the movement made them obvious. It was clear, beautiful, and filled with a melancholy of sorts. For they knew they had been in that state for a long long time, but had only met it with an "oh well, can't do anything about it, so better just go about business as usual" instead of meeting it with despair.
These "invisible people" visuals were qualitatively different from anything else I have seen with DMT, or any substance, though it was most similar to mid-range LSD visuals where you see everything "as-is", hyper-HD and clearly.
So this turned out more as a couple of experience reports, but the reason I made the thread is mostly to get the opinions of others on this type of use of the Spice. Apart from possibly "wasting" product, and some hangover-effects, I haven't found reasons not to do this. If I excessively "go back" more than 3 or 4 times, I will get a hangover of sorts that is sometimes accompanied by a headache that is not very treatable with paracetamol or ibuprofen. The rest of the hangover is comparable to being mildly (cannabis-) stoned for 1-2 days afterwards, mixed with a meditative non-thought mode of being. If I don't have to do anything particularly demanding or stressful, this hangover/afterglow is quite pleasant. Still, I ask:
-Have you tried smoking medium to high doses after coming back from a breakthrough or near-breakthrough experience? Thoughts on this practice?
-How have these post-breakthrough blastoffs been compared with normal blastoffs?
-Has anyone here been in similar spaces to the two main ones I have described (reptilian babushka, and clear invisible people from the 50s)?