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Thank you HolySmoke for your beautiful report collection. I can relate to many of your experiences.

:thumb_up: and you are no dummy (what ever that means), no need to ever be disrespectful. :love: To me, better keep open for the understanding of the process of learning. There is always a reason, why I behave(d).

I often experience my/an reptilian being and my unscientifical guess is, that this may be a result of a dominant acitivity in our brainstem, a region of the brain which we share with reptiles. Just a guess.

Interestingly is the reliability of how I/this entity act(s), total focus, no pardon. :shock:

I remember, our fellow FinalIncarnation also reported often from (t)his reptilian mutations/encounters.

To me, is one.

:lol: I experience this creator-identity already as a form of egoness. Already on the way back from total all-/ nothingness, on the way surfing through hyperdimensions back/forward to this human experiences, lust and satisfaction, need-driven projections.

Morality is such a restrictive idea. To me, no rules, just "consequences", full power.

The first time I experienced this, I thought I destroyed hyperspace, I have overdone it.. ahhaahha... crazy idea, again, to me, the best one can do is..

It is all good, forever.

To me, tripping (hard) is pretty exhausting, especially when doing it the whole night. Thus, I guess my hangovers are mostly from sleep deprivation.

Love it!

Feels super natural and more easy to enter, because one foot is still on the "other side". I set up everything (bong, changa, water) next to the bed, that I can reach it with just little movements. Sometimes sessions take me 3-4 hours of repeatedly blasting off as soon as I am able to remember "blasting off".

Sooo, lovely brother! Happy and safe travels, tseuq

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