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Hm... I guess, I didn't reach that point now. Also, I blast off without a specific intent of what I want to experience. It is more of a feeling, I get hit by this feeling that "place and time" right now are just perfect, some say call, that this is what I want to do right now and then I just throw myself all in, feel super excited and let it/us do its/our thing.

Sometimes I experiences this, sometimes that, sometimes I feel that I went back to somewhere I thought I have been long before. I've also been this reptiloid-like god who has small marbles in his pocket, one of these marbles is our universe, and I am debatting with other gods about our small gems. One time I was debatting heavily with an entity about something I can not grasp, but when I left, I had the feeling that I will come back to finish our discussion. Since now, I have not been there again. I often experienced other entites coming into this world, "being me", like being on a holiday trip, visiting this reality. Or entites which walk through this universe, like this universe is just on their way from point A to point B (like these Escher drawings)... crazy stuff..

.. and I can hardly imagine hyperspace being something static, something hierachial, but hey, it is all possible. :lol:  Let's keep on exploring!


Adventurous travels, tseuq :love:

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