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Potentiating lucid dreams

Migrated topic.
SWIM just started taking RedSpiderLilly extract & it does appear to be having the claimed effect.

SWIM normally had ZERO dream recall due to his love for weed, but since he started taking this a week ago every night he's had the most amazingly vivid dreams.

It's early days, but this supplement does appear to massively reduce the effects (if not reverse) weed has on dreams and dream recall.

The key to Lucid Dreaming is a Clear, Calm consciousness. A meditative state which is non-reactive and passively observant.
This can be naturally achieved ( making the likelyhood of lucid dreams occuring much higher) allthough things like stress,
preoccupation/distraction and general unrest in one's consciousness can make it hard to attain this state and hard to dream Lucid.

Ways to clear stress, thoughts and unrest from one's Consciousness:

SWIM's made some ambient "music". It's not really music, but an ambient audio track with birds and crickets and a series of very low, mostly subsonic bass-tones( much like infrasound: More felt than heard) These low bass tones have a very calming effect( at least on SWIM ).
The idea is to play the track as a loop, non-stop on repeat all night.
It should be played in one's bedroom on a soundsystem that can play deep bass tones.

You can download the track from here:

Listen to it as you fall asleep. Tell me if it has this mind clearing and generally calming effect on you too.

SWIM knows below-breakthrough-doses of smoked DMT also to be very calmative and meditative. The problem is that it doesn't last long enough to provide
this state of consciousness all through the night. Ayahuasca might be the perfect way to mix the mindfull, clear and receptive DMT-consciousness with
the nocturnal experience of dreaming. Then again Nausea/Purging and sleep do not seem to be a fine combination.

Perhaps a low dose of ayahuasca, with a MAOI that doesn't make one nausious/purge, would be an excellent, all-night oneirogen?

I fell for lucid dreaming after first very profound experience with it. It was actually DMT which delivered that lucid state for me that day. It happened day after my second dmt attempt. I went for afternoon nap and I kind of drifted from wake state into lucid dream without any deep plain sleeping phase. It was very powerful experience. I did some research after and find out that it's most efficient method. I learned to start to write a dreaming diary to remember dreams. Every time I woke up I wrote my dreams recollections straight away. It's very good training. Week after week I remembered more dreams for longer time. There is no point to have a lucid dream if you can't remember it:d It work both ways. My dreams became more vivid and less strange. But for full on awakening dream state I had to try harder. This work for me often:

I found that I need to be behind my resting phase of the sleep to stand a chance for desired state. What I mean is that I have to start to dream as soon as possible after I fall asleep. Best is actually to drift from awake state to dreaming state without noticing falling to sleep. Therefore I sleep for 5 hours, wake myself up and go for sleep again (already rested). If can't be done, nevermind, I will get a nap afternoon for two hours naturally. Before that second phase of sleep I eat 5-10 grams of dream herb (not every night, but often). Even without herb I usually have multiple dreams in that second stage with a good chance to realize that I'm dreaming. With dream herb it is just amazing. I usually don't even realize when I fell asleep. It's so smooth crossing straight into the dream realm, it's just amazing. At that point I usually have no problem to realize that I'm dreaming. Herb induced dreams are much more visionary too. Without the herb I usually dream about myself and from my point of view about something from my life, with people I know. But with herb I see a stories of unknown people in very deep philosophical and spiritual narratives. Hard to explain, need to be experienced. I don't even desire to interfere with these visionary dreams (and I could:d ). Without the herb I face a problem of waking up at the moment of realizing that I'm in dream. Very annoying. With herb I don't have that problem, as I said already I often think I'm still awake until I notice that I'm really awake but in a dreamland:d. I experienced a false awakening twice. I could write about lucid dreaming for hours.:oops:

Last few things. Calea works better by bigger dose. 3grams is the smallest I could distinguish from placebo. On 10 grams it can deliver unbelievably vivid and spiritual story with no reference to my life (with great chance for lucidity). For example I dreamed about story of five women on the road with different drama they needed to face to find a peace.(wtf?) Sometimes I use datura or mandrake to help that smooth reality->dream drift.
I'm at point when I'm enjoying lucid dreaming more than any other exploration of consciousness. My dream diary become fatter and my desire for dreaming bigger.

I love to talk about dreams, but I need to go to sleep now:lol: I hope I didn't bore you.

Sorry for broken english, Regards.
Lucid dreaming is a powerful thing and should not be taken lightly. For one it can become highly addictive. I myself have fallen into this trap more than once. Who does not want to live in a virtual reality paradise created in ones own mind. If you are truly interested in this art meditation will bring about greater effects and I know it sounds foolish but keeping a dream journal that you write in THE SECOND YOU WAKE UP!!! will vastly increase the recall of your dreams.
vovin said:
Lucid dreaming is a powerful thing and should not be taken lightly. For one it can become highly addictive. I myself have fallen into this trap more than once. Who does not want to live in a virtual reality paradise created in ones own mind....

Hello man,

This one is hard to swallow. Highly addictive to what? What is the mechanism? What would be a difference between dreaming addict and common fella? Different smile on their faces? Please explain more about your idea of addiction to dreams...It rather sound ridiculous to me. Something Leonardo DiCaprio would said in 'Inception'.:d I'm eagerly waiting for your words.

It can serve as a escape from reality. especially in times where real life becomes a burden. You have a tendency to recede into yourself and live in a world of your minds own creation. The result is that you become unattached to the world.
I think dreaming is natural part of human life. Maybe it's part of mechanism brain use for regenerate (I have no idea really). Everyone is dreaming and it always serves as escape like sleep itself. Thank god for that! It's always there, everyday I sleep and dream. I'm not concerned about exploring my dreams. The same way as I'm not concerned about reading books or watching cinema. Even though I can spend half of the weekend reading a book, there are no worries about getting unattached from life in long term because of that. There is no way to develop 'an addiction' just by paying attention to something in my opinion.

Even though I can't imagine it, that doesn't mean it isn't possible. I hear you. You claim to be that way once. Thank for sharing. I have to go now I have whole season 4 of 'The Wire' to watch now:lol:

One of the most profound psycho-spiritual experiences of my life was in a lucid dream early one morning after an ayahuasca session the night before..I am still somewhat convinced this was soo much more than a dream and became a sort of true out of body experience where I left planet earth, flew into outer space and for the first time in my life, saw earth as a single organism..like the primordial egg of all gaian life..then something began to happen to me..it was more than just seeing the earth..I KNEW..the earth itself is alive, has a soul..all these spirits were suddenly with me sort of downloading stuff into my etheric or spirit body..

The whole time I was aware I was asleap..this lucid dream went on for probly 30 minutes, where I was flying through thick rainforest meeting with all kinds of people from various villages etc..completely lucid until I then decided to leave earth..it wasnt the ayahuasca directly either..since it was at least 8 hours since I had drank and I had slept all night after, though it probly had some secondary role due to the harmala glow..

I have had some extended lucid dreams that went on for probly an hour..but felt much longer in the dreamtime..

It can be addicting for me in an extremely facinating sort of way..still, Il take ever chance at lucidity that comes my way.

Waking up really early then going back to sleep can help to become lucid..or drinking green tea at like 4am then sleeping has helped..there are many methods..but I have had them my entire life either way. I remember thinking it was odd that some people never had them.
I sometimes have a lucid dream. But i often forget during the dream that i'm only dreaming. Like it's half-lucid. It's weird, like you're somehow dumbed down by the dream. Like if i where dreaming that a big purple elephant was heading towards me and i would on the one hand be saying to myself:"relax, it's only a dream, there is no such elephant" and than on the other hand my reply towards myself would be like:"you can say all you want about that it's only a dream, but don't you see how BIG that elephant is...RUN!!!".:lol:
Lucid dreams can have a peculiar way of backfiring on you that can be pretty hilarious, so watch out! I became lucid once and tried to seduce a girl and, of course, she turned into a mischievous, laughing old man right before i made my move! :p
I also remember being in one particularly terrifying scene and suddenly realizing it was a dream. Well screw this, i thought, and i pinched myself hard..nothing..pinched again and again, nothing. Smack face, nothing. No matter what i did i couldn't wake up, and was forced to live out this alien/zombie sci-fi apocalyptic scenario for a while...it was scary but very amusing.
Ok I see where the communication is broken now. I am not saying remembering your dreams is bad or addictive.I am saying that if you learn to do it on demand you sometimes are inclined to stay in bed for hours having lucid dreams past the time you would regularly sleep. For me at least the easiest time to have a lucid dream is right when I wake up from sleep. I can grab a small snack and re enter that place and stay there in the middle for several hours. As you can see this could be a issue if you spend allot of time doing this your pretty much sleeping your life away.
vovin said:
Ok I see where the communication is broken now. I am not saying remembering your dreams is bad or addictive.I am saying that if you learn to do it on demand you sometimes are inclined to stay in bed for hours having lucid dreams past the time you would regularly sleep. For me at least the easiest time to have a lucid dream is right when I wake up from sleep. I can grab a small snack and re enter that place and stay there in the middle for several hours. As you can see this could be a issue if you spend allot of time doing this your pretty much sleeping your life away.
Have you ever tried to harness that power? It could maybe be used in a positive way. Both therapeutically as to stimulate creativity.
vovin said:
Ok I see where the communication is broken now. I am not saying remembering your dreams is bad or addictive.I am saying that if you learn to do it on demand you sometimes are inclined to stay in bed for hours having lucid dreams past the time you would regularly sleep. For me at least the easiest time to have a lucid dream is right when I wake up from sleep. I can grab a small snack and re enter that place and stay there in the middle for several hours. As you can see this could be a issue if you spend allot of time doing this your pretty much sleeping your life away.

That is why you wake up a few hours before you normal wake up time and go back to sleep to help potentiate lucidity instead of sleeping your normal time in one go :). It is not just you, this is a super common method for inducing lucid dreams.
Once I woke about 5am, the previous night I smoked DMT and I broketru etc. That morning I had my pipe next to me and I tought: ¿what if I smoke a low dose now and back to sleep inmediatly with the effects of that?.. So I did. I smoked just the residual DMT in my pipe from the night before (so I didnt loaded, just a flavour smoke).
And It worked, I woke from a really nice LD at about 9am.

The dream was powerfull, at the begining I knew I was in a dream and I could use it, so I tryed to fly. Inmediatly I started to fly everywhere and then I tought in reach the sky. Suddenly I got scared because the high I was and started to fall. I didnt crash in the ground because I kept levitating just above the floor face down. And I woke.

I told the dream because I wanted to show the level of lucidity. It was the first time I had a entirely and controled lucid dream, because at other level you can be lucid but for some reason you dont mind to get control, you just are at a relax and contemplative level.

That week I had about 4 LDs just like this first one. As if discovering and being in that other world-dimension (dreamworld if you want) enhanced my sensitivity to recognize when you are in a dream.

I think DMT, a breaktru, is or cause a very similar event in the body or brain that dreaming, specialy a lucid one, because I think LD also is related to a enhanced dreaming activity produced for a pic of some compound, just like breaktru. So, If you get physiologicaly experienced breakingtru, It can enhance the responce and sensitivity to recognize a natural strong dream when this pic comes...
Well, its just a theory I would like to test scientificaly some day.

Try waking up early and smoking a low dose to make the body remember the feeling and get sleep again (go WC if you need). If someday someone try It please let my know the results.

That is an interesting experiment guys. I think I'll have to give it a try in the next couple nights.

A low sub-breakthrough dose leaves me so relaxed I could fall asleep. Does anyone else think the body effects are just like waking up and the bed being so comfy you Just want to lay there all day?
I haven't been writing in my dream journal lately. I just don't have the time anymore. My dreams are usually vivid and I have better than average recall So What might have been a short dream takes an hour And many pages to fill!

I haven't gotten around to purchasing anymore inducing herbs as I've been indulging on other life projects. I wae able to get a calea plant growing though so hopefully I can put it to use someday soon. Today I also noticed 2 of my silene capensis seeds had germinated :) so I can play with that someday far away.

My insomnia started to creep up again a few weeks ago And I became sick around the same time. I too nyquil to fall asleep And have been since then. It knocks my out in like 8 minutes where it usually takes me 30+ without an aid. And let me tell you, that dxm has a powerful effect on dreams! The other day (Friday? The day people spoke of in the what happened this Friday thread) I had a huge breakthrough. I won't go into detail because there is way to much, but a few things happened that I have never experienced or I became more experienced in...

-I became lucid and and remained calm. Usually lucidity wakes me up as I start freaking out. I even freaked out And was still lucid.

-In the timeline of the dream, I was lucid for THREE DAYS

-I thought to myself, this must be what salvia is like. I'm the only one aware of what's really going on.

-At one point, I became irritated with some of the events in my dream and with what my girlfriend was doing In it. I had had enough and grabbed her arm and said 'this isn't real'. And repeatedly told her to wake up. Normally when I wake myself up whether it be from freaking out in a dream or just wanting to abort it, the world pulses, shakes and shimmers, the dream losing form. It does this pretty quickly and eventually everything crumbles and I experience myself being aware of the dream, being aware of waking up, the transition of the dream state and waking state blend, I wake up, And I recall all of it. In the case of this dream, as I told my dreamstate GF to wake up, I experienced it again. After I woke up, I turned to her sleeping form next to me And waited. She awoke seconds later.

Now I'm not all that surprised with that last statement. One would think that making Someone else wake up simply by telling them to while In a sleep state is rubbish. I'm certain I did this though. Why? Well a few months ago, on the day of the first snow, my GF and I both experienced something we'd only heard of.

We were again sleeping normally. In my dream I was at a huge flat grassy area, surrounded by trees, that felt like a graveyard to me. There were no headstones though, just grass. I think the fact that all the people with me there were dead, as far as waking life is concerned is the cause for the graveyard feel of it.
I was there with a friend of mine that has visited my dreams 3 times now. He passed a year and a half ago. We were waiting for something, I don't know what. I was going to introduce him to my girlfriend but she was late in arriving. So I called her using wavelength 60 (a brainwave associated with the WAKING and conscious state). When she answers, she sounds like she just woke up. Although it's probably irrelevant she was hanging out with Simon pegg. I asked her when she was coming and she said She is on her way. I wait. And wait. And wait... eventually I see her car coming down the hill that list next to the 'graveyard' but I feel like I'm beginning to wake. I calm her And tell say, "hurry, hurry!" Which becomes,"did you make it?", then, "wake up. Wake up. Wake up. Wake up. Wake up. Wake up..." As I'm saying this I feel myself begin to soil into the waking state. All the while I'm silently telling her to wake up. I experience the transition again And I continue to tell her to wake up.

Lying there, now conscious, I still mentally tell her to wake up. After a minute, she stirs And opens her eyes. I ask "did you make it?" Thinking she'll have no idea wtf I'm talking about I start to regret the question. Instead she asks, "were there trees And a field?" I do a mental shit-flip! She then begins to describe to me the other stuff In the scene. It takes a minute to sink In but when it does we both start to laugh hysterically. We just had a SHARED DREAM. My brain practically pops. I have no idea how that happened but I will never forget it. For the rest of the day we are playing psychic guessing games with scary accuracy. Guess a number between 1-100. We either get it right immediately or the next try after. We decided to go further and simply ask, What am I thinking of? Again, the accuracy is astounding. Holy shit! is the only way to describe that day.

There's my essay lol. If you know Where to get entada rheedi power pm me plz.
universecannon said:
Lucid dreams can have a peculiar way of backfiring on you that can be pretty hilarious, so watch out! I became lucid once and tried to seduce a girl and, of course, she turned into a mischievous, laughing old man right before i made my move! :p
I also remember being in one particularly terrifying scene and suddenly realizing it was a dream. Well screw this, i thought, and i pinched myself hard..nothing..pinched again and again, nothing. Smack face, nothing. No matter what i did i couldn't wake up, and was forced to live out this alien/zombie sci-fi apocalyptic scenario for a while...it was scary but very amusing.

man!! You got it backwards. You pinch yourself in real life to make sure you aren't dreaming, not pinch yourself in a dream to wake yourself up. If you realize you're dreaming when you're in a scary situation, just face whatever is scaring you, knowing you are invincible and whatever is scaring you usually disappears. One time I had a dream that a giant spider machine monster with swords for legs was after me. I did everything I could to escape. As soon as I realized I was dreaming, I said, "f this, I don't need to run", I turned around and walked right up to the monster. I knew I might get chopped up, but it didn't matter because it was a dream anyway. I planned on walking right through the monster, but instead the thing started running from me. That's how it usually goes down when you face whatever scares you in a dream.

I've found that anything you resist, or run from in dreams haunts you. Anything you attack attacks you back. And anything you desire becomes unattainable. The dream world has rules too. I've found even if I realize I'm dreaming, I can't go and do anything I want. Like suppose I'm in a fight in a dream and I'm losing, and then I realize I'm dreaming. I probably still won't be able to do anything I want to the opponent. The best thing I do is just get up and walk away...dream enemies no longer have power if you don't fight them. You can ignore them, you can walk through them, you can brush them aside, but if you fight them, that gives them power, they can become strong. Just saying. And as you've noticed with girls in dreams, if you desire them, they might tansform in to something else. Try not to exert too much will on your dreams. Your dream world can still morph around your will to make your will irrelevant. Give thanks for the gifts the dream allows. The same can be said for life as well.
Facing it isn't always awesome. One dream I had was terrifying And I had to wake myself up three times because of it. I wont say why now, I'm tired And a cliffhanger will make me come back to this thread.
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