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Pre-DMT Meditation

Migrated topic.

Babylon Bambi

Rising Star

I’m preparing for my first DMT experience and have created a list of settings to facilitate a smoother experience. Big thanks to you all for what has been an enjoyable educational process thus far, your guidance has reassured me that I’m as prepared as I can be to begin this journey.

I’ve practiced Headspace guided meditation for years, the content has served me well and I intend to meditate before my trip.

It would be helpful to know if anyone thinks a particular meditation would be appropriate?

For example, I’m currently doing “Relationship” visualizations where I see specific people becoming filled with brightness, bringing joy and relaxation to them.

I understand that any meditation will be of benefit but would be interested to hear what works for you.

Big love!
I personally find chants or tones or throat singing after some yoga to be most useful for me. But anything that sufficiently quiets that left hemisphere language center chatter really.
I guess it all depends on the set and setting, as they are endless forms of meditations.

Singing indeed I find most beautiful. When I go in the overtones, it even happens to get mild CEV, it really puts you into that state of cleansing and you can get to that slow monosyllabic vibration that will lower all your defenses. Something that is present in breathing but quite differently, differently quiet the mind.
Gestures, not even as formulaic and precise as Yoga - more something like dancing in a sitting position - can go very well with the chanting/breathing.
You can also listen to a song you like, drink tea, draw something or write your intention if you have one and feel the need to exteriorize it in a still form. But I guess whatever you do, if you do it consciously, will be enough.

You should do what feels right in the moment.

Bog live!
Thanks for getting back universecannon and ÅikyǬ, it's much appreciated.

I've no experience of chants/singing in my meditations but will bear this in mind for future use.

It's probably best that i stick to what i'm most comfortable with for the time being in any case.
Anything that helps you to drop expectations is best.

When you do dive in, do not hold back but let the experience engulf you. Curiosity and a mild smile are the best attire for the event.

They only "technique" that I would advise is simple breathing exercises. Nothing fancy or esoteric, just saturate your body with oxygen and blow out all of the waste gases in your system. Sit down comfortably and start by breathing out slowly, continuously and fully. While you breathe out, keep relaxing your body, never let the breathing out become a strain. When the breathing out has gently hit the bottom of your belly -- or even your toes, if you can -- you then let the breath flow rapidly back in to your whole body, quickly filling it back up. Immediately start breathing out again, slowly and gently, while relaxing any tensions that may appear. Rinse and repeat.

When you have done this a few cycles and you feel vibrant and relaxed, it is time to pick up your smoalking utensils that you had prepared before.

Remember a last time to put a smile on your face before you blast off. Breathe out fully one more time as before. When you reach the bottom, light up and breathe in slowly through your smoalking device, taking in the vapors while you breathe. When you have inhaled enough (you'll know) carefully put away the smoalking gear and finish inhaling with a deep toke of fresh atmospheric air, pulling the already inhaled vapors deeper into you lungs. Sit back and hold the vapors in for a minute if you can. Meanwhile, let the experience come over you.

The last part can be a bit confusing actually, putting back the gear, inhaling and settling down, all while the dmt is already hitting you hard. Don't worry though, you'll manage fine. If you want to, you could rehearse the mechanical motions without dmt in your pipe. It's probably not necessary and you couldn't rehearse the dmt hitting you anyway. Just have a clear idea of the steps of the procedure and it'll sort itself out.

Don't be too preoccupied with the preparations, Just enjoy the ride.
That's great pitubo and doesn't sound too complicated (at this point). Nice suggestion to practice the motions without the pipe, I'll give it a go.

The fantastic person i acquired my spice from has suggested the Wim hof technique Locoboy so thanks for the reminder. I'll likely look into this after my first foray as i don't want to have too much more to think about for now.
Yeah, I agree with pitubo more or less - it's good practice to drop any and all expectation. Curiosity and a smile like pitubo said - a great way to approach it. Also agree in doing nothing too fancy - just deep relaxed breathing, slowing the heart, become fluid and loose. And definitely always smile. 😁
Also wanted to add that specific smells ime can lead me into a zone of specific memory/ies [or no-memory] prior to smoking . Smells that have been deeply ingrained due to past experiences with these specific smells [i.e: a certain type of incense or candle]. That can help zone me in/lock me into what is happening and everything else drops away.

Another thing I would use often is some sort of rhythmic, repetitive music [something preferably uplifting, melodic, or even something downtempo and soft yet repetitive]. I agree with the camp that music can be a hindrance, depending on the situation, though it's seemed to really help for me leading up to the experience - and in specific situations has driven the experience [but this is going outside the scope of this thread I think].

As I'm sitting there, not really thinking of anything, slightly nervous though not really thinking on 'oh my god im about to do this' I'll usually start the song, and I start to zone into the song, the rhythm, the lyrics[?], just totally get into the music, lose all awareness or worry, guess you could equate it to psyching yourself out in a sense though I think it's a bit more than that. It definitely has became a sort of meditation for me numerous times right up until smoking.

** Though after a certain point the music becomes a faint whisper, barely perceptible, or completely inaudible to the point of not even being remotely recognizable [during the peak of the onset of the experience, so it typically only helps me up until a point, then it's all out the window :D ].

Hope this helps :)
It does help, thank you tatt.

I've started working on an "Acceptance" pack of guided meditations and think they're already serving me well, once my mind is completely calm i ask myself "Who are what are you resisting in your life right now?" and let the question be absorbed.

I had my first attempt yesterday and didn't break through, in fact i had quite a hard time of it feeling like i was hanging on to my mind being shredded.

In today's pre-trip mediation when i asked the question i was left feeling that i was resisting completely letting go.

This time i played some lovely ambient music, the stuff i tend to listen to whether ambient or rhythmic tends to wash over me like waves so isn't much of a distraction.

I had a far more pleasant experience today! The music was there then faded away until i came round some 5 mins later at the end of the track. I'm not certain i broke through but was in awe of something.

I'm trying 20mg with GVG but not sure if i vaped it all. When I heated up the copper pad that holds the spice i was surprised to get another white plume out of it so can only assume i'm not taking the whole amount.

Onwards and upwards! :)

Something beautiful just happened. :d

Allow me to share the music that helped me along:

Carbon Based Lifeforms - 20 minutes

It's not 20mins but repeats well.

Appreciate there's a thread for this but i can't post there yet.
Babylon Bambi said:
It does help, thank you tatt.

I've started working on an "Acceptance" pack of guided meditations and think they're already serving me well, once my mind is completely calm i ask myself "Who are what are you resisting in your life right now?" and let the question be absorbed.

I had my first attempt yesterday and didn't break through, in fact i had quite a hard time of it feeling like i was hanging on to my mind being shredded.

In today's pre-trip mediation when i asked the question i was left feeling that i was resisting completely letting go.

This time i played some lovely ambient music, the stuff i tend to listen to whether ambient or rhythmic tends to wash over me like waves so isn't much of a distraction.

I had a far more pleasant experience today! The music was there then faded away until i came round some 5 mins later at the end of the track. I'm not certain i broke through but was in awe of something.

I'm trying 20mg with GVG but not sure if i vaped it all. When I heated up the copper pad that holds the spice i was surprised to get another white plume out of it so can only assume i'm not taking the whole amount.

Onwards and upwards! :)
Babylon Bambi said:

Something beautiful just happened. Very happy

Allow me to share the music that helped me along:

Carbon Based Lifeforms - 20 minutes

It's not 20mins but repeats well.

Appreciate there's a thread for this but i can't post there yet.

I'm glad it helped!

And CBL is great, some definite good tunes for this, I used to listen to their albums hydroponic gardens and interloper for this occasionally. :)

I'm curious to see how using music will go for you.

There's always been something special to me with using specific music in tandem the pre-stage to smoking [especially even during as it's happening].

Another thing I always noticed for me was what certain uplifting, melodic music would do for me - emotionally it would cause a massive upsurge of that feeling when you get incredibly excited for something and get a quick intermittent 'shiver/shake', not necessarily as in 'cold', but just this incredibly short upsurge of giddiness/happiness idk how to phrase it [there's more to it, but cant find the right words right now], but it would cause that more times than not for me prior to smoking, and that's when I'd usually begin to take the first hit.

Keep us posted

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