Babylon Bambi
Rising Star
I’m preparing for my first DMT experience and have created a list of settings to facilitate a smoother experience. Big thanks to you all for what has been an enjoyable educational process thus far, your guidance has reassured me that I’m as prepared as I can be to begin this journey.
I’ve practiced Headspace guided meditation for years, the content has served me well and I intend to meditate before my trip.
It would be helpful to know if anyone thinks a particular meditation would be appropriate?
For example, I’m currently doing “Relationship” visualizations where I see specific people becoming filled with brightness, bringing joy and relaxation to them.
I understand that any meditation will be of benefit but would be interested to hear what works for you.
Big love!
I’m preparing for my first DMT experience and have created a list of settings to facilitate a smoother experience. Big thanks to you all for what has been an enjoyable educational process thus far, your guidance has reassured me that I’m as prepared as I can be to begin this journey.
I’ve practiced Headspace guided meditation for years, the content has served me well and I intend to meditate before my trip.
It would be helpful to know if anyone thinks a particular meditation would be appropriate?
For example, I’m currently doing “Relationship” visualizations where I see specific people becoming filled with brightness, bringing joy and relaxation to them.
I understand that any meditation will be of benefit but would be interested to hear what works for you.
Big love!