I think the set&setting paradigm is key here. I read somewhere once regarding tripping: "if your mind is garden, you'll be in it. if your mind is a garbage can, you'll be in it." I clean up the whole house (Setting) as part of my pre-trip ritual, making sure everything is proper and clean, with *no* clutter, no dirty dishes, no nothin' lying around, everything smooth. Doing actual work before and because of your trip helps re-iterate to yourself that you're taking your trip seriously. Do this meditatively and it also helps you clear out all the junk, not just out of your house, but out of your mind, so you won't be "in the garbage can". You feel good about your environment before lift-off because you just spent 2-3 hours making it smooth and proper. This helps establish Set. At this point I then prepare the environment according to my intent for the trip (for a short-acting trip like dmt or salvia this could be just setting up a comfortable area, where you can lie down, or whatever. for longer lasting trips, this could be laying out modeling clay for sculpting, charcoal and paper for sketching, watercolors for painting, pen & paper for writing, recording device for speaking, pictures of people or from childhood on which you wish to reflect, selecting music, or anything like that. sometimes I write notes to myself, fold them up and put them in an attractive glass bowl as a way of sending a message to my future tripping self.) I fast starting the night before a planned trip, though I'll drink green and herb teas. This helps clean out the garbage can, focus your mind, and again, reiterates the fact that this is something special which you take seriously. Additionally, if you like, to help establish Set, you can "pack" for the trip in the days leading up to lift-off by reading philosophical works, going to an art exhibit, or whatever. As a last step in establishing Set, I meditate for up to 1 hour before the trip (the higher the planned dose, the longer I meditate). If you've established an intent you may wish to reflect upon this. You may also want to reflect upon the Plant-Teachers and perform any type of ritual of thanks that you want or ask for their guidance or help with your intent. Most importantly, if your Set leading up to the trip just isn't "right", don't be too macho to postpone the trip, even if this means you'll have to wait an indefinite amount of time until you have another opportunity. Listen to any little signals you might be getting that "now" isn't the time. Lastly, I make certain my schedule is clear of all commitments on the day of *and* the day after a trip, so that I have time to reflect upon and integrate my experience. wishing rewarding journeys -z