Are these clones ? Could possibly just be genetics.
I know that too little FAE can cause long and skinny mushrooms, so i suppose too much FAE could potentially cause the opposite, but i've never really heard or seen that myself.
Those are definitely some HUGE fruits.
I don't think too much FAE during colonization would effect the mushrooms much besides effecting the sub prior to fruiting, and hurting pin formation and fruit formation.
High co2 is definitely preferable during colonization. This is a quote from Roger Rabbit from the shroomery, "Mushroom mycelium consumes air, just like we do. It also produces CO2, apparently as a byproduct, just like us. One benefit of a high CO2 level during colonization, is that less of the actual carbon in the substrate is converted to CO2 gas. In other words, if you allowed too much fresh air during colonization, more of the substrate would be 'consumed' by the time the mycelium got to the fruiting stage. A rapid and sudden decrease in the ambient CO2 levels is a pinning trigger in cultivation, so adding fresh air at the same time as full colonization and the other pinning triggers helps ensure a full, even flush."
So in short, during colonization, you definitely want to keep co2 levels high by limiting FAE. Increase FAE after full colonization to promote pin formation and healthy fruit growth.
For misting you don't want to allow "puddles" to form. You just want to mist until you see beads of moisture, then wait and allow them to evaporate before misting again. I was under the impression that mono's are more self regulating, I actually use a different tek for my grows and have never used a mono. Here is a good link on surface conditions.
Proper Surface Moisture / When to Increase FAE - Mushroom Cultivation - Shroomery Message Board
Here is another link which may be helpful
2022: I still do exactly this This is part of my series on how I get things done. I hope it helps! I notice a lot of folks never fully dial in their monotubs. This is a pretty simple process. A dialed
Nothing I see would indicate an issue with lighting. You use a 6500k bulb? I don't think the problem is lighting.
Not necessarily sure more fae in the room would have much impact unless you have a fan for instance, and it causes too much FAE and dries your sub out or lowers humidity.
I apologize if this is not helpful, or things you already know, making it redundant to you.
I'm assuming your sub was field capacity for both tubs? Again, genetics could be the cause of the difference in fruiting times. Even clones can fruit slightly different times when spawned simultaneously imo.
I'm not really experienced enough to look at pictures and tell if for instance it is too dry, too wet, etc. Always suck at this. I can do it for my tubs only because I know all the variable that went into the tub.
Imo the second tub could possibly benefit from misting, but I could be wrong. High humidity is definitely optimal for pin formation. Largest amounts of FAE possible while maintaining high humidity is preferable, but I wouldn't sacrifice humidity for more FAE.
Nothing against the nexus or anything, but has a lot of very very experienced and knowledgable people when it comes to mushrooms.
You may want to consider making an account and taking your cultivation questions over there as well to get some more feedback.
They really know their stuff over there. Not saying people here don't. But they have members official members who basically go around and no post or question goes unanswered, and they give basically spot on advice to the cause.
For the top tub you could definitely try limiting FAE to see if that helps grow longer skinny fruits, but at this point they're kind of already mature. Look about ready to harvest. I'm really struggling to think of reasons for those fruits besides genetics, but I have only been doing this for about a year or two. Next time you could try limiting FAE if you observe it happening and see if it helps.
Hope maybe some of this helps.
Good luck and if you have any questions i'll do my best to try and help further.