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Problems Having Closed Eye Visuals?

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Hello everyone!
I have been researching DMT for the past few months, and lurking on this site for quite some time. My boyfriend and I are both experienced with other substances such as LSD, shrooms, and research chemicals. However, there is one problem my boyfriend has that has persisted through all of his experiences-- he is unable to see any closed eye visuals whatsoever. His open eye visuals seem to be completely normal, though. This is taking quite an emotional toll on him since he feels he is unable to have a "true" psychedelic experience. We have taken heroic doses of LSD, and he reports nothing but blackness when he closes his eyes. He has spent hours meditating, doing breathing exercises, and more to bring about any sort of closed eye visual. It really saddens me to see him so disheartened. We both had lots of hope for DMT, and that we would both be able to have immersive, visual, life-altering experiences.

After a successful extraction using Noman's tek for 50g MHRB, we were able to get our first grasps with the spice. We spent a great day outdoors before meditating for about half an hour. Then, we smoked out of a gravity bong using the sandwich method with some damiana herb. My boyfriend went first, taking four large, consecutive hits. The spice vaporized perfectly, and the huge hits should have blasted him into hyperspace. However, he reported only a strong body load and LSD-like open eye visuals. He was unable to see any CEV. After waiting for him to come down, I was next. I decided to only take one large hit since it was my first time. Immediately, everything went silent and I was only able to hear my breathing. Every cell in my body felt warm and full of vibration. Tiny, hyper-realistic, neon blue lotus patterns flooded my vision. Their petals interlocked and slowly rotated like gears. About a minute later, I opened my eyes.
My experience was successful, so the spice must be active. He does not have any physical eye or brain damage or medical history that would seem to be the cause. Has anyone else ever had problems seeing CEV on any substance at all? Are there any methods he could use to have a better experience next time? Any ideas on what could cause this?
Thank you all! :)
I cant say much to help but i was having similar issues for a good number of years. When i first started using psychedellics everything worked as expected. They became harder to come by for a few years then when i came back to them i was having a hard time getting much visual effect. For whatever reason one day that just suddenly changed.
At least i'm not the only one, i mean i haven't tried vaped pure DMT (have vaped/smoked homemade Changa though), but i rarely ever get closed eyed visuals from oral DMT or other Psychedelics, sometimes i'll get some faint ones, the only time i've had full on closed eyed imagery was when i had the precognitive vision about my dad's death, other than that, no real closed eyed visuals. I do get some mental/third eye imagery/visuals with open eyes, depending on my focus and perhaps certain lighting, and i've gotten open eyed visual distortions (especially from Psilocin) and trailing/tracers. But while i'd like to see these closed eyed visuals that people talk about, i'm perfectly fine with the feelings and mental/spiritual aspects, i really don't care much about the visuals, especially considering that visuals are only a small fraction of what these things do/are about.
Maby all the lsd fucked him up.

Im in the same boat and im going INSAINE..

It stopped working after a lsd trip. I couldent get into heaven anymore.. its just a bodyload with blackness or shady colours intead of the crisp extreme colours.. no euphoria.

The dmt allways worked, cant gone bad. But after 4 months trying im buying new dmt today and i will
see if this works.. if it works i will break down in tears.. this substance is the only thing that
can keep me fighting for this life. But i guess it wont work this time either.

Smoking to much dmt the first months might be the biggest mistake of my life.

Wish u the best !

Try to buy dmt instead of extracting. Try other MAOI's mixed with the changa !
The experience seems to hit everyone differently, peoples sensitivities seem to vary quite a bit in how the experience comes on and how hard it hits them. All the effects you describe that your boyfriend experienced - those seem to be the very initial stages of the experience [everything you described] - the escalating bodyload, the low-level visual effects externally that begin to come on, etc. What one person experiences at say 25mg of dmt as 'omg incredibly powerful' could easily be the reverse for another person [they could experience very little effect].

It seems that not everyone experiences the depth and breadth of the experience - some will just get a pretty mild experience and nothing more. ..But god d%^& you'll know it when it hits you.. 😁 :p :twisted: :surprised :shock:

Also, how long was he holding the hits for, since you'd said he took 4 hits, and how long of a timespan were all these hits taken? What was the dosage used?

I've noticed over the years after having worked with dmt somewhat consistently that my sensitivity to the experience and how strong it comes on has increased substantially. Now much less is needed versus before.
This is a strange one. Have to keep in mind that everyone reacts differently. For instance, I could get complex closed eye visuals on dmt, and yet rarely get anything as far as open eyed visuals except for when I was being pushed out of this reality and watched everything fade away. As far as changa goes, too heavy on the harmalas seemed to dull the visual portion of the journey and replace it with more introspection.
tatt said:
Also, how long was he holding the hits for, since you'd said he took 4 hits, and how long of a timespan were all these hits taken? What was the dosage used?

He held each hit in for about 15 seconds, and exhaled as slowly as possible (which took probably about 10 seconds). Had I done this, I would've blasted off after only two hits. I weighed the dose at 75 milligrams to make up for any loss that we would have from using the sandwich method. I just feel so sad for him, he truly belives something is either spiritually or physically wrong with him, and that is the reason he is unable to have CEV. It has led him into negative thought loops during our other trips. I wish I could help him..
My cousin has the same problem. We all have different brains and DMT is going to effect everyone differently. Personally I think the way DMT makes you feel is more impressive than what you see. It takes you out of your body and connects you with everything in the universe so I'm sure he will at least get that part. Try vaporizing it next time. You can do something simple like this
.. If it works better for him I would pick up a GVG or make The Machine.. Music can definitely create closed eye visuals. Have him put in head phones and play something like this
... Best of luck...
I recently had an experience on 3g of mushrooms where I was having some slight open eyed visuals, tracers, things moving and swelling, but the CEV were completely different, they were more 'felt' than seen. No doubt I was seeing things, but it wasn't anything like the in your face distinct visuals of LSD. If I were to describe what it was like, the closest I could come is that everything looked like glass tubes, transparent but still there. The only time I had somewhat strong and distinct visuals was when I held a small sapphire up to my third eye.

I have also noticed a similar things when I take small doses of DMT around 5-15mg. If I 'look' for the visuals they don't come easily but if I just feel them they start to come alive.

My final recommendation would be patience and perseverance. Stay on course, take what comes, don't get too hung up on all these what-ifs, what could-of beens, etc, just give it some time, maybe take a bit of a break, come back - try again, so on n' so forth, though stay persistent in working with dmt if you guys choose/if he chooses to, earnest perseverance will most likely pay itself up in the end.

Also, if you're able to - have him learn to take the entire dose in 1-2 gigantic hits [if he's able to], cutting the time down from 4 hits [60second +] to 1-2 hits [10-20 seconds], essentially getting the whole dose in less time and less hits is the name of the game with dmt - when it comes down to getting deep/far with it, ime. I've found that with freebase dmt - for me - if I'm not to where I want to be within 20-30seconds - I typically consider it a futile effort and just hang it up for the day/night... You gotta get the dose in quickly and efficiently. The sandwich method like you guys were using 'can be' effective, but it can take quite a bit of trial and error to dial it in 'just right' to get where you're looking to go. Once dialed in though - the sandwich method for freebase 'can be' extremely effective.

Also for the sandwich method - look into using a small water bubbler or a small 1ft glass bong, ime those two are the perfect device and size.
Its just a thought but maybe he doesnt get CEV because he convinced himself that he cant have them ? Might be a good idea to just accept the experiences for what they are and not expect anything from them.
Thank you for the great advice guys. Running Bear, I think we will try the 2 liter bottle trick. I do think a better smoking method would help greatly for both him and my self. I will tell him to try to consider his experience with psychedelics as unique to him. It is very true that things aren't the same for everybody.

Also, does anybody think it would be smart to turn the freebase into changa? Would this possibly help the experience?
hi 😁
i have/had the same problem actually, but its beginning to dissolve away
3 years of dosing shrooms/shroomhuasca, LSD, ketamine, never had closed eyed visuals
and i went through all possibilities, taken 7grams of dried cubensis lemmon tekked with 9grams of rue (3g doses every 8hours until shroom dose) after fasting for a day, safe to say that was a trip but still, no CEVs
however trying changa i realized, when the line between CEVs and OEVs is removed, there is the terrible Mind Boggling Confounding Profoundness OF Constant Living Fractaline Creation, in other words, visuals
this had direct connection with me actually creating something, something visual, personally i started editing pictures into psychedelic scenery, tickle the amygdala, but far before that, and i think this is what allowed all this, i had come to peace with the lack of visuals
in it all we trust, it all trusts in we
Mr.Joules said:
It stopped working after a lsd trip. I couldent get into heaven anymore.. its just a bodyload with blackness or shady colours intead of the crisp extreme colours.. no euphoria.

I think I'm kind of in the same situation... has it gone back to normal?

I'm taking a 3-4 months off psychedelics, dosing 5-HTP and melatonin, and crossing fingers.. :)
I can relate to is so much. It's also hard for me to get closed eyes visuals even though I have pretty noticeable OEV like patterning, drifting, etc. My threshold for getting CEVs is 5g of dried shrooms where with opened eyes I get full-blown fractal patterning everywhere.
Algodritmo said:
Mr.Joules said:
It stopped working after a lsd trip. I couldent get into heaven anymore.. its just a bodyload with blackness or shady colours intead of the crisp extreme colours.. no euphoria.

I think I'm kind of in the same situation... has it gone back to normal?

I'm taking a 3-4 months off psychedelics, dosing 5-HTP and melatonin, and crossing fingers.. :)

Quoting myself, updating:
- Found out, too late, that 5-HTP was a visuals killer (reported by many on this forum and otjers.) Dropped it completely, and melatonin too, just in case, due to similarities.

Haven't have the time to fully try, but I managed to get some visuals both from DMT and from 150ug LSD (faint though)

I will keep controlling combination and increasing dosage and report back
this might sound weird and could be completely wrong but if you ask him sober to close his eyes and imagine a specific object does he see an image of it in his mind?
if not he may have Aphantasia a harmless condition of being born without the ability to internally visualise imagery
wikipedia Aphantasia
I have wondered how someone with aphantasia would trip ever since i first read of it
Crispycat said:
this might sound weird and could be completely wrong but if you ask him sober to close his eyes and imagine a specific object does he see an image of it in his mind?
if not he may have Aphantasia a harmless condition of being born without the ability to internally visualise imagery
wikipedia Aphantasia
I have wondered how someone with aphantasia would trip ever since i first read of it
I'd say I have that, indeed ...
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