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Procured some "5-MeO" — why is it brown?

Migrated topic.
69ron is right, it's better if you take a scale for first times. I usually don't use it (that brought me to a black out overdose once, that was indeed something beautyful and unexpected), but first times it's a must.

I suggest you to snort it, I think it's the better method (not so mind blowing like smoking, not so mild and long as sublingual), and a start dose can be 8-10 mg if you have good set and setting.

The setting is important in 5-meo I think, don't understimate it. Everything reveals its mystical presence, and doing in your room can be nice, but I personally prefere forest, or other open spaces.

And, btw, I LOVE 5-meo high doses =)(I mean 20 mg snorted, or so)
but can't do them often, it's psychologically very heavy, needs time to recovery.

Keep you psyche and brain in good shape =)
If you dont have a scale, start out very small. swim greatly enjoys large smoked doses of 5-MeO-DMT, but would never suggest someone start out that way even though that seems to be the path of a lot of sonoran venom smokers. No doubt the heavy doses are beyond compare; swim only journeys once or twice during monsoon/alvarius season which leaves swim glowing for the rest of the year, never fully coming down like with some really fluffy pure lsd. As much as swim loves the heavy doses, it still takes a lot of courage to jump into those waters, which is equally as strange given the bliss that ensues when one can surrender fully to the sacrament. 5-MeO-DMT seems to have some sort of ego firewall, and if you do end up taking a large dose, and you find yourself in any degree of confusion or panic, dont try to analyze wtf is going on, just surrender in trust, let go and breathe, and more than likely a quite beautiful and ineffably profound breakthrough will occur. It is at such a point where the confusion or any semblance of worry ceases and everything ∞ makes complete sense. This is of course, just swims experience as well as a handful of others who feel the same.

In swims experience, 5-MeO-DMT is quite personal, and quite tricky to get to work perfectly in dosage terms, as swim feels the underdose is just as unpleasant as the overdose.

Be wise, enjoy!

btw, there is a good book out on 5-MeO-DMT called Tryptamine Palace, its a pretty good read. sorry for the spam. lol
69ron said:
It doesn't look good at all.

It looks plant extracted and possibly like its oxidizing. From what I read 5-MeO-DMT oxidizes fast and it gets sticky/oily and turns brown.

So is it not usable if it has oxidised?
I’ve heard from others that 5-MeO-DMT that has turned brown is less potent but still active.

I don't know if 5-MeO-DMT N-Oxide is really active. Probably. DMT N-Oxide is active and more pleasant than DMT, longer lasting, but also weaker, so maybe the same holds true for 5-MeO-DMT? However, unlike bufotenine, bufotenine N-Oxide is not psychedelic, according to SWIM’s tests. So who knows?
Well, it was definitely active. The effects I had were seemingly a bit different than of those I had read. It did have a heady psychedelic feeling to it akin to L but it really felt like some kind of hardcore narcotic type stuff. I just felt really, really good. My skin felt like puddy but my mind was clear. Interesting stuff to say the least — not even close to as shocking as n,n. I guess had I smoked a larger bit things might have been different but the insufflated route was very nice and the strongest method I encountered.
lurkmode said:
Well, it was definitely active. The effects I had were seemingly a bit different than of those I had read. It did have a heady psychedelic feeling to it akin to L but it really felt like some kind of hardcore narcotic type stuff.

When snorted or taken orally or sublingually, it’s much more like LSD than when smoked. When smoked it can be very unpleasant with lots of “mind fuck”, far more than LSD can produce.

lurkmode said:
I just felt really, really good. My skin felt like puddy but my mind was clear. Interesting stuff to say the least — not even close to as shocking as n,n. I guess had I smoked a larger bit things might have been different but the insufflated route was very nice and the strongest method I encountered.

It’s nothing like DMT. I think you had a low dose, and it seems like you have a salt, and not the freebase form because otherwise smoking would be the most potent route. With a salt, snorting or sublingual use is the most potent route. 5-MeO-DMT is most pleasant when snorted or taken sublingually as a salt. If it’s freebase those methods still give the most pleasant effects but the freebase 5-MeO-DMT burns like hell.

Had it been freebase, and you smoked enough, you’d have a very different experience from it. You wouldn’t be saying its less shocking than DMT, that’s for sure.

SWIM found that most of his friends do not like smoking freebase 5-MeO-DMT at all, but nearly all of them love taking 5-MeO-DMT as a salt sublingually. The experience is so much nicer that way.
Here is what I did:

Got a small amt and put it under my tongue (well some of it on my tongue) and waited. Felt a slight head change about 2-3 mins. later and it built up to feeling like I had taken a small dose of some kind of pain medication. I waited 20 mins. and put a bit more under my tongue a second time. Same effects just slightly stronger that time. Got to thinking how gentle and smooth that had been and decided to take it up a notch.

Chopped up a small line, put the bit stuck to the knife under my tongue (probably as much as the first time) and proceeded to insufflate her. Took about 6 mins. and the burn went away and felt almost like I was rolling or something. Just really smacky feeling but my mind was clear and working overtime. It's really tough to explain what it was like. I really liked the feeling, my speech was a little slurred and nothing really took me aback.

When that wore off some I decided to smoke a bit. I smoked less than I had used sublingually twice. Neither time gave as strong effects as the insufflated route did. It came on pretty slowly and smoothly smoked. It was nice but I enjoyed sniffing it the most. It did hurt like hell and felt like it burned my throat a little.

All in all ... it was very nice and I hope to give it another go soon. Thanks for everyone's input!
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