I hope there are others reading this that have the guts to experiment. they'll see what I mean, and be just as amazed as I am. I know I'm not the only one here :]
You clearly have no idea what I am saying, and I'm OK with that. Barely anyone does...
Imagine if you were able to send your dreams to your friend for analysis (or any memories, thoughts), and she would receive them as feelings and be able to tell you all about them over the phone, or thru an e-mail, without ever making physical or vocal contact. Purely consciousness. Sober.
People call this telepathy, and everyone is skeptical of it until it actually happens.
These experiences simply reveal the interconnected nature of consciousness,
and that by focusing, you can move bits of it through space/time.
The very first time this happened to me I was so astonished...! (just last year)
My friend wasn't. She's used to this thing.
We've been going back and forth since.
For you to sit there and tell me that this is not happening, it's just all in my mind, is ludicrous.
I know this must sound insane to some readers, but guess what...?, it's 100% true and it's how it works, you just need to try!
I would love to be a part of some scientific experiment to prove to the world that this works. How exciting! Where is it?
All I have is the DMT-Nexus. It seems like an appropriate place to discuss the phenomena I've experienced and to try to get people to connect via mind.
It's about as mind blowing as DMT!
No offense at all burnt I am quite passionate about this ability I never thought was possible... It's just another step on the path of evolution.
This will conclude my rant in this thread...thanks for listening + ciao +