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protection against 'evil entities'.

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Senior Member
OG Pioneer
I know peganum harmala is used in eastern and mediteranean regions to protect people against the 'evil eye'.
I've read in some threads on this forum that some forummembers take the possible existence of 'evil entities' very seriously.
If this is the case for you, you might want to consider combining DMT with any source of harmala alkaloïds everytime you take off.
Thats interesting to know, cheers! I definately beleive in negative parasitical entities who can attatch themselves to you. I beleive incenses florida water and certain objects can help protect you, good to know rue could help too :)
well, then we would have to get into a discussion about whether evil entities exist or not.

but existing or not, I think the important is to ´create a sacred space´.. Ritualize your experience, surround yourself by a comforting atmosphere and with meaningful objects, etc.. As the person above said, do whatever you want that feels right.
There are no evil entities.

There are only your fears... (added to human creativity, that makes a lot 'entities' :roll: )

Once this is clear, there is nothing to be protected against.
i do not believe in evil entities, but for those who do it might be comforting to combine the use of DMT with harmala alkaloïds. I think the reason why in ancient times peganum harmala was seen as something that protects against evil is rooted in it's anti-depressant effects and its use against malaria and other parasites. I always feel so relaxed everytime i take ayahuasca that this enables me to take larger amounts of DMT containing plants than i would be normally comfortable with. So i think it at least protects against negative thoughts or feelings you might have during the trip and afterwards.
Burning Palo Santo before a voyage is supposed to keep evil at bay. White Sage was used for purification.
Many books on astral projection mention the lower planes being inhabited by mischevious little pest like entities that can try to mess with you, if DMT does in fact push you out into this area then they could well be a problem, but I have read things like simply laughing at them will scare them off. I also tend to beleive that fear will attract fearful experiences, i always try to meditate and clear my mind and imagine clear white light just before take off and have never felt the scent of evil in my trips.

I have had natural astral projection experiences unaided by spice before and have seen entities that appeared to be evil-like, red things with glowing eyes, i simply did not let them scare me and they left me alone. The realm of the mind is a tricky one to navigate, to know whether or not the evil is a dark part of you or something out there, but there is no out there when your in that other dimension, it doesnt seem to occupy space or time as we know it, it is simply another dimension we tune into.

an interesting topic indeed:wink:
Linga Sarira said:
I also tend to beleive that fear will attract fearful experiences, i always try to meditate and clear my mind and imagine clear white light just before take off and have never felt the scent of evil in my trips

I am a firm believer in this as well. Some of my most uncomfortable voyages were caused by my own fear seconds before the carrier wave swept me away. I have found meditiation to be an invaulable tool to combat this fear as well as to clear my mind of all the mundane things of the day.
Linga Sarira said:
Many books on astral projection mention the lower planes being inhabited by mischevious little pest like entities that can try to mess with you, if DMT does in fact push you out into this area then they could well be a problem

Yes, I believe in these. I've seen them first hand and spoke with many Mayan's about them. They believe in them so much that if you mention their name (which I can't remember) they get up and leave the area. They don't want to attract them at all.

SWIM's been having some horrible journey's lately showing him all sorts of things, such as some really horrible deaths. He's so uncomfortable that he's going to stop using and reasses. Could these things be a foretelling, a warning, or just these evil entities messing with him?
Many books on astral projection mention the lower planes being inhabited by mischevious little pest like entities that can try to mess with you

That's interesting because yesterday I chewed a low dose of salvia divinorum (2g) and was brought to a gothic like underworld with tiny creatures to whom I had very "ambivalent" feelings. They penetrated my body, showed me my body from the inside (that was awesome) and seemed to be grumpy, not very intelligent but harmless beeings.

But then one of the put some kind of "hanger" on me, going through my nose and mnouth and I had to be on the pocket of some giant entity who was wearing me a s a trophy! As I tried to attack that entity, a big "bodyguard" type of spirit protected it. So I attacked the bodyguard but had soon to accept my failure. Then this bodyguard thing wenfrom evil to beeing total friendly...TOO friendly in just a second ...maybe like saying "SEE..you stupid little thing....you have to accept your fate!"

At the end of the trip these little creatures went all inside my head and stopped talking nonsense.
Does anyone believe it is possible for one of these evil entities to mess with your body. Ever since an encounter with one, swims body is attacked when he takes any kind of entheogen, be it LSD, mushrooms or cacti. His heart rate soars to the 160bpm level, which has been extrememly painful and required emergency room visits on two occasions. Swim feels as though when he is in a higher level of consciousness, his mind is being manipulated to speed his heart up to try and kill him. Swim is seriously considering seeking help.
You should get this book bliblob http://www.amazon.com/Practical-Psychic-Self-Defense-Understanding-Influences/dp/1571742212 I recently had quite a hard time on mushrooms, constant impending doom emotions really negative thought loops, people said I looked like I was possesed and they had never seen anything like it. Since that experience ive been having really messed up dreams and im convinced I have some negative entities attatched to me. Just got that book back from my friend and I will be trying a lot of the different techniques in it to try rid myself of them, my dreams have been ridiculous thats supposed to be one of the main ways they attatch themselves to you, through negative core images they implant in your dreams. And I do beleive they could influence you physically.
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