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psilocybe aborts

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Rising Star
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OG Pioneer
I can't seem to find any definitive information on the subject, so I thought I'd just ask on here. Are psilocybe aborts more or less potent per volume than full fruits? Are they better suited for consumption than full fruits? Or would it be better to consume the full fruits and extract from the aborts, if one were so inclined as to extract?
The same amount of psilocybin is in an abort compared to a normal size mushroom. So 3 grams of aborts are going to be more potent than three grams of normal sized mushrooms do to the fact of there being alot more aborts to make up the total weight of 3 grams vs. 3 grams of just a few good sized mushrooms.

Get what i'm saying?
yes the gentlemen above is correct...im new to the site but not new to mushroom cultivation ( my first love) if you ever have any questions just ask....and as far as getting information from the shroomery.....they do have TONS of info...but that doesnt always mean its accurate due to the fact there are so many members with so many diff. points of view. if you would like a good OMC (onlline mushroom community) shroomotopia.net is by far the best one on the net. im lonewolf over there so pm if you need anything...and the other members over there are great...its really one big family as it is over here from what i gather. respectfully- wolf
DMTtripn2Space said:
The same amount of psilocybin is in an abort compared to a normal size mushroom. So 3 grams of aborts are going to be more potent than three grams of normal sized mushrooms do to the fact of there being alot more aborts to make up the total weight of 3 grams vs. 3 grams of just a few good sized mushrooms.

Get what i'm saying?

There is not the same amount of psilocin in an abort as a full sized mushroom. As 1 gram of mushrooms is about say 1 normal sized dried mushroom so eating say 2 grams of mushrooms (2 dried mushrooms) is not the same as eating two aborted mushrooms (which would weight like 30mg max). However many people claim that the aborts are more potent weight for weight than are full sized mushrooms. No one has done an actual study on this however so the difference in potency is not known.

One still needs to eat at sig amount of aborts for effects as SWIM has eaten 5 aborts (.1g) with NO effects.

It seems very unlikely that psilocin is not produced as the mushroom grows which is what you would be suggesting however it does seem that there is an initial higher concentration and the rate of production is still significant. Does anyone know a weight to weight ratio for aborts to regulars?
Unfortunately I don't have scientific metrics to support any of this, but based on my own personal experience I am in complete agreement with bufoman. I've weighed out specific quantities of aborts to match the equivalent of a single, potent, mature specimen of the same strain, from the same flush. I definitely have never gotten the same potency per weight from aborts as I have from a mature, closed cap specimen.

I too have heard many arguments that the aborts are more potent per weight, but my personal experience tells me otherwise. The best thing I've found to do with the aborts is to collect them all, dry them, and put a mass of them in a jar of honey. If you get a nice dense concentration of aborts to honey, then just a couple spoonfuls will treat you well. The honey also preserves the aborts, so you can save this concoction for a time when you are out of mature specimens... I've heard that honey (in some way) will potentiate the alks, but I honesty don't know if there is any truth to that.

I do like to be able to say: "This honey makes me feel funny" though! :d

I always assumed aborts were more potent due to them bluing much darker when bruised (almost black).

My two cents about the honey preservation,
I recall some source reporting that the botulism toxin can still occur in honey preserved shrooms, provided they were undried when stored in the honey.
I would dry them thoroughly before storing in honey, just to be on the safe side.
In my experience, they are much more potent by weight than normal sized mushrooms.

I ate a very small abort right off the cake one morning, not thinking anything of it. It couldn't have weighed more than 1/8gram, TOPS. an hour later, at work, I am wondering why I am so confused....that 1 little abort had affected my mental state...not severly, but I was altered. This has only happened once, I've eaten a mini abort before without any effects.

On other occasions my friend and I ate nothing but aborts 3grams each. WOW, that was not a 3 gram mushroom experience...it felt more like 5-7grams. They are potent, but not all of them are super potent.
I acknowledge that they maybe more potent weight for weight however 1 aborted mushroom does not equal one normal sized mushroom.
It would be nice to do an experiment and see what the minimal quantity (weight) of aborts is to cause a significant psychoactive effect.

Additionally a variety of factors may be at play here including strain, substrate, temperature, humidity,....
aborts are more potent weight by weight but that is neither here nor there......also the longer they are on the cake/tub/etc. the more potent they get you just dont want them to turn black! and yes drying you mushrooms COMPLETELY (preferably with a dehydrator) is recommended before making "blue honey"......sorry for being mr. smarty pants
artaylor7785 said:
aborts are more potent weight by weight but that is neither here nor there......also the longer they are on the cake/tub/etc. the more potent they get you just dont want them to turn black! and yes drying you mushrooms COMPLETELY (preferably with a dehydrator) is recommended before making "blue honey"......sorry for being mr. smarty pants

SWIM thought that the merely take on weight without becoming more potent after a time (about when the veil begins to break).

SWIM's inclined to believe that aborts are slightly more potent by weight from his experience. SWIM would prefer to try and extract from them than eat them however, as they can be difficult to steam anyway.

This is off-topic, but have most people known blue-stained fruits to be significantly more potent than normal fruits. SWIM's aware that this is oxidized psilocin and would assume that any attribution of potency to staining would be simply because they contain so much psilocin that they tend to bruise much more easily.
I have found that aborts will kick your ass. Like stated above an abort contains the same amount of psilocybin as a full grown mushroom. I do not have any scientific research that proves this theory, but this is coming from experience. I have been growing mush for a while and I have experimented quite a bit. I remember when I first started growing I would do them weekly for a whole summer.

I usually save my aborts from my whole grow then save them for a rainy day. I like to dry them and keep them sealed and stored properly. Then all I ever need to do is pop a handfull and off I go. I find that they are easier to chew too. A bunch of tiny mushrooms are actually pretty easy to just swallow.
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