Rising Star
Had an amazing experience on my second psilohuasca trip yesterday.While on a journey I felt my body's energy and a very high vibration which was creating the atmosphere in my room.I was amazed by that alone but then felt the need to take a dump know I had an empty stomach being that I had not eaten in 24 hours but figured I would satisfy my body and try to go anyway.I had my bluetooth headphones on and as I sat on the toilet I could really feel the energy emanating as well as the vibration.When I tried to push to go it caused interference with my headphones and I never have that problem with them unless I go out of range.My player was in my pocket and both were fully charged so I pushed again and it caused the interference again.I kept doing it and every time I pushed it would do this.If I pushed harder it would take longer for the headphones to recover.I played with that for a minute just making sure that this was happening and it was.I was blown away by this and it did not feel to me that my body was causing the interference by emitting energy or something but it felt to me that my body was using more energy to push and was drawing energy from my headphones to compensate.Later I felt this energy and vibration fading and tried this again and nothing.I could push until my insides came out and nothing.This fascinated me though and I will made me think so much about the power of our bodies.I am going to explore this further in other ways.Curious if anyone else experienced something similar.