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Psoriasis physical/mental healing through looking in.


Rising Star
Some personal thoughts on quotes that have helped me through some tough times dealing with physical and mental health.

It's not so much adding what I lacked, it was taking out what I didn't need("bad").
The fine details came from balancing both to achieve progress and healing.

A quote i heard before was absorb that which is useful, discard that is not, and add that which is uniquely your own, It's a Bruce Lee quote, and he actually says "what" where i put that. Where i first heard if never cited their source.

i still claim i know nothing. Only what my body has told me, and observed reactions. well, that, and the craziness.

No source available for this quote, but it resonated and stuck It's something along the lines of that, it's better to be aware of something than to miss something important. The context in which i heard it, was why we see faces in clouds.etc., etc. What may seem as "crazy" may be important.

Both of these quotes are philosophical in nature. What's worked for me, at least is applying these to almost every aspect of my life. Also, the reason i put "bad" earlier is because i believe there may be what you don't want or need, but there's usually some sort of personal wisdom to be gleaned.

we live in a material world and what has the most personal value to me is the body. It does talk, Just have to listen. Struggling with psoriasis has been mentally and physically draining. Especially when every other comercial on T.V. is for an autoimmune.

i refuse to add chemicals that were made in a lab whose side effects are horrible, but personal health can lead to progress as well. The side effects of listening to your body and making lifestyle charges are much better, i assure you.

And finally, why i posted here. Psychedelics in general have been tools i've used to look within, not out.

i'm not saying psyches should be sought after, but, if that's where your path
crosses, keep an open mind. i've also found that i'm left with more questions than answers.

Healed skin after over a decade down-hill slide is... possible and very personal. maybe only relatable to those who've had this experience.
That's the point. My personal philosophy anywho.

Hopefully this is
more sharing inspiration than being preachy. Hex,hex_ _ _ [
Hey there fellow traveller, and welcome!

I could share a few stories about my journey with skin troubles - this is something that will have to come later, however. It's good to hear that your condition has improved (if I'm reading correctly). What was tricky for me was learning what to leave out without becoming neurotic about it.

I'd be very interested to hear more about the insights you've gained. Something that's been a game-changer for me was long-term exploration of harmala alkaloids and Syrian rue.

See you around!
Whoua ! so , harmala and Syrian rue seem to do a good job against Psoriasis , that's great news Transform . i got some for ages and it's such a pain in the neck ... I've heard Amanitas fly agaric does a good job in small doses too . I will definitely try ...
Whoua ! so , harmala and Syrian rue seem to do a good job against Psoriasis , that's great news Transform . i got some for ages and it's such a pain in the neck ... I've heard Amanitas fly agaric does a good job in small doses too . I will definitely try ...
I wouldn't jump to conclusions, since I never actually stated that I'd had psoriasis. That said, there was an autoimmune aspect to my difficulties - but I've also done a lot of other stuff to tackle the issue.
I'd definitely agree that long term skin problems can be incredibly frustrating!
I have eczema (I guess) and hay fever, etc.. I break out from various things. I actually had to retire a year early since I developed a reaction to coolant ('m a machinist) I was working in.
I think we all know the mind/body connection. Many ailments can be greatly improved by/caused by your attitudes, thoughts, yadda.
Anyway, I've found though experience (and read) that skin issues are one of the most affected by your mind. I can think I've gotten into an allergen and begin to itch, actually break out, and then find I was mistaken.
When people talk about using Deems for physical healing, I think it depends on what they are healing. Skin issues, yes, big time. A broken arm, not so much.
Again, i'm not saying psyches alleviate anything, but the power of the mind is undeniable.

The placebo effect is the best example i can give.

As far as my personal insights...

The first thing i did was a 3 day fast. i completely cleaned out my system and started from scratch. i do this regularly and add things that arent part of my normal diet slowly. The biggest gains i saw were from removing wheat and other glutens. Yeah yeah.. i know. Want anything gluten-free and you're paying $5 more for health.

without becoming neurotic about it.
Yes. That is tricky.

One more quote from a book called Plant Paradox was we are what we eat ate. Feed a cow/chicken/pig/fish... corn, wheat and soy to get them fat quick, but those products, that aren't part of their or our natural diet, can be harmful. Not to mention the land destruction from unsustainable farming.

The mental aspect is the hardest challenge. You feel like a pariah, dirty and unclean. An untouchable if you will.
ailments can be greatly improved by/caused by your attitudes, thoughts, yadda.
Not getting trapped inside your own head or stuck in a negative loop everyday is a challenge. Psychedelics do help cope in a sense. It's a knowing there's something more to everything, but also knowing there's never any way to prove or quantify it.

One last thing that was a hurdle was being selfish. Working on myself for myself. Not for someone else and not to prove anything to someone. If i don't know what it takes myself happy, i can't expect someone else to know.
Autoimmune "dis" "ease" is the body attacking itself. It manifests in different ways, but there's a reason things like this are becoming more common and the same medicine treats multiple auto's. Blocking the inflammation and reactions is exactly that, blocking. Modern lifestyle style medicine doesn't like to treat the source of the problem, just weaken the immune system and pump out drugs to the public.
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