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Psychedelics and ADHD

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Senior Member
OG Pioneer
I've searched the forum and come up with bits of info here and there, but I'm wondering if there's any good data out regarding the treatment of ADHD with psychedelics.

I'm specifically interested in the application of LSD in microdoses for this purpose, if anyone has any anecdotal experience with that.

Apologies if this information is already available.

I doubt very much you will find any journals or studies on this as it is far too early what with all the ridiculous war on drugs still happening, all we are left with is experience reports.

I just did a huge search on shroomery for microdosing yesterday and found majority of people reporting the same thing. This included; increased awareness, visual acuity, emotions, positive energy and enthusiasm. These effects are lited in conjunction with the fact that they were able to engage in everyday life (experientially) to the same degree as they would whilst sober. However there were 50/50 mixed reports on having the best sleep ever and people stopping microdosing because it ruined there slept if done more than two days in a row.

I don't think you wouldn't get much of a good result if you thought of increasing the dose to much more than threshold effects (or at least sub-oev) as it would have a deleterious effect on ones ability to stay with the task at hand (ACC & vmPFC). This is why I only mention microdosing.

I have suffered attention difficulties most of my life and was quite bad ADHD when I was in high school but once maturity set in the Hyper left and I was left with just ADD, lol. Anyway, I think everyone agrees that majority of the time serotonergics give one a a sense of calm or bliss and makes endeavors a lot easier to undertake, the downside is that if go over a certain dosage it pays a cost to ones attention span, getting distracted by childlike imaginings etc.
Thanks for the reply fathomlessness.

I've never been diagnosed with ADHD or ADD but I've always struggled with a short attention span, and I've found microdoses of LSD more than anything else help tremendously with completing projects and just generally staying focused.

The reason I ask about this is because I have a close friend who is diagnosed with ADHD, but who doesn't want to continue his prescribed medication due to perceived adverse side effects. He's also a very emotionally reactive person, he gets worked up about little things and his aggressive attitude has left him pretty isolated and lonely. I personally think he could benefit tremendously from psychedelics, primarily to help manage his ADHD, but I know he'd want to see some legit research or hear from someone else who's actually diagnosed and who's had success managing symptoms with psychedelics.

And yeah, in his case I definitely think microdoses are the way to go--at least for helping to focus.
LSD is an extraordinarily distracting drug, especially so at super jittery & stringily uncomfortable sub-threshold doses.

IMO & IME, dextroamphetamine with a splash of STFU and a hint of meditation on the side is the way to go when it comes to this pseudo-scientific excuse for the mass over-prescription of amphetamine, a miraculous compound which the West so self-destructively considers itself in dire need of.
Godsmacker said:
LSD is an extraordinarily distracting drug, especially so at super jittery & stringily uncomfortable sub-threshold doses.

IMO & IME, dextroamphetamine with a splash of STFU and a hint of meditation on the side is the way to go when it comes to this pseudo-scientific excuse for the mass over-prescription of amphetamine, a miraculous compound which the West so self-destructively considers itself in need of.
Regarding LSD: OP mentioned microdosing and not sub-threshold dosages so I am not sure what your post is adding to this thread.

Then your remark about the dextroamphetamine, that one is really condescending and not the way we should be having a conversation on this site, please change that in the future. I personally know a few people for whom dextroamphetamine is the only thing that makes them able to work in daily life again so your personal vendetta against this substance makes little sense to me.

Then back to the topic at hand. Microdosing LSD helped me a lot with my concentration when I needed a project to be done fast. What I did notice with the microdosing was that one microdose lasted a few days, for me this resulted in taking one microdose every three days as quite workable.

I took my microdose just after breakfast, and for me a microdose was about 25mic. I did not have any issues sleeping with this.

Kind regards,

The Traveler
I would microdose iboga for ADHD.

Grounding, slower, more friendly toward getting a good night's sleep.

Focuses me well on what's important.
RhythmSpring said:
I would microdose iboga for ADHD.

Grounding, slower, more friendly toward getting a good night's sleep.

Focuses me well on what's important.
Nice !
I still have my little stock of iboga untouched :) (and would only consider using it at "full" dose with the Bwitis anyway :p )
How much (in mg) would you consider a microdose ?
RhythmSpring said:
I would microdose iboga for ADHD.

Grounding, slower, more friendly toward getting a good night's sleep.

Focuses me well on what's important.

Interesting suggestion. I'm definitely interested in iboga for myself, but I'd have to talk to my friend to see if that's something he'd be open to. I've read that regular microdoses of iboga begin to stack over time though, which could be problematic.
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