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Psychedelics from not that much MJ? (resin)

Migrated topic.
I'm pretty high right now and I'm listening to Magical Mystery Tour (the whole album, not the song), and I just got lost in thought stretching on my bed, and then I looked at the window (with the blinds down) and it started twisting and waving, it kind of reminded me of 2C-B or a shrooms visual but without the added colors. I smoked two bowls of some really compact resin, one out of a pipe and one out of a bong. Is it normal to get some stuff like this from doses like this? I've heard that MJ can get pretty psychedelic but I've smoked a good amount of bud and haven't gotten much like this before.

And I guess another question, on that note, does anyone know how far you can push the limits of MJ? Like just how powerful of a psychedelic is it?
The effects from smoking will plateau eventually, meaning that smoking more won't get you appreciably higher. Edibles don't seem to have this restriction, so if you want to explore the psychedelic side of cannabis this would be the way to go. 2g or so of potent buds in a brownie will do the trick.
Ganja's not something you want to push the limits of.
I once ate too many hash cookies and woke up in the middle of the night unable to move my fingers, unable to walk, I was tripping harder than I could ever remember...I was pretty scared I had severely depressed my CNS.

I was out of commission for a few days!
Wow! :shock: That sounds like an experience, haha. I'm sure I'd be freaking out.

Alright, I guess I'll have to start making some hash food then! And I'll make sure not to eat too many, ha.
yes cannabis gets really really really weird at high doses..especially when eaten and when used occasionally..
It can also be extremely uncomfortable. I tend to freak out more on high doses of cannabis than on any other psychedelic..including shrooms and DMT..I dont know why..it just fucks with my head.
I can second that fractal. It is a lot easier to freak out on cannabis on the high doses than there is on any other psychedelic, but it also depends a little bit on the strain and the balance of CBD and THC in the plant material. Anyway, cannabis can be strong and trippy as hell but a lot of stoners doesnt seem to get this. And then they stumble upon some great stuff, smoke alot of it, havent been smoking in a while and they get reeeally weird and think something is wrong.
Spacecake is cetainly trippy. The only bad trip I have ever had was afer eating 3 slices of a very potent cake in a completely wrong setting. Some of us that had arrived later did not eat any cake, instead they were having fun with a paintball gun. This was not at all amusing and put me in allot of stress and feelings of anxiety. Not that they were shooting at me me but all the busy stuff going on while I was being sucked into the couch I was sitting on... It was too much. I thought I would loose it and black out. Later I got sick. And it was hell in the bathroom. To me spacecake provides more of a mindfuck, then an actual trip (as in spritual experience on psychedelics). I dont like the spacecake as an psychedelic. It is braindead at best, and paranoia and anxiety at worst. But on low doses it can be fun. Allot of laughing always, sure.

But what is so trippy about space cake? What puts the 'space' in spacecake?
It is such a different experiece compared to smoked cannabis. I have read THC is bound to the fat molecules in the butter (that is used to make the cake). The other 'junk' (including the plantmaterial) from the cannabis stays in the water wherein you boiled the plantmaterial and butter. So the solidified butter (after cooling) that is scooped off contains the active molecules, THC in particular, maybe CBD also I dont know. Spacecake is more of a THC experience, compared to smoking cannabis (there are more different molecules in the smoke). I tend to think so because the quality of the experience is so much different. Also by eating spacecake (or spacecookies or whatever spacebutter food) it is possible to take allot of THC. None of it gets exhaled. Also it might be possible the boiling of the cannabis-butter-soup will destroy some of the different molecules originaly present in the cannabisresin, so to increase the concentration of THC, or in some other way changing the color and intensity of the experience.

Btw you heard of the other endogenous molecule (not anandamide) that is binding to THC receptors?
^actaully when you eat cannabis I dont think THC is what makes you trip..apparently the cannabinoids undergo some metabolic process that changes them into something more psychedelic..thats what eating it is so different.

Goot point Citta about the ratios of cannabinoids..some cannabinoids down regulate the stimulatin and psychedelic effects of THC..acting as anti-psychotics.
Well, I still haven't managed to bake any space food, but I'm pretty high again right now, and I'm definitely getting something again. I kept thinking I was seeing patterns around lights or waves on flat surfaces, and I looked at my laptop and saw a really, really faint but visible psychedelic wheel spinning around with multiple layers (each spinning in opposite directions) with a gear turning sound, so I stood up and got a lot of junk noise input and felt wavy. I don't know what it is, maybe this bud is just really good, but I'm definitely getting this a lot lately. Maybe I just perma-fried myself somehow and I now I have a lower natural tolerance... 😉
Nakamashi❀ᴇxtract said:
Well, I still haven't managed to bake any space food, but I'm pretty high again right now, and I'm definitely getting something again. I kept thinking I was seeing patterns around lights or waves on flat surfaces, and I looked at my laptop and saw a really, really faint but visible psychedelic wheel spinning around with multiple layers (each spinning in opposite directions) with a gear turning sound, so I stood up and got a lot of junk noise input and felt wavy. I don't know what it is, maybe this bud is just really good, but I'm definitely getting this a lot lately. Maybe I just perma-fried myself somehow and I now I have a lower natural tolerance... 😉
Usually I stop smoking before I could get close to that level of psychedelic-ness from marijuana :(. Once I get so high my whole body starts shaking like I'm freezing, then it starts to move to my chest and I get paranoid about my heart spasming. Sometimes my arms and chest hurt and shit so I just have to stop and walk around a bit. Most of the shit around here is indica strain though.

Mmmm... I love me some resin though. My friend's chillum hasn't been cleaned for months. The whole thing was black pretty much, so we thought resin was just coating the sides. It ends up there were like 4 HUGE balls of resin it it.
Edibles with a good amount of good hash oil send me off into a light psychedelic bliss... some slight visual distortions, a very genuine feeling euphoria, it's just tops.
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