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Psychedelics vs "drugs"

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
I love this trip report.

Telepathically the medicine was saying, “You only need to come here when you forget! Remember that the miracle is the dimension you normally live in. The more you can find the Divine in what you think of as the ordinary world, the less often you need to come back here.”
The lesson (of which I’ve had variations in the past) was this: We are welcome to come to this place (the other dimension) when we need reminding, but we must not obsess that the miracle is somehow “over there.” The real miracle is in the physical world we normally inhabit, all around us. The problem is that everything has decayed into a cliché. We look at trees and grass and the Sun and stars and just think, “Oh yeah, same old trees, grass, Sun, stars, etc.” We forget we’re living inside a miracle, and are miracles ourselves. It’s the purview of sages to be fully present, and we fall short.

Ayahuasca reminds us (deeply) of the Great Mystery.

Psychedelics help me remember the immense miracle of regular life. Drugs are things that beckon "hey, the real party is over here." For me this includes alcohol (though less these days) and marijuana, as well as "fun" doses of some psychedelics.

Anyone else feel this way?
Everything is divine. Everything is God. The great mystery is truth.
The truth is love. The lesson is that we are one.
Everything is divine. Everything is God. The great mystery is truth.
The truth is love. The lesson is that we are one.

What ETERNAL said ^^^^^^^^:love: :love: :love:

...oh, and "The One" that everything "is" is an Unsolvable Paradox. At least until the ego disintegrates...then, anything goes. :shock:
I have read the whole article. Enjoyed to do so.

I do agree that the dimension we live in is a miracle. But that does not take away the fact that for me the other dimensions are an even greater mystery. And vice versa. Our dimension is seen from others probably a greater mystery. That is the way I see it.

And the author says ‘The more you can find the Divine in what you think of as the ordinary world, the less often you need to come back here’. That’s the point, I want to go back. For me there is no need to not come back. Who does not want to visit that miracle again and again and again? So I am not too sure if that is a lesson I want ayahuasca teaching me :).

A bit off topic but worth mentioning. In trip reports people, including me, always tell about the other dimensions. I guess everyone assumes that they are the fourth, fifth, sixth etc. Well, I recently experienced something very remarkable that I never ran across in trip reports. In this trip I was shrunk into the second dimension. I was reduced to a surface. As a razor blade I cut through everything and it was a magnificent experience.

Thanks for sharing the link.
dharmadhatu said:
I love this trip report.

Telepathically the medicine was saying, “You only need to come here when you forget! Remember that the miracle is the dimension you normally live in. The more you can find the Divine in what you think of as the ordinary world, the less often you need to come back here.
The lesson (of which I’ve had variations in the past) was this: We are welcome to come to this place (the other dimension) when we need reminding, but we must not obsess that the miracle is somehow “over there.” The real miracle is in the physical world we normally inhabit, all around us. The problem is that everything has decayed into a cliché. We look at trees and grass and the Sun and stars and just think, “Oh yeah, same old trees, grass, Sun, stars, etc.” We forget we’re living inside a miracle, and are miracles ourselves. It’s the purview of sages to be fully present, and we fall short.

Ayahuasca reminds us (deeply) of the Great Mystery.

Psychedelics help me remember the immense miracle of regular life. Drugs are things that beckon "hey, the real party is over here." For me this includes alcohol (though less these days) and marijuana, as well as "fun" doses of some psychedelics.

Anyone else feel this way?

And the cherry on top:

Everything is...

strtman said:
A bit off topic but worth mentioning. In trip reports people, including me, always tell about the other dimensions. I guess everyone assumes that they are the fourth, fifth, sixth etc. Well, I recently experienced something very remarkable that I never ran across in trip reports. In this trip I was shrunk into the second dimension. I was reduced to a surface. As a razor blade I cut through everything and it was a magnificent experience.

Interesting! Do you have a trip report or more detailed explanation of this? Would love to read it.
A drug is quite a broad term for a lot of things. Psychedelics are drugs at the end of the day, whether or not you use them for fun or introspection, it's still the same thing. Drugs don't have to be for fun and it is a common misconception that it is all they are for.
I don't know whether my personal blabla helps or contributes but here it is anyway...

In my youth i had tons of fun with psychedelics. My experiences with my friends exploring the city and country high as kites, helped form my world view in the midst of some serious partying. There was unavoidable growth and its a part of my life I'm thankful for.

I'm my older years, i returned to them as medicine, using them with the intent to heal the massive pain and responses to trauma that i have gathered in my journey.

I made many many mistakes on that journey with drugs, and pretty much included all of them at one point or another without any consideration for moderation. My path included lots of experimentation but i feel that it was a healthy curiosity of a powerful mind to explore its promises and possibilities. The cultural and social mores of American society in the 1980s and the ignorant ingrained puritanical moralistic hyperbole of "brain-on-drugs-just-say-no" is what caused me problems.

My quest brought me up against teachers who told me the obvious lie to scare us away from it that marijuana would 'make your eyes bleed' so i figured they must be lying about crack and heroin too right?

So yeah, there's drugs and there's drugs. There is getting high and there's partying. There's intent and there's just wanting relief from monotony. There's medicines and there's poisons, some may heal you some may make you think they are. And a whole lot more. But when it cones down to it it is your relationship with substance and consumption not the substance itself.
HolySmoke wrote:

Interesting! Do you have a trip report or more detailed explanation of this? Would love to read it.

Like most experiences hard to explain. It felt as being part of a surface that cut through everything like a circular saw. Or becoming one with the cutting edge of a razor blade.

During the trip I did not have any notion of depth and could only see the contours of that what was in front of me. It was impossible to look sideways. My eyes were locked.

See it as a painter that draws persons and objects on a canvas from left to right. Then the person most left, me as a tripper, comes to life and starts moving to the right. Only the contours of the first object, a surface, is visible. Then by slicing this you become aware of what it is. Of course this is a paradox because you cannot slice through something that does not have depth.

It sounds all too crazy but this is how I passed through it.
null24 said:
There's medicines and there's poisons, some may heal you some may make you think they are. And a whole lot more. But when it cones down to it it is your relationship with substance and consumption not the substance itself.

Never a truer word spoken.

The only thing I will add is that it requires great honesty with ones own self to be aware of our true relationship with any substance. The mind is very good at persuading us to see what we want to see rather than what actually is there.
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