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Psychoactive Lichen!!!...Novel Entheogen needs Research!

Migrated topic.
PsilocybeChild said:
Collema flaccidum purportedly contains bufotenin.

That one species that is reported as like a psychedelic that gets icelanders high is also available from a site or two online.
Bufotenine also occurs in several species of Amanita - which gave rise to one of its alternative names, mappine (from A. mappa syn. A. citrina - the false death cap) - so it's not entirely surprising to find it in assocation with another fungally related species.

Looking at that Collema flaccidum, there was a huge patch of something very similar outside the gates of a place where I used to work! (May be it would be fruitful to go back and have a look...)

Do we have an ID on that Icelandic species? Otherwise it still seems a bit anecdotal and I wouldn't be surprised to find it turns out to be an elaborate Icelandic prank :lol: The article suggests that it is Parmotrema menyamyaense although subsequent follow-up still leaves this somewhat unclear to me: "the mid slopes of the Eastern Himalayas" are claimed by some to be its endemic region, rather than the Arctic. What am I missing? (A higher degree in biochemical lichenology, by the looks of it!)

Psychoactive Lichen (have we come any further than this since 2009?)
I think we're talking trace amounts. A. citrina is considered sort of edible. Its name suggests extreme caution as it would be easy to mix it up with the true death cap!

Information about bufo-containing amanitas is eminently findable, I don't have it to hand and would rather be getting on with something else right now 😉
Someone please ID the lichen species I posted!! Second time smoking it out of a brand new bong, and I can def confirm it gives a nice cannabis-like high. Wonder If it could be easy to grow and extract.
@PsilocybeChild iam no lichen expert, but the pictures posted look like Parmela Conspersa.
No need to grow it (besides for fun) because it's already growing wild almost EVERYWHERE.
Several people reported similar experiences... That is very exciting, and deserves research.
I poked around and looked at a couple samples growing locally and it dawned on me how difficult it is to differentiate between types of lichens, but wow what an interesting discovery. Was surprised to see this topic fade into obscurity, but I guess folks don't generally lichen new things. The surface of the earth is pretty much carpeted with the stuff though, just be mindful if you go collecting samples to ID, some of these take centuries to grow to any size and some of them are pretty toxic.
In the case of Iceland's mystery active lichen, if it's Cetraria islandica or similar in appearance, it could be easily mistaken for moss and overlooked.

Customs Agent: Do you have anything to declare?
Twitchy: Just this rotten log from Ecuador.
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