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Purifying dmt

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
I was able to make my own DMT at home but it came out a little yellow with a little bit of sticky in it.

Can I just redissolve the DMT into naptha and remove the yellow impurities?
yeah you can do that, it's called recrystalisation.
With just warm naphta (not hot), it should be ok after 2/3 pass of this (depending of your purity of starting product)
Aberdolph said:
I was able to make my own DMT at home but it came out a little yellow with a little bit of sticky in it.

Can I just redissolve the DMT into naptha and remove the yellow impurities?

The method I used for this was to put your dirty dmt in a beaker wth warm naphtha. Swirl it around and mix it up. DMT will become suspended in the naphtha. You'll see the impurities fall to the bottom of the beaker and concentrate in the centre. Then put the beaker in the freezer for an hour. Take out of freezer. The crud and gunk will stick to the bottom of your beaker. After this, pour all naphtha (with dmt) in a clean pyrex, leaving the gunk behind in the beaker. Dispose of this gunk. Put the pyrex back in the freezer and leave it 18-24 hours to freeze and crystalize. Next day pull it out, dump the naphtha out (through a coffee filter to catch suspended DMT), dry out the pyrex and scrape your clean DMT out. I've lost next to no DMT in this cleaning process.
NikkiPotnick1981 said:
Aberdolph said:
I was able to make my own DMT at home but it came out a little yellow with a little bit of sticky in it.

Can I just redissolve the DMT into naptha and remove the yellow impurities?

The method I used for this was to put your dirty dmt in a beaker wth warm naphtha. Swirl it around and mix it up. DMT will become suspended in the naphtha. You'll see the impurities fall to the bottom of the beaker and concentrate in the centre. Then put the beaker in the freezer for an hour. Take out of freezer. The crud and gunk will stick to the bottom of your beaker. After this, pour all naphtha (with dmt) in a clean pyrex, leaving the gunk behind in the beaker. Dispose of this gunk. Put the pyrex back in the freezer and leave it 18-24 hours to freeze and crystalize. Next day pull it out, dump the naphtha out (through a coffee filter to catch suspended DMT), dry out the pyrex and scrape your clean DMT out. I've lost next to no DMT in this cleaning process.

It might not take a hour. It all depends on your freezer settings so make sure you look at it every 10-15min your first time. If you notice you waited to long all you have to do is reheat the beaker and redissolve the dmt and try it again. Make sure you cover the beaker up before you place it in the freezer. Clean dmt is less harsh and smooth to smoke so a Re-x is worth your time in my opinion :)..
NikkiPotnick1981 said:
Aberdolph said:
I was able to make my own DMT at home but it came out a little yellow with a little bit of sticky in it.

Can I just redissolve the DMT into naptha and remove the yellow impurities?

The method I used for this was to put your dirty dmt in a beaker wth warm naphtha. Swirl it around and mix it up. DMT will become suspended in the naphtha. You'll see the impurities fall to the bottom of the beaker and concentrate in the centre. Then put the beaker in the freezer for an hour. Take out of freezer. The crud and gunk will stick to the bottom of your beaker. After this, pour all naphtha (with dmt) in a clean pyrex, leaving the gunk behind in the beaker. Dispose of this gunk. Put the pyrex back in the freezer and leave it 18-24 hours to freeze and crystalize. Next day pull it out, dump the naphtha out (through a coffee filter to catch suspended DMT), dry out the pyrex and scrape your clean DMT out. I've lost next to no DMT in this cleaning process.

Personally I separate the impurities by decanting while the naphtha is cooling down. I don't place it in a freezer for 1 hour. I don't like using a coffee filters as I'm afraid DMT will get trapped in it as the remaining naphtha in the paper warms up dissolving some DMT. But I never tested it so might be wrong.
some one said:
NikkiPotnick1981 said:
Aberdolph said:
I was able to make my own DMT at home but it came out a little yellow with a little bit of sticky in it.

Can I just redissolve the DMT into naptha and remove the yellow impurities?

The method I used for this was to put your dirty dmt in a beaker wth warm naphtha. Swirl it around and mix it up. DMT will become suspended in the naphtha. You'll see the impurities fall to the bottom of the beaker and concentrate in the centre. Then put the beaker in the freezer for an hour. Take out of freezer. The crud and gunk will stick to the bottom of your beaker. After this, pour all naphtha (with dmt) in a clean pyrex, leaving the gunk behind in the beaker. Dispose of this gunk. Put the pyrex back in the freezer and leave it 18-24 hours to freeze and crystalize. Next day pull it out, dump the naphtha out (through a coffee filter to catch suspended DMT), dry out the pyrex and scrape your clean DMT out. I've lost next to no DMT in this cleaning process.

Personally I separate the impurities by decanting while the naphtha is cooling down. I don't place it in a freezer for 1 hour. I don't like using a coffee filters as I'm afraid DMT will get trapped in it as the remaining naphtha in the paper warms up dissolving some DMT. But I never tested it so might be wrong.

I don't use a freezer or coffee filter either lol. But I did the freezer thing when I first started and I had a feeling he was going to do it that way.. Even if you do the freezer thing I wouldn't use a coffee filter..
Many people like the yellow DMT more.

After re-x, I have even smoked the brown oily residue and it was fully active and pleasant :) So don't throw that out.

Recrystallization is very easy though you need to get hand of it. I do several pulls to get most DMT from the material. Then saturate the solution by evaporation and the freeze-precipitate.

It is also possible to put crystals in a coffee filter and wash with ice cold 10% ammonia solution, this effectively removes some discoloration, but this is nasty stuff and the vapours are toxic too.
I agree the off white, yellow or even orangee colours are fine and offer a pleasant experince. However, I think the OP was trying to clean the base material that was accidentally pulled with his ext. Nothing about the base material is pleasant, as it is drenched in lye. :shock:
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