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[Q's] DMT & Harmaloids, Base vs Salt, Oral vs Vapor vs Anal

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Again I'm not sure where this post should go, but this area seemed to be most relevant.

Swim understands that the salt cannot be smoked but the base can. Swim also understands that DMT base will turn back into salt in the stomache when ingested. Swim is not sure if the same is true for Harmaloid base but figures it probably is. Swim's wife is not a smoker and may be interested in other options of administering doses. Swim is considering cool-aid-huasca. Swim's other half might be interested in anal administration.

Can DMT base be mixed with cool-aid and drank or should it go in lemon-aid instead?

Can the Harmaloid base be mixed with cool-aid and drank or should it go in lime-aid instead?

If they can be put in cool-aid and drank, what flavors do you think would be best? (I'm thinking grape for Harmaloids and cherry for DMT, or maybe rasberry for Harmaloids and tropical punch for DMT.)

Can the DMT base be put in a supository capsule and just inserted as is, or does it need to have some kind of oil such as butter to be absorbed analy?

Are you smiling or laughing?

Should Swim participate with Swim's other half in order to be fare and experience administration by each of these methods (drink, smoke, and bugger-da-bum)?
dmt freebase isn't going to dissolve in kool-aid. For oral dosing, just put it into a gelcap and eat it. (after inhibiting mao of course)

Anally, i don't think maoi is required. but i for one don't like things going in my ass.

and DMT salt i think is pretty difficult to orchestrate. But i'm sure it's possible.

I would suggest orally dosing it if you are truly against smoking it. It's not the same experience, but it's worth trying. There are several topics here discussing maoi's and oral dosing of dmt.
dmt freebase isn't going to dissolve in kool-aid. For oral dosing, just put it into a gelcap and eat it. (after inhibiting mao of course)
Yeah, Swim didn't really think it would dissolve per say (the cool-aid doesn't seem to dissolve either) but mixed up well one might expect it just free floats in the cool-aid. However, what Swim is wondering is, if it is put into lemon juice, would this help convert it to a salt that would begin to mix in the water? Swim could then use that to make lemon-aid.

Swim understands it doesn't really matter with freebase DMT, but what Swim is really looking for is that freebase harmaloids can be taken orally and that they also convert as needed similar to DMT.

Anally, i don't think maoi is required. but i for one don't like things going in my ass.

and DMT salt i think is pretty difficult to orchestrate. But i'm sure it's possible.

Swim is a long time smoker. Unfortunately, Swim has smoked for over 25 years and has inhaled some pretty harsh stuff. The only think that went into Swims lungs and nearly killed him was done so by accident when trying to open a 5 gallon bucket of chlorine for the cement pond. Swim passed out and his friends took him to the hospital immediately. So, needless to say, the prospect of inhaling some harsh spice doesn't cause a moments hesitation for Swim.

Swim's wife, on the other hand does not smoke and generally doesn't like the prospect of it. And Swim's other half is curious about many things but Swim is concerned that the other half might want for mutual participation.

So to clarify, what Swim is trying to find out before possibly waisting spice is, will the spice be absorbed directly or does it require a medium that will dissolve it such as butter?

I would suggest orally dosing it if you are truly against smoking it. It's not the same experience, but it's worth trying. There are several topics here discussing maoi's and oral dosing of dmt.

As Swim understands it, DMT can be administered as a freebase in any of these ways but cannot be administered intravenously (but that doesn't matter because Swim won't do needles). But Swim is unsure if the DMT requires an oil based medium such as butter in order to be absorbed through the tissues inside the bum, or can it be put directly in?

The main issue though is concerning the Harmaloid freebase. Ideally, Swim would like to just have one Harmaloid powder rather than having a salt for taking orally and a freebase to smoke, Swim would prefer to be able to just have the freebase and be able to smoke it or take it orally. So Swim wants to know if this will work. Does the Harmaloid freebase convert into a salt when in the stomache, just the same as DMT does?

Sorry if some of that was redundant, I was being attacked by a couple of miniature people and it was difficult to concentrate.
I'm not sure about anally..i've heard of butter being used..but eh.

As for the maoi. Just get 3.5 grams of syrian rue seeds, grind them up, and do a quick lemon extract (50ml lemon juice, 150ml water, soak overnight and filter twice, drink up on an empty stomach)

take that. wait 30-45 min. then eat the dmt freebase. (just put it in a gel cap) oral dosing requires more spice, 100-150mg would be a fine starting point i would think for someone with any experience. Expect it to last about 3 hours.

Save the vaporizing for those alone times, unless swim's wife can be persuaded into it that is, lol.
Swim generally doesn't like the way most liquid extracts settle in the stomach. Swim would rather smoke the freebase Harmaloids then smoke the freebase DMT half an hour later. But anyway, I think the idea is to have the two substances in a single form so that they can both be administered however chosen according to whim.

Ideally, Swim would have one stash of Harmaloid freebase and one stash of DMT freebase. Of course, this is only going to work this way if we can confirm that the Harmaloid freebase can be absorbed in the stomach. Swim will find out, but he was just hoping that someone would know from experience beforehand. I'm sure that Swim will end up wasting a bit trying to find the proper dosage, assuming it can be absorbed in the stomach in it's freebase form. Swim believes it should be able to but doesn't know for sure.
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