I wrote this a while back after a night with no sleep. I think it's an interesting topic and think people here might enjoy it.
Recently I have been thinking about some very interesting relationships involving DMT, Quantum Mechanics(QM), and Parallel Universes(PU). Obviously this is all conjecture but it can open up some interesting ideas about what is experienced during a breakthrough. What I start out with is building up the knowledge points that will be strung back together in the end so try not to get lost.
Before I go any further, I'll attempt to describe QM to the best of my ability for those who don't know what it is. Keep in mind this is meant to be a simple explaination and can probably be described better. I'm no expert in QM so if you find a problem, feel free to let me know.
Quantum Mechanics (QM)
QM is basically the study of matter interacting with energy on the scale of atoms and subatomic particles. You can think of this easier as so: light can display behaviors of both particles and waves, and matter can display behaviors of waves and particles. Two principles of QM that we'll focus on are Quantum Superposition(QS) and Quantum Entanglement(QE).
QS is pretty much describing a particle in an "uncertain" state. For what we are talking about, the best way I can think to describe this is the Schrödinger's cat thought experiment. This can be seen in the Double-slit Experiment where a directed laser beam is split between 2 slits, detected, and recording the resulting pattern. The splitting of the light and resulting pattern indicates behavior of a wave and is not what is expected of a particle behavior. Now if you use a detector to observe each photon, you will see that the photons only move through 1 slit and not both.
QE can be thought of as a Faster-Than-Light data transference. Technically this is not a good way to describe QE but it will work for what we're discussing. If 2 particles are entangled, their states will be dependent on each other. The entangled particles don't actually transfer their data as we can measure the entangled particles through distances that would take light much longer to reach than the entanglement took to measure. Without going into specifics about who measured who first, this will work for now.
Parallel Universe (PU)
Before defining why, I will specify what we mean by PU. Here we will be using the idea that there can be unlimited PUs with even more being created. Each PU can have it's own set of parameters and many of the fixed variables in our universe could be different in another. We are also taking into account that each PU has a definitive "start" to expansion. From these we can conclude that each PU has a limited number of variations that the particles can be configured in but still enough to have relatively similar structure to a number of other PUs.
Now that we have an unlimited set of limited configuration PUs, where are they in relation to each other? Well there is a few important pieces of information that we will be going by.
1. The Cold Spot. This is pretty controversial as being described as the cause of a PU but it remains a possibility. The cause is said to be QE between particles in the universes before separation after the initial expansion. The main thing we can take away here is this, if the Cold Spot is the result of a PU pressing against our current universe, it would make this next piece of information much more likely.
2. QM could be explained with PUs. This theory states that PUs that are next to each other would help better explain how QM works by stating that each universe individually has what we would consider a correctly behaving quantum particle. Going back to QS, this theory can explain QS as when an observation is made, each other "uncertain" state that a particle can exist in will break off and form another PU that is slightly different from its parent PU.
All of this is great but how does DMT fit into this equation?
So here we have DMT that causes intense experiences and brain activity similar to a seizure. If you are waiting for me to tell you that QM is the cause of our DMT experience, I'm afraid I don't know...
BUT there is one thing we can take away from this...
Assuming that our universe is not alone and it it just one of many universes, one of these universes are "next to ours", and that these two universes creates what we call QM, that DMT has a possibility of actually showing you another physical reality.
If DMT really is the link between these universes, are they on the same energy level as we are? Is it an added layer of visual (3d) dimension? Is what we see just a representation of our place in space time compared to the space time in this other universe? Maybe the barriers between the two create a dimensional static that we perceive as "hallucinations".
How can DMT be a link between PUs?
This is where QE comes into the equation. Up until recently, most physicists believed that QM only applied at the microscopic level and that larger objects had no signs of QM being a factor. Well this notion is starting to change. Physicists and Biologists now believe that QM also happens within macro-objects. This could mean that it is possible for DMT to create an environment within the brain that would be host to behaviors of QE.
Lets assume that DMT somehow creates an environment in the brain to host these behaviors. Does this also happen in the real world? Are there certain environments where QE is more likely to occur? Yes, there is. You can also do an experiment to Detect QE in action. So if DMT also raises the chance of QE happening in the brain, what does this mean?
Assuming that there are PUs as described above and that QM is the result of two or more PUs that are "next" to each other, QE in the brain could be connecting the particles in your brain with the particles from another universe. This has several possible implications.
1. Your brain is picking up signals from an alternate version(or multiple versions) of yourself. If this is the case, you can imagine what kind of chaos this might cause for the person experiencing this. Multiple thoughts, multiple outcomes, if one is dreaming, etc. It would be astounding and very interesting. This alternate version might not even look like you and could look just like the common entities that we see. With the variable universe expansion rates, it could even be coming from another position in time.
2. Your brain is picking up signals from a PU that is far different from our own. Meaning that what we see and experience is just what that PU is at that point in time. In other words, it IS a "physical" place. That PU could be at a very different energy level from our current universe. Different laws of physics would apply, and if life exists within them, the entities we see could be it.
3. QE in your brain could just change the origins and destinations of the signals your brain sends out. This one is less interesting than the others but is still a possibility. Even though you have QE particles roaming your brain, it could mean nothing but mixed up signals, confusing your brain.
4. QE doesn't change your brain at all. In this scenario, the experiences on DMT are all from DMT itself and even if it increases QE in the brain, QE contributes nothing to what we experience.
There are many assumptions here so don't take this as the truth. This was just some thoughts I had a while back and it's an interesting concept to think about. I'd be interested to hear others inputs into this scenario and maybe help clarify a few things.
After a bit of searching, I found an article with similar thoughts on the matter. In this article, Stuart Hameroff suspects that the higher chance of quantum effects could be due to an increase in quantum resonance frequency of the water in our brains neurons. Water can be used to create QE so this is plausible.
Recently I have been thinking about some very interesting relationships involving DMT, Quantum Mechanics(QM), and Parallel Universes(PU). Obviously this is all conjecture but it can open up some interesting ideas about what is experienced during a breakthrough. What I start out with is building up the knowledge points that will be strung back together in the end so try not to get lost.
Before I go any further, I'll attempt to describe QM to the best of my ability for those who don't know what it is. Keep in mind this is meant to be a simple explaination and can probably be described better. I'm no expert in QM so if you find a problem, feel free to let me know.
Quantum Mechanics (QM)
QM is basically the study of matter interacting with energy on the scale of atoms and subatomic particles. You can think of this easier as so: light can display behaviors of both particles and waves, and matter can display behaviors of waves and particles. Two principles of QM that we'll focus on are Quantum Superposition(QS) and Quantum Entanglement(QE).
QS is pretty much describing a particle in an "uncertain" state. For what we are talking about, the best way I can think to describe this is the Schrödinger's cat thought experiment. This can be seen in the Double-slit Experiment where a directed laser beam is split between 2 slits, detected, and recording the resulting pattern. The splitting of the light and resulting pattern indicates behavior of a wave and is not what is expected of a particle behavior. Now if you use a detector to observe each photon, you will see that the photons only move through 1 slit and not both.
QE can be thought of as a Faster-Than-Light data transference. Technically this is not a good way to describe QE but it will work for what we're discussing. If 2 particles are entangled, their states will be dependent on each other. The entangled particles don't actually transfer their data as we can measure the entangled particles through distances that would take light much longer to reach than the entanglement took to measure. Without going into specifics about who measured who first, this will work for now.
Parallel Universe (PU)
Before defining why, I will specify what we mean by PU. Here we will be using the idea that there can be unlimited PUs with even more being created. Each PU can have it's own set of parameters and many of the fixed variables in our universe could be different in another. We are also taking into account that each PU has a definitive "start" to expansion. From these we can conclude that each PU has a limited number of variations that the particles can be configured in but still enough to have relatively similar structure to a number of other PUs.
Now that we have an unlimited set of limited configuration PUs, where are they in relation to each other? Well there is a few important pieces of information that we will be going by.
1. The Cold Spot. This is pretty controversial as being described as the cause of a PU but it remains a possibility. The cause is said to be QE between particles in the universes before separation after the initial expansion. The main thing we can take away here is this, if the Cold Spot is the result of a PU pressing against our current universe, it would make this next piece of information much more likely.
2. QM could be explained with PUs. This theory states that PUs that are next to each other would help better explain how QM works by stating that each universe individually has what we would consider a correctly behaving quantum particle. Going back to QS, this theory can explain QS as when an observation is made, each other "uncertain" state that a particle can exist in will break off and form another PU that is slightly different from its parent PU.
All of this is great but how does DMT fit into this equation?
So here we have DMT that causes intense experiences and brain activity similar to a seizure. If you are waiting for me to tell you that QM is the cause of our DMT experience, I'm afraid I don't know...
BUT there is one thing we can take away from this...
Assuming that our universe is not alone and it it just one of many universes, one of these universes are "next to ours", and that these two universes creates what we call QM, that DMT has a possibility of actually showing you another physical reality.
If DMT really is the link between these universes, are they on the same energy level as we are? Is it an added layer of visual (3d) dimension? Is what we see just a representation of our place in space time compared to the space time in this other universe? Maybe the barriers between the two create a dimensional static that we perceive as "hallucinations".
How can DMT be a link between PUs?
This is where QE comes into the equation. Up until recently, most physicists believed that QM only applied at the microscopic level and that larger objects had no signs of QM being a factor. Well this notion is starting to change. Physicists and Biologists now believe that QM also happens within macro-objects. This could mean that it is possible for DMT to create an environment within the brain that would be host to behaviors of QE.
Lets assume that DMT somehow creates an environment in the brain to host these behaviors. Does this also happen in the real world? Are there certain environments where QE is more likely to occur? Yes, there is. You can also do an experiment to Detect QE in action. So if DMT also raises the chance of QE happening in the brain, what does this mean?
Assuming that there are PUs as described above and that QM is the result of two or more PUs that are "next" to each other, QE in the brain could be connecting the particles in your brain with the particles from another universe. This has several possible implications.
1. Your brain is picking up signals from an alternate version(or multiple versions) of yourself. If this is the case, you can imagine what kind of chaos this might cause for the person experiencing this. Multiple thoughts, multiple outcomes, if one is dreaming, etc. It would be astounding and very interesting. This alternate version might not even look like you and could look just like the common entities that we see. With the variable universe expansion rates, it could even be coming from another position in time.
2. Your brain is picking up signals from a PU that is far different from our own. Meaning that what we see and experience is just what that PU is at that point in time. In other words, it IS a "physical" place. That PU could be at a very different energy level from our current universe. Different laws of physics would apply, and if life exists within them, the entities we see could be it.
3. QE in your brain could just change the origins and destinations of the signals your brain sends out. This one is less interesting than the others but is still a possibility. Even though you have QE particles roaming your brain, it could mean nothing but mixed up signals, confusing your brain.
4. QE doesn't change your brain at all. In this scenario, the experiences on DMT are all from DMT itself and even if it increases QE in the brain, QE contributes nothing to what we experience.
There are many assumptions here so don't take this as the truth. This was just some thoughts I had a while back and it's an interesting concept to think about. I'd be interested to hear others inputs into this scenario and maybe help clarify a few things.
After a bit of searching, I found an article with similar thoughts on the matter. In this article, Stuart Hameroff suspects that the higher chance of quantum effects could be due to an increase in quantum resonance frequency of the water in our brains neurons. Water can be used to create QE so this is plausible.

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