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Que She

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
I have only been able to find this on Bouncing Bear and was wondering if anyone here has any real experience with this

It comes in 120 pills--I guess a month supply--which contain a blend of chinese herbs for weightloss. Its not a diet tho. It supposedly helps to better digest food quicker and more effeciently and reduces the urge to eat more than needed. Making your body work better therefor aiding in weight loss and better all around health and boosting energy without stimulants.

I have ordered this product as I have lately become rather health-conscious and am desperate to rid myself of this damn spare-tire on my belly and drop my weight to where it should be---I work out daily and usually only eat a couple regular meals a day of mostly chicken and fruit but can't seem to make any more progress.

If any one has an idea or know of any one that has experience with this, please share as I would greatly appreciate it
A quick web search revealed the contents:
Kudzu Vine Root
Coix Seed (Semen Coicis)
Chinese Hawthorne
Lycicum Chinese (Fruit Of Chinese Wolfberry)
Chinese Chrysanthemum
Cinese Lotus Leaf
Semen Raphani
Cassia Seed
Gynostemma Pentaphyllum
Tea Polyphenol (Extracted from Chinese Green Tea)

There is alot of herbs with a certain effect here. The usual, known effects seem to be that the herbs is adaptogens, antioxidants and good against different sort of infections and even cancer. From what I can see there is none or few of the herbs that is known to help loose weight, but western litterature on Chinese medicine is very poor. Even though if it does not help your weight, you will obviously get other health benefits from this supplement! :)
Then, I ask, what is recommended for weight loss (Other than speed or ephedra)?

Its not that I am fat...not by any means....I am just simply 20 or 25 pounds above my ideal weight--I have a daily workout routine and drink alot of fruit juices and eat alot of fruits (absolutely hate veggies tho)...But I just can't seem to lose those few extra inches or drop that 20 or so pounds. Its driving me nuts. I used to do alot of speed and ephedrine but that shit just drove me insane and made me anorexic. I want to do it the healthy way and can find nothing that works...and believe me I have been patient with my methods.

Any suggestions?
Can't help you with the pills. But I can say that a good way to lose weight is to reduce your carbohydrate intake, filling the 'void' with extra fruit and vegetables. Cooking them in tasty sauces helps. Don't worry about fat, it's the carbs that pile on the pounds, hence why that horribly unhealthy Atkin's diet 'works'.

I lost half a stone in 2 weeks by halving my carb intake for breakfast and lunch, and having minimal carbs for dinner. And I wasn't even exercising.

Incidentally, my grandmother had to lose weight rapidly for an operation once. The regime the doctor gave her (I live in a country with very good healthcare) was, if I remember correctly: eat as much homemade vegetable soup and bananas as you want, with fish for protein. There was a recipe for the soup. This sounds pretty extreme to me, I wouldn't recommend giving up carbs entirely.

I don't think using substances to suppress appetite is a very good way to diet, for various reasons. One being that you don't learn how to improve your diet to maintain a healthy weight afterwards. But if you really must, how about ephedra tea? You can buy ephedra (ma huang) from a traditional Chinese medicine shop quite cheaply. 1.5g ground per cup. Don't drink it before bedtime! The active chemical, ephedrine, was used for weightloss before it was banned due both to 'misuse' by partygoers and the small gap between fun dose and overdose.
[EDIT: sorry we posted at the same time, before I'd seen you didn't like ephedrine]
My suggestion is to eat healthy, natural food and exercise regularly (preferably in the nature, not in the gym). You might do this already, but if you really have some spare fat, you should look into if you eat too much carbohydrates. Sugar (a carbohydrate) is added to nearly everything now adays, and it has alot more responsibility for overweight than fat itself does. Fructose (the sugar from fruits) is better than the table-sugar Glucose, both in effect on blood-sugar and on weight.

When it comes to supplements, I don't have a big belief in them. If you are unhealthy fat, there is most likely a good reason for it, and you should attack the reason behind instead of attacking the symptoms.
Yes I certainly could cut back on carbs...Its not that I'm looking for supplements...just various WORKING methods. And thank you for your opinions...I will take them to heart--

And no I am not unhealthy fat...I just got a spare tire I want to get rid of...I am 5'11" and age 24 and weigh 190 lbs. I want to get down to 170 or maybe even 165. That is my goal. My carb intake is probably my biggest problem. Like I said I work out regularly and live out in the country-side and do alot of outdoor type work. Alot of open and forested property and I have been trying to put it to good use.

Here is my general daily diet:

Honeynut cheerio's for breakfast with an Orange on the side
Lots of various fruits like strawberries, oranges, bananas, kiwi, etc
Apple/orange juice
I do have a love for chicken that I can't seem to shed...
Occasionally I do slip up and have a soda every once in a while which I know is terrible...
I refuse to eat vegetables--I just can't do it...I like tasting my food so have a VERY hard time convincing myself to eat salads or any veg.

Also I am not 100% against Ephedra...its just that ephedra or its "chem. off-breeds" have really messed me up in past years and know that I tend to not eat ANYTHING when on speedy type substances. Maybe low dose? hmmm

Thanks so much guys:)
A soda once in a while is not terrible at all, it is only a problem if you overdo it - like people that always drink soda instead of water. I think your diet looks good! I can't really understand why you hate vegetables so much, but if you really eat alot of fruits that is not a big problem. You do get alot more carbohydrates from fruit than from vegetables, but it is still way better than eating lots of sugar (glucose).

If you want to do something with your diet I suggest removing the Cheerios. It is of course totally okay to not always eat super healthy, but if you really want to loose weight the Cheerios and its sugar is a good place to start. I will also suggest you try to cure your Lachanophobia (fear of vegetables :p).

If you are thinking about using low-dose Ephedrin, I will suggest using Sida acuta or Sida cordifolia instead of Ephedra. They contain ephedrin and pseudo-ephedrin in a low concentration, and is found growing wild many places. Ephedrin is great for it's uses, but as with every stimulant you need to be careful not to overdo it!
Zero_Hour said:
Honeynut cheerio's for breakfast with an Orange on the side
Lots of various fruits like strawberries, oranges, bananas, kiwi, etc
Apple/orange juice
I do have a love for chicken that I can't seem to shed...
Occasionally I do slip up and have a soda every once in a while which I know is terrible...
I refuse to eat vegetables--I just can't do it...I like tasting my food so have a VERY hard time convincing myself to eat salads or any veg.
This looks like quite a healthy diet, but if it's not working you can make it super-healthy.

When I said carbohydrate, I meant the foodstuffs that are predominantly carbohydrate. These are potatoes, bread, wheat flour, rice, couscous, pasta, noodles, etc- generally the staple foods, the beige stuff! What carbohydrate you do eat should from now on be wholegrain- brownbread, wholemeal pasta etc. As well as having more fibre to fill you up and vitamins to keep you healthy, wholegrain foods are low GI, meaning the food is converted slower by your stomach so you won't be getting hungry soon after. Don't give up carbs entirely, you need some energy and to crash completely would I expect put an unhealthy strain on your body.

Eat your final meal 4 hours before bedtime. If you're ever hungry before bed, fill up on a vegetable soup (I like pea) or a satisfying dfrink like milk, instead of eating carbs.

Chicken is fine, no need to give it up. Fat will not make you fat- converting fat to fat is actually an inefficient process for your body, hence why Atkin's awful unhealthy fad-diet worked.

Are these fruit juices no-added sugar? Check, and only buy 100% fruit juice, not 'fruit juice drink'.

I would say give up soda. Once you're not used to sugary foods, you may lose the taste for them and they'll start tasting sickly to you, which will make staying thin a lot easier. I can't stand cake and sweets etc, because I'm not used to such rich food anymore. It's all about forming healthy habits. When I want something tasty, I'll have a milky cocoa with a ridiculous amount of cocoa and only half a teaspoon of sugar.

You could replace the Cheerios for something sugarless, like no-added-sugar muesli. If Honey Cheerios are a joy of yours, then have them once in a while, and you may be able to start eating them again once you've lost the weight and only need to maintain your size rather than burn fat. Or you could switch to a similar but healthier brand of that flavour.

If you really hate veg that much, fruit's fine, but wow that's got to be expensive. Learn to cook tasty sauces to make them taste nice- I mean, who DOES like the taste of unadulterated veg? Not me! Curries, Thai sauces, Chinese sauces, etc are good at making veg exciting- the authentic recipes don't need sugar like the crappy takeaway/restaurant food does.

Take some tips from the Okinawa. These Japanese people are the longest living on the planet and it's attributed to their dietary habits. One trick that could help you is this: they stop eating when they're satisfied, instead of when they're full. There's a timelag between your stomach and brain such that once you start to feel full, you've actually gone past that point and eaten too much. Stop eating when you feel '80% full'- satisfied rather than full.
As you say you've suffered from anorexia in the past, I'd say ask a trusted friend/friends to tell you if you get too thin. It's easy to start seeing something in the mirror that's different from the reality. And if you don't like ephedrine then stay away. I personally don't like the feeling at low-dose, makes me anxious.

Finally- if what I've suggested STILL doesn't work (unlikely, but some people do have slow metabolisms)... then you've gone as far as you can go. Just maintain that diet, maybe the weight will actually come off very slowly and you just hadn't noticed that it was doing so. But if it doesn't, and you're still a stone or two over the weight you've been aspiring to... well, then it would be time to accept that that is your natural weight. How your body wants to be. Don't make yourself miserable just to satisfy the media image of how you should look if you can't healthily and happily maintain the current model. In this case, you would be best served to love yourself for who you are.

Good luck :)
ohayoco said:
As you say you've suffered from anorexia in the past, I'd say ask a trusted friend/friends to tell you if you get too thin. It's easy to start seeing something in the mirror that's different from the reality. And if you don't like ephedrine then stay away. I personally don't like the feeling at low-dose, makes me anxious. Good luck :)

Not so much that I was anorexic all the time...just whenever I was big into speed which really only occured during certain times in the summer season...I didn't sleep much either...but then again thats just the way speed is with me...food becomes so disgusting to me when on speed...I don't use any of those drugs anymore and haven't for a while...Shit I used to be extremely over-weight but that was due to mom and grandparents stuffing me full of food when I was a kid and I have lost a great deal to get to where I'm at now but that came from living in slums and drug-houses doped up on heroin and speed and having nothing to eat even if I wanted to eat it. But all that garbage is behind me and I've been clean and good for a long while...So any "anorexia" I had was either drug-induced or poverty-induced. I've never been a thin person...tho I want to be, haha. I am so close though I can taste....

Again thanks for your help guys
This might not be what you are looking for, nor do I work for this company, however I have a good supplement recommendation. Gaspari Mitotropin It is not really for fatloss, more for cutting yourself up for the summer. I started a cycle on May 1 and can feel my body in an overdrive kind of state. Although without cardio, not much would get done anyway me thinks.
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