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Question about first Dmt experience

Migrated topic.


Rising Star

after some reading here i planned my first DMT journey.
I am going to take the dmt in form of free base and the syrian rue in form of a tea.
Predosing 1.5g powdered seeds in form of a brewed tea 1h before the main intake when i take 3g of syrian rue tea together with a bit lemon juice. 5 minutes later i want to take around 80mg of free base dmt.
Meditating and drinking some ginger tea after the predose.
Is this a good way to do it for the first time?
Thanks in advance
Just relax and try to not waste material, how are you going to consume it? The Machine is a good idea. :)
80mg for you first time could be a very intense trip, especially if its all vaped 100%. I'm assuming you're just covering your basses to guarantee a breakthrough dose which is okay but I might suggest knocking it back say 50mg. Some people breakthrough on as little as 20-25mg when vaped properly, so you'd still doubling the threshold level and saving 30mg of that precious spice. My last hit of ~50mg (with poor technique I might add) blasted me way off into hyperspace, I can't imagine what 80mg would be like.
80mg could also be a lot even if it was consumed orally with MAOI, which the post half-implies. Freebase half-implies vaping but mention of ginger tea again implies oral dosing. Snorting freebase also works but, my oh my, does it hurt!

To whit, it would help if the OP were to clarify their intended mode of dosing the freebase.
predosing harmalas and the DMT dose 3/4-implies that findingmyplace intend to take the DMT orally and i think he did his research well.. like downwardsfromzero said 80 mg could be a lot for a first time with DMT but if you already have experiences with good doses of shrooms, LSD or other substances then you can probably handle it
i think it's a good idea to start with oral DMT and if you trust yourself enough i'd say go for it with these doses
i hope you have a great time and get what you need
good luck :)
Sakkadelic said:
predosing harmalas and the DMT dose 3/4-implies that findingmyplace intend to take the DMT orally and i think he did his research well.. like downwardsfromzero said 80 mg could be a lot for a first time with DMT but if you already have experiences with good doses of shrooms, LSD or other substances then you can probably handle it
i think it's a good idea to start with oral DMT and if you trust yourself enough i'd say go for it with these doses
i hope you have a great time and get what you need
good luck :)

Ah of course. Thanks for clearing that up for me. How would the experience differ taking freebase orally like this as opposed to vaping it?
thanks for the answers and to clarify i want to take it orally.
I know that it would probably be too much for smoking :d, but its a good starting point for a "pharmahuasca" type of experience?
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