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Quick and Easy Changa Preparation Guide (pics)

Migrated topic.


How have you all been? hope all is well.

I thought I'd put this up as its the quickest method of making Changa I know of and also leaves the sacred salad nice and crisp.

It should take less than half an hour from selecting your herbs, to loading up a bowl and blasting off :)

All you will need is...
1 medium sized glass jar complete with screw on lid.
1 tin of butane gas (disposable lighter gas)with attchments/valves in the lid.
a wooden spoon.
and of course your chosen herb, caapi and spice.


For this batch I'm using 50% caapi vine and powder, 30% mugwort and 20% blue lotus petals... all weighed in at 1.1g. To this I'm putting in 1.5g of the purest spice I have. 1:1.5 may seem like a lot for some, so just cut it back to equal amounts of DMT and herb making a 1:1 ratio.

NOTE: The cleaner the spice the better! I made a 5 gram batch a while ago with unrefined yellow DMT and couldn't disolve the larger lumps without crushing them down with the end of a wooden spoon. Pure white DMT will disolve instantly with a fizz as soon as it hits the liquid butane. If all you have is the unrefined stuff... you could crush and chop it up before dumping into the butane.



First we do an evap test on a polished mirror with the butane to ensure it wont leave any residue in your changa. Press the nozzle against the glass and spray for a second... if it evaporates clean, then its a good one to use. I'll be using ronson butane 200ml for £1.

Next take the lid off the jar and pierce a hole in the middle slightly smaller than the size of the valve.. see if the valve fits and gradually make the hole bigger if it dosen't.


Place the lid back on the jar and insert the tin of butane into the nozzle. Spray in enough solvent that you think will cover all the herb and spice, then spay in a little more for luck... it dosen't have to be exact, but I'd say use about 1/3 of the full tin.
NOTE: The glass jar will cool down rapidly, so wrap in a towel or put it on the carpet if you dont want cold fingers.

If you have everything ready to go its just a case of dumping it all in. First empty in your spice and stir until the solvent turns cloudy, then throw those herbs in and keep mixing until its all evaporated. It shouldn't take longer than 15 mins.


Perhaps a 1:1.5 ratio is too high in DMT lol... You can see the Changa is over saturated and DMT has crystalised on the outside as well as the inside. Should be nice n blasty though ;).


Now all you need to do my friends is... SMOKE MORE CHANGA!!!!

Forgot to add that I've read about some people having problems with the spice crystalising on the sides of the jar... I've never had that probllem using this method and if the ratio isn't too high in DMT like this batch.. it will absorb it perfectly :).

Happy Trails
And that it was my friend :)

mugwort is an awesome herb for Changa btw. Its got a fluffy texture (like the compact dust from a hoover bag) so it absorbs the spice really well and as a bonus... it wards off any evil spirits one might encounter.

I caught the plate faced people out and they didn't like it one bit.
great thanks for posting that, seems quicker and easier than waiting for acetone to evaporate and less smelly, swims never made changa but hes going to soon and he might try this method! :d the nexus is just tooo good!
Not a problem mate :)

I wasn't into using acetone for that very reason... the smell just makes my head hurt. IPA would be a good un to use, but I hear it makes the changa sticky and soggy sometimes. Regardless, all 3 methods produce the same result... CHANGA! this ones just quicker.

This is very awesome, thanks for posting this, never seen a pictorial on this before and makes it actually seems fun to create the mix of herbs (i like the colors you chose). This will be the next step for SWIM.
Great write up with pics. Swim used everclear for a small test batch oh enhanced leaf and it worked fine also.
Cheers Camakazi :) this is the easiest method of making changa that ive seen, i will definitely be using this tek for my first attempt at changa :D
high proof vodka or rum works just as well... you dont need to use such a refined product as butane... but still thanks for the post!
respectfully... Theres no way I'd let such fine beverages evaporate into thin air lol. I reckon the butane is prolly the cheapest of the solvents and readily avalable.

... actually, Do you think a high proof cognac would work? This could be a stroke of pure genius. Imagine the flavour of a cognac changa mmmmm... I obviously loves me VSOP hehe ;).
All SWIY must do is take it and leave it in a little bowl in a food dehydrator... heat has NO negative effect on it... the alcohol evaporates fairly quickly from what swim has been told... the high the proof the less water in it of coarse. so higher proofs are more desirable... the butane may be cheap and effective... but there are a lot of hidden ecological and social costs to using it when alcohol can be made with an easy still at home on your kitchen counter...
۩ said:
If you do the BLAB tek with vinegar you don't even need to evap any solvent.
Just add herbs/extracts to warm spice, mix, viola!

Should be noted that you would still need to evap the acetic acid in the product if you intend to end up with a product that does not have acetic acid in it (which you wouldn't want to be inhaling). Follow q21q21's thread for that whole process. People on the boards originally believed the acetates vaporized as a whole molecule, and so you wouldn't be inhaling acetic acid vapors, q21q21 showed that this isn't true, and so smoking acetates isn't really the best route, given that they can be freebased fairly easily.
Dorge said:
All SWIY must do is take it and leave it in a little bowl in a food dehydrator... heat has NO negative effect on it... the alcohol evaporates fairly quickly from what swim has been told... the high the proof the less water in it of coarse. so higher proofs are more desirable... the butane may be cheap and effective... but there are a lot of hidden ecological and social costs to using it when alcohol can be made with an easy still at home on your kitchen counter...

Most excellent man :)
I have a bottle of Otar here that they infuse with a variation of spices and such, so it could add an extra bit of niceness to the Changa. I've heard of people dipping joints into cognacs before, never Changa though lol.

Would the alcohol and water content evaporate simultaneously or would It leave the water behind?

Totally agree with the ecological side of using solvents too mate. I'm moving on to food safe extractions very soon, so why should the Changa be any different.

How bad is Butane for the environment?
۩ said:
If you do the BLAB tek with vinegar you don't even need to evap any solvent.
Just add herbs/extracts to warm spice, mix, viola!

cheers hoose!
I'll look into that one.
I am not sure how bad butane is for the environment... but i am pretty sure that its much worse then just brewing up your own ethanol with an Easy Still. Its nice to be able to make your own solvents lol!

also just a note... the different plants and admixtures to your changa mixes are going to have a psycho/spiritual impact too... Its a curious notion as to what sort of impact conagc would have!
Haha the spice is dissolved in the butane which is a liquid under pressure, butane soaks into the herb, then evaporates. But from the look of things some spice is left on the outside of the leaf which means you'll have to use more butane or give it longer to soak under pressure or something along those lines to make it work. IPA does the job fine but takes longer to evap, stay away from acetone/xylene it stinks.
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