Trickster, it sounds like you really know your stuff, and i do understand what everyone is saying, to science thats the way it is. I have watched elegant universe, along with countless other science shows, but what i have never seen is an example/test where the infact proved this rule(Light cannot exceed SOL in any way).
I don't think reading is going to help me at this point, im at the point where i would ask the teacher this same question. I'm not one who like to just take an answer, i like to understand why this is, or in this case i just want to see the proof, scientists aren't dumb i know that, though it may be foolish, i cannot fully believe this until seeing the proof, i know they had to test out the theory, i want to see the results and know what they did to attempt to prove this.
My concern is because the way they say it is(Weather correct or not still sounds weird) it makes a universe where the same light particle/wave can, not appear to, but actually go 2 speeds at once. Let me change this up to give a better view of what im saying, Say in my flash light bit, i'll put a person on the flash light, me standing still at one point, and a person is going to represent a Photon.
This is just my crazy understanding, the main question is at the bottom.
Now, Flashlight going nSOL, a photon/person is ejected from the flash light at SOL. The person riding the flashlight sees the Photon/Person run away from him at SOL, because science says everyone must clock light at the same speed in a vacuum, then this man riding the flashlight sees the light/person leave at SOL. Now back to me, science says it is not possible for me to clock light faster than SOL, but the flashligh is at a speed the universes allows(nSOL). So i can clock the flash light and the light leaving the flashlight. The problem is what i observe is a different reality from the person riding the flash light. To show you what i mean, put a point(a) in front of the flash light setup. Say point a is far enough away to test this. From the person riding the flashlight, because light must move away from him at the SOL(in a vacuum) he will see light reach point(a) at a different time than i will, actually, it will take twice as long for light to reach point(a) in my view. To make it werider, say this photon explodes when it hits point(a). Say the whole test lasted 4 seconds. The man on the flash light sees the target blow up 2 seconds before i do, Cahnge all observers to computers which record data, and you have within one event, 2. 2 explosions at two different times that the computers log in, which in computer world is an error because in reality there was only one explosion.
Like i said though, i know thats how they say it is, and they are smarter then me, but still, for them to believe this they must have seen some very convincing evidence, thats what i want to see. Hopefully they didn't attempt to prove it by thinking and equations only, hopefully they observed somthing to be able to state this weird shit, and if so, i really would like to observe this phonemena myself, does no one know of things observed that prove beyond doubt this is true, that i can't watch or read?