So, a couple of weeks ago I did a test run of a rue extraction using very old seeds (the tail end of my last purchase) and NaOH following white rasta's method, cuz I had nothing else available and was waiting on my new seeds. I really did it just as a learning experience and wanted to see how a non-manske extraction would go. I dissolved NaOH in some water completely, added to my alcohol-evapped and re-hydrated rue extract and watched the alkaloids crash out. I've now had a light brown/tan extract peeking at me from the bottom of a mason jar for almost all of October.
My question is, how safe is this to ingest? I made sure the lye was fully dissolved and added just a little basified water at a time. The extraction was a little sticky where it was on the glass, but it dried out fine after it was scraped. Generally speaking, I'm not a big fan of lye, bought a bunch of it back when I started doing spice extractions and have more or less been sitting on it as I've switched to food safe extractions for my alkaloids. As such, I'm probly being overly paranoid with my lack of expert chemistry skillz. Anyway, due to a series of not quite unfortunate events, I had no ammonia, no car, and was itching to try a new method out. Since that time I've done a whiterasta extraction with ammonia and great results, I'm just curious if I should do anything with my practice extraction, or just toss it and take away the learning experience.
My question is, how safe is this to ingest? I made sure the lye was fully dissolved and added just a little basified water at a time. The extraction was a little sticky where it was on the glass, but it dried out fine after it was scraped. Generally speaking, I'm not a big fan of lye, bought a bunch of it back when I started doing spice extractions and have more or less been sitting on it as I've switched to food safe extractions for my alkaloids. As such, I'm probly being overly paranoid with my lack of expert chemistry skillz. Anyway, due to a series of not quite unfortunate events, I had no ammonia, no car, and was itching to try a new method out. Since that time I've done a whiterasta extraction with ammonia and great results, I'm just curious if I should do anything with my practice extraction, or just toss it and take away the learning experience.