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Quick suggestions box

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Senior Member
OG Pioneer
Sorry, I was looking for a quick suggestions box, but I couldn't find one, so here it is. Post quick suggestions that don't need much discussion here.

All I wanted to say, was that this is an awesome site, but I noticed that it's a dot com. Doesn't that make it within the jurisdiction of the USA?

Maybe sometime in future the Nexus could get another www.dmt-nexus.something-other-than-com, just in case the USA shut the site down one day, or tried to sue, like they have started doing sometimes. In the UK, I can imagine his site as being seen as inciting people to 'crime' by telling them how to make DMT.

Hope this is a helpful suggestion, Traveler, and not just more bother for you :) You're welcome to shut this thread down if I'm wrong, I won't take offence!
I would like to be able to know if I've responded to an email or not. In the inbox, there's no way to know if you've responded to an email. It only shows you if an email was read or not. Sometimes I read an email and don't respond right away, and then forget which ones I've responded to already. I know I probably haven't responded to several emails because of this.
was wondering if there are backup files of all this wonderful information we all have gathered together..and possibly if there could be a file made with the contents of the site every month or so..almost like a forum archive or something..maybe there is one and i just dont know it
'Help and Advice' section
A lot of people are drawn to aya and DMT for healing. There could be a section called 'Help and Advice' where people post a thread stating their problem, and then the community can help them? People have already done this but without a dedicated section it's hard to find a thread once its disappeared from the 'latest posts'.
Man that help and advice section is a great idea. I agree, there should be more focus on the use of these tools for healing purposes. A section dedicated to sharing informaation on this topic would be outstanding! We wanna do everything we can to make sure people know how to use these medicines properly, to their fullest potential. Few things pain me more than to see the sacraments thought of and treated as "drugs."
I also just posted a suggestion to have forum archives available, right before reading this post! So yeah I second that motion as well!
While we're all making suggestions... it would be really cool if there were some way to have an option to where I would be notified of additions to any thread I posted on, without having to click that little thingy up in the corner. I keep forgetting to do that. I know the forum used to be that way before you changed it awhile back... and by and large I dig the new changes but that one's always bugged me. I know there's a lot of threads I've posted on that I forgot to tell it to notify me of updates to, and have not checked back on since because of that. Can we please do something about that?
[EDIT: I am a moron. I just now noticed the little box thingy when I reply that lets me do just that. Please ignore my stupidity... too much staring into a computer screen takes its toll on the eysight apparently]
And yeah I dig the idea of being able to know about emails I've replied to as well...
Thanks so much, Traveller, for taking the time to maintain such an awesome forum! This place is such a valuable resource!
ohayoco said:
What would be AMAZING would be a stickied thread on pure products, where the chemists on here would list those products used as extraction ingredients that are known to be uncontaminated by additives etc.
As most chemists on here are American, unfortunately SWIM in the UK has to blindly find his own alternatives rather than use what they use.
It would probably be incredibly beneficial to the health of many of the non-chemists, some of whom are doing extractions with products such as Colemans fuel with its bright blue rust additive. God knows what other less obvious chemicals are lurking in ingredients.
Pretty please :)
This is an idea I had in another thread, The Yellow Death - Help and Advice for Healing - Welcome to the DMT-Nexus
As well as the massive health benefits, it could negate the need for many threads from frustrated noobs, so the clarity of the site could improve.
For each ingredient, there could be a list of products considered safe.
For each product, there could be advice on where to buy it, and what to pretend you're buying it for, and even a link to it's safety sheet or whatever they're called if it's not food-grade.

For example, something like this:

pickling lime, E526, chuna lime, slaked lime, hydrated lime
'Chuna lime' or 'chuna' from indian supermarkets, for pickling fruit and vegetables, food grade
'Pickling lime', for pickling fruit and vegetables, from specialists
'E526' as a food additive, unavailable to the consumer, food grade

Safety data and brands unnecessary in this example as they're food grade products. For naphtha, for example, one entry under products would be:

"Bartoline Low Odour White Spirit, heavy naphtha, for cleaning oil paint from brushes, available from B&Q £x for yL, SAFETY SHEET URL"

The safety sheet url would be written without the 'www.' at the start, so that people have to cut and paste and then manufacturers, authorities etc don't notice people linking to it from here.

I would compile this myself (and have in a very messy way almost started doing so in my UK FASA thread), but as I'm not a chemist I'm concerned about advising people incorrectly... I can't say what products are safe or not as I don't have enough understanding of the data sheets thingys. So it would require charitable chemists for some of it! :) Maybe it would work as a Wiki (though I don't understand how those work), or maybe an easy option could be if the first post contained all the info, and got updated depending on what people wrote further down in the thread.
Thats a good idea ohayoco,

If you start this thread then I'll make a sticky out of it. It would be a valuable addition to this board and it will probably be used on the DMT-Nexus Wiki.

Kind regards,

The Traveler
Could we get some updated ranks maybe get some that have to do with time been here or maybe an etraction expert rank for those that have better chemical/chemistry than most of us or something like that.
Big Inhale said:
Could we get some updated ranks maybe get some that have to do with time been here or maybe an etraction expert rank for those that have better chemical/chemistry than most of us or something like that.

That's an idea thats waiting for some time now. An updated version of this board-software has that function (I think) but implementing it will cost me a bit of time.
Big Inhale said:
Could we get some updated ranks maybe get some that have to do with time been here or maybe an etraction expert rank for those that have better chemical/chemistry than most of us or something like that.

there is a tag in some users profiles that mentions Chemical Engineers in the groups section. the members that ive seen with this tag are quite knowledgeable
I've had to do a little editing to protect SWIM's identity further after recent unfortunate events.
I noticed that something came up in the search that SWIM hed deleted months ago (just a comment of no value that incriminated SWIM a bit).
Is it possible to change the search function so that the originals of deleted and edited stuff don't come up in searches?
Hopefully it was just an anomoly. Thanks.
there already is...go up to the top of the page and click on the "Options" button on the right..and click "watch this thread"
I posted this in some other thread some time ago but never got any reply's so I'll try again.

I always use the "Active Topics" button and then I scroll through that and choose what I like. But then to mark all forums read I always have to go to the main forum page and scroll down there to the tiny "mark al forums read" button.

It would be great to have a "mark all forums read" button on every active topics page.
So Traveller can you make that happen? :)

DMTripper said:
I posted this in some other thread some time ago but never got any reply's so I'll try again.

I always use the "Active Topics" button and then I scroll through that and choose what I like. But then to mark all forums read I always have to go to the main forum page and scroll down there to the tiny "mark al forums read" button.

It would be great to have a "mark all forums read" button on every active topics page.
So Traveller can you make that happen? :)


Every time I mention this it's like I kill the thread :( No responses or nothing. Is this shit totally impossible???
DMTripper said:
I posted this in some other thread some time ago but never got any reply's so I'll try again.

I always use the "Active Topics" button and then I scroll through that and choose what I like. But then to mark all forums read I always have to go to the main forum page and scroll down there to the tiny "mark al forums read" button.

It would be great to have a "mark all forums read" button on every active topics page.
So Traveller can you make that happen? :)


On the moment I haven't got any time to create this suggestion. It's on the ToDo list but I'm not sure when the next "programming round" will take place.

Kind regards,

The Traveler
I can't work out how to edit an attachment. I just posted one, then realised I'd forgotten to draw something on. Also people might want to delete them if they post something like their face then have a change of heart, but I don't think you can delete an attachment. :)
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