Sorry, I was looking for a quick suggestions box, but I couldn't find one, so here it is. Post quick suggestions that don't need much discussion here.
All I wanted to say, was that this is an awesome site, but I noticed that it's a dot com. Doesn't that make it within the jurisdiction of the USA?
Maybe sometime in future the Nexus could get another www.dmt-nexus.something-other-than-com, just in case the USA shut the site down one day, or tried to sue, like they have started doing sometimes. In the UK, I can imagine his site as being seen as inciting people to 'crime' by telling them how to make DMT.
Hope this is a helpful suggestion, Traveler, and not just more bother for you You're welcome to shut this thread down if I'm wrong, I won't take offence!
All I wanted to say, was that this is an awesome site, but I noticed that it's a dot com. Doesn't that make it within the jurisdiction of the USA?
Maybe sometime in future the Nexus could get another www.dmt-nexus.something-other-than-com, just in case the USA shut the site down one day, or tried to sue, like they have started doing sometimes. In the UK, I can imagine his site as being seen as inciting people to 'crime' by telling them how to make DMT.
Hope this is a helpful suggestion, Traveler, and not just more bother for you You're welcome to shut this thread down if I'm wrong, I won't take offence!