Well I don't think SWIM qualifies as writing random PM's, but he has PMed people about extraction help. I mean, SWIM has had certain questions about container types, pull durations, and the like. Instead of reading through dozens of posts, or making a noob thread, he just asks someone who has alot of posts. No reason to feel threatened.
SWIM has PM'd a few of the more knowledgeable posters on here for some advice in certain areas. Most have been very helpful. Although, I can totally understand being wary of a poster who may be perceived as completely random or new to the site.
Soon as I posted here that I hadn't had any dodgy pms anymore, I'm now being pm'd by a member who keeps pushing me to buy from a certain vendor, disclose the vendor I'm assumed to use for something else (even when it's SWIM who does so, not me), and generally talk about stuff that should be talked about in threads so the knowledge can be shared. This member seems to have vastly superior chemical knowledge to mine when I look at his previous posts, yet he asks me personally the most basic questions that people would generally ask in public. It doesn't add up :roll:
Please understand SWIM is as paranoid as Gonzo over things like this because he values his freedom
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