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Ranks Revised + Poll

Migrated topic.


Dragunov Mylshka Teapot
Considering a few people have already met the requirements for the highest rank and the fact Nexus is growing growing and growing, I thought it would be appropriate to create some longevity and substance in the rankings to give DMT-Nexus just that little bit more spice. šŸ˜‰

Cosmic Spirit: 0 posts
Enchanted Soul: 50 posts
Conscious Mystic: 100 posts
Hyperspace Enthusiast: 200 posts
Enlightened Voyager: 400 posts
Astral Planer: 800 posts
Transcended Healer: 1,600 posts
Infinite Being: 3,200 posts
The Light: 6,400 posts
Wizard of the Realm: 12,800 posts

The Light is in correlation with Energy and in reference to "ball of light" or "light at the end of the tunnel".

Ranks encourage participation and give the forum more depth, in the process not only creating an overall professional aesthetic but most importantly furthering the development of Nexus.
Ya I'm kinda with Ohayoco.... why not just 3 ranks? Noobs, Friends and Members?

Noobs- 0 posts
Friends- 300 posts
Members- 500+ posts

Ranks are for armies and self-important people. I'd sooner take advice from someone who rejected such self-glorification.

Although I do want that botanical medal! :)
ohayoco said:
Ranks are for armies and self-important people. I'd sooner take advice from someone who rejected such self-glorification.

Glorification? Armies? Self-important?


From my understanding they serve no hierarchic, boasting or glorifying qualities.

They are simply something to give the place more pazaz.
I'm in for it - this forum, of all forums, is exempt from having any member spam to get their post count up to reach that next rank... I'm willing to bet.
I like the idea of having the names I don't think there's a big difference between them for instance I might like conscious mystic better than transcended healer even though it's lower they're just names.
I believe it is a simple thing to keep track of whom actually spends time here and those that do not. I do not see a problem with changing things around. Some believe the higher post count = larger penis size, and wishes to compare it to others. More power to them. Personally I could care less. Spamming should be dealt with according to the forum's rules.
I like the idea... it lets you know, how experienced the poster actually is, or how he takes part in the community.

Also it's kind of fun ;) Next level,Next level :D
hey i like the idea - its just a rank (rank just being a word - not the meaning of the word rank enforced by labels) - over at my forum i have a 6 level system and im preddy pleased with it.
if u are against having a rank - ignore it (preddy petty dont u think) , if not - no problem
im all for it and i like the ranks proposed - nice one smokeydaze
I am not worried about ranks. I have been on here every day for months, and this is only my 20th post. Hang around for a while and you learn who to listen to.
Nor am I, but its not a matter of judging people by their 'rank' - its just a little something to add more depth to the forum. The idea of been a higher rank than someone serves no purpose. The only practicality ranks have is to encourage people to contribute, through the incentive of gaining the next rank - like a game. A bit of fun is all, unless you take games as serious as this little fella.
wake and bacon said:
I'm in for it - this forum, of all forums, is exempt from having any member spam to get their post count up to reach that next rank... I'm willing to bet.
Do people actually do that?
What a waste of time & energy!! Who cares?!?!?
Love-Me-Daddy, anyone?

Contact said:
I like the idea... it lets you know, how experienced the poster actually is, or how he takes part in the community.
It really only shows ones experience with posting on forums.
(Or how much free time you might have.:lol: )

There was a certain floor cleaning device that was posting here a while back, who was just flooding the Nexus with one-liner, nonsensical BS!!
Post after post after post.
He had over a thousand posts logged after only a few weeks (might have even been only days...), with barely anything worth reading through!!
He also proved over & over again he had no real knowledge to share, only free time to kill.

But he probably had a pretty impressive ranking, right?

smokeydaze said:
hehe, warrensaged.

So Traveler, thoughts?

Well, although most people seem to like your suggested rankings I think I leave the ranks as it is for the time being. Your first suggestions are already applied to the ranks and when the time comes that the ranks need to be revised again I'll take at look at this thread to get inspiration.

Too much change in too less time to the ranks can give the wrong message, the ranks are just there for fun and in reality should mean nothing.

Kind regards,

The Traveler
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