Dragunov Mylshka Teapot
Considering a few people have already met the requirements for the highest rank and the fact Nexus is growing growing and growing, I thought it would be appropriate to create some longevity and substance in the rankings to give DMT-Nexus just that little bit more spice. Cosmic Spirit: 0 posts
Enchanted Soul: 50 posts
Conscious Mystic: 100 posts
Hyperspace Enthusiast: 200 posts
Enlightened Voyager: 400 posts
Astral Planer: 800 posts
Transcended Healer: 1,600 posts
Infinite Being: 3,200 posts
The Light: 6,400 posts
Wizard of the Realm: 12,800 posts
The Light is in correlation with Energy and in reference to "ball of light" or "light at the end of the tunnel".
Ranks encourage participation and give the forum more depth, in the process not only creating an overall professional aesthetic but most importantly furthering the development of Nexus.