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Reasons NOT to trip

Migrated topic.


Diviner of Sound
What are reasons why you will avert a trip?

Realistic reasons for me are if I have any physical/mental fatigue, or like an upset stomach, general tiredness, serious unease, etc.

I'll also start by listing the obvious big one being if you have something like schizophrenia, psychosis, etc.
If I have anything nagging at me, any present worries, I won't trip.

The greatest thing though is I just look inside. If it feels right, it's alright. If I'm honest with myself I know.

I've forced it before when in doubt and regretted it, it's one way to learn.
Although I totally agree with all both of you about avoiding standard doses whilst sad, emotionally insecure, in paid, psychotic or what have you...

I have found great help with small doses/micro-doses for times of sadness or confusion in my life. It seems to momentarily bring my out of a kind of self-perpetuated cycle of thinking (be it sadness, resentment, anger etc) that eventually will fade away with time. This momentary escape from my thoughts or emotions enables me to better direct the path of where i want my mind to be.
I only use psychadelics more or less when I feel bad or if its some drama in my life that needs to be solved.

I think the highest Ayahuasca dosages and the most incredible travels I ever had was during a time of depression and daily suicidal thoughts.

The same.goes with Changa and DMT. These two I used to kill my self when I wanted to die. Works great and today I feel much better.

These are medicines... you do not take pain killers if you domt have pain..
Dont have much experience with lsd so here Im quiet. Im referring to Ayahuasca, Spice, Changa and Mushrooms.

But the "rip you apart" part seems interesting:)
The endless pressing thought train that is the 2nd half of an LSD experience is very interesting... as long as you feel okay about all.
Northerner said:
The endless pressing thought train that is the 2nd half of an LSD experience is very interesting... as long as you feel okay about all.

Thats the main 2nd half of nearly all my experiences with the medicines, especially in the afterglow of Changa. The challenge of keeping your clean focus while the spirits wants to show you great things, make you laugh, make you cry or any other disturbing activity..:) If you can keep the focus the energies reveals it selfs and dimensions opens up.. But also its great to just end the mind game by simple surrender to the laughing spirit and laugh your ass off as never before...:)

I dont know if anyone makes any sense our of what I just wrote haha
I usually schedule my trips, at least a week in advance. Due to the anticipation and the choice of when i will trip, i am usually in a good set and setting. However, there has been occasions where the time to trip has come around, but i didn't feel like it. The first time i forced myself to trip when i didn't feel like it, the trip was underwhelming.

If for any reason i don't feel like tripping, then i wont trip. I don't confuse this with pre flight jitters, however. I just do my breathing exercises, and i calm down.
Even with a fair bit of experience alone, there can come along that one absolutely horrifying trip that is just too much. Just too overwhelming.
These substances have a habit of bringing things up. Sometimes things you thought you had moved past but really had just covered up for so long.
Things like a friendship that had to come to an end. Things like depression that you have worked oh so hard to keep managed enough to go on. Things I can't even begin to describe.
It can be so overwhelming.
I find all psychedelics to be highly self regulating. I go when I hear the call! I go when the urge is there. I find that I don't like planning it out. I like to be spontaneous as much as I can with it.

Dose is also a consideration. I do plan out my high dose trips and make it a ceremony. These do not happen often. They are for a purpose. For me, this is about creating a sacred space for healing and love.

The lower doses are for fun... I'll go whenever!
DmnStr8 said:
I find all psychedelics to be highly self regulating. I go when I hear the call! I go when the urge is there. I find that I don't like planning it out. I like to be spontaneous as much as I can with it.

Dose is also a consideration. I do plan out my high dose trips and make it a ceremony. These do not happen often. They are for a purpose. For me, this is about creating a sacred space for healing and love.

The lower doses are for fun... I'll go whenever!

I'm very similar.. Lower doses are nbd, I'll find myself microdosing every few months. With larger doses I'll only really embark if I have a strong calling from within. It's a very interesting and
psychedelic sensation.
Maybe that's a little too black and white Icyseeker.

Sometimes it's nice just to trip for fun. It doesn't always have to be so serious.
Icyseeker said:
If your going to treat it like a party drug you should not trip

While I totally, 100% agree with this sentiment on one level...

Northerner said:
Maybe that's a little too black and white Icyseeker.

Sometimes it's nice just to trip for fun. It doesn't always have to be so serious.

...I also totally agree 100% with what Northerner is saying here...

Of course, I thank psychedelics and meditation in particular for the ability to hold two seemingly opposing views in my mind at the same moment and be ok with both of them simultaneously.😉
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