Rising Star
(mind)Set: calm, centered
(physical condition) Set: relaxed
Setting (location): room
time of day: (12 or 24 hour system, daylight? starlight? overcast?) 1800
recent drug use: (list also any kind of medication) joint of weed @ 1700 before, small pipeload of mullein and 10x caapi
last meal: (Time and type) tortilla soup, 2 small cups 1500
Gender: M
body weight: 83kg
known sensitivities: some stimulants
history of use: experienced(
Substance(s): yellow DMT, 10x caapi leaf
Dose(s): 40mg
Method of administration: sandwich method – mullein, DMT, 10xcaapi leaf
Administration time: T=0:02
Duration: 00:20
First effects: T=00:02-04
Come down:T=00:15-00:20
Baseline: 01:00
Intensity (overall): moderately (3)
Evaluation / notes: meaningful, personal, humbling, humorous,
Pleasantness: 4
Unplesantness: 2
Visual Intensity: 4
Hangover: 0
Afterglow: 3 – long afterglow, positive mood and increased outlook
Feeling centered and ready, I carefully loaded up 40mg on a bed of mullein topped with 10x caapi leaf. I had recently smoked a bowl with some caapi extract over mullein about an hour before.
3 rips and my room is a jungle. 1 more and I lay back and cover my eyes.
Almost immediately I am shot into hyperspace and the first image that takes my attention, to my surprise, is a huge penis flopping around in my line of vision. “What the fuck?” I think laughing to myself. As I calm my breathing and let the voyage take hold the penis moves and I am encompassed my a strong male energy in the depths of a multidimensional golden spiral hallway. I’m navigating through this hallway, or being led by this force.
The presence of this energy is extremely strong. I feel devoured by it and at the same time I feel as if I am this being. “Who are you?” I ask. He didn’t give me a clear answer but he showed me his power by stretching my body out while showing me his ability to bend space and time at will. He made it VERY clear that he could crush my soul without even putting forth any effort. I then felt sharp vibrational energy in the center of my forehead and way out in my right hand (my arm felt like it was stretched out a million miles). It was almost painful how intense it was! I watched as this electric energy zapped of these instruments he was holding with alien precision. He was articulating these instruments and sending me energy directly into my third eye and my right hand on the tip of my middle finger. I then asked what he was doing to me and he said he was giving me a gift, a gift I have been seeking and working towards. He gave me this energetic gift for bringing respect to him as a teacher, as I had asked for a teaching in my intentions.
At this point he pushed a part of him through this energy point in my forehead. It was so much pressure on my forehead that I felt frightened. I was being engulfed more and more by this eternal male energy. It was like he was pushing on my brain and moving around different parts of my soul as he seemed fit. Uncomfortable as it was I managed to stay calm,returning to my breath and willing myself to fully accept what was happening to me. As all of this was going on, I felt profoundly grateful and astonished in my head, trying to comprehend it all. For some reason in the midst of all this teaching, I think back to the penis I saw at the beginning and right as the thought came into my head it whipped back into my line of vision and the entity began tickling my brain and laughing! It felt so funny, pure, and intense that I couldn’t even laugh. Just as terror began to touch humour and laughter slid in for the rescue. It was like the one-hundred-millionth of a second when you are first tickled by someone but stretched out over eternity and spread throughout my entire body. In a crescendo of joy I let out a cry, rather than a laugh, and trembled/shook as vibrations coursed through my whole body.
As I slowly came out of hyperspace (and I meanslowly) I received a very distinct and clear verbal message: “We are always with you, always inside.” It was unmistakably clear in my head. Recently on the comedown from these experiences I have been receiving messages… My last trip was nowhere near as profound but on the comedown I received this message being “sung” to me over and over again: “We are ol-der than the foun-tain of cre-a-tion!”.
All in all, This was a healing, humorous, powerful, humbling and moving experience. It was my first time experimenting with caapi and I must say WOW! The duration was something else. It really allowed me to submerge in the experience and really evaluate what was going on. This was more or less a test for me before I embark on a changa journey next week. I have a fresh batch of changa curing which I’m anxious to try, and this preliminary experience was just the test I was looking for.
. I am extremely grateful and I will never forget it. I sure love how unpredictable the spirit world can be.
Peace and love, SM 8)
(mind)Set: calm, centered
(physical condition) Set: relaxed
Setting (location): room
time of day: (12 or 24 hour system, daylight? starlight? overcast?) 1800
recent drug use: (list also any kind of medication) joint of weed @ 1700 before, small pipeload of mullein and 10x caapi
last meal: (Time and type) tortilla soup, 2 small cups 1500
Gender: M
body weight: 83kg
known sensitivities: some stimulants
history of use: experienced(
Substance(s): yellow DMT, 10x caapi leaf
Dose(s): 40mg
Method of administration: sandwich method – mullein, DMT, 10xcaapi leaf
Administration time: T=0:02
Duration: 00:20
First effects: T=00:02-04
Come down:T=00:15-00:20
Baseline: 01:00
Intensity (overall): moderately (3)
Evaluation / notes: meaningful, personal, humbling, humorous,
Pleasantness: 4
Unplesantness: 2
Visual Intensity: 4
Hangover: 0
Afterglow: 3 – long afterglow, positive mood and increased outlook
Feeling centered and ready, I carefully loaded up 40mg on a bed of mullein topped with 10x caapi leaf. I had recently smoked a bowl with some caapi extract over mullein about an hour before.
3 rips and my room is a jungle. 1 more and I lay back and cover my eyes.
Almost immediately I am shot into hyperspace and the first image that takes my attention, to my surprise, is a huge penis flopping around in my line of vision. “What the fuck?” I think laughing to myself. As I calm my breathing and let the voyage take hold the penis moves and I am encompassed my a strong male energy in the depths of a multidimensional golden spiral hallway. I’m navigating through this hallway, or being led by this force.
The presence of this energy is extremely strong. I feel devoured by it and at the same time I feel as if I am this being. “Who are you?” I ask. He didn’t give me a clear answer but he showed me his power by stretching my body out while showing me his ability to bend space and time at will. He made it VERY clear that he could crush my soul without even putting forth any effort. I then felt sharp vibrational energy in the center of my forehead and way out in my right hand (my arm felt like it was stretched out a million miles). It was almost painful how intense it was! I watched as this electric energy zapped of these instruments he was holding with alien precision. He was articulating these instruments and sending me energy directly into my third eye and my right hand on the tip of my middle finger. I then asked what he was doing to me and he said he was giving me a gift, a gift I have been seeking and working towards. He gave me this energetic gift for bringing respect to him as a teacher, as I had asked for a teaching in my intentions.
At this point he pushed a part of him through this energy point in my forehead. It was so much pressure on my forehead that I felt frightened. I was being engulfed more and more by this eternal male energy. It was like he was pushing on my brain and moving around different parts of my soul as he seemed fit. Uncomfortable as it was I managed to stay calm,returning to my breath and willing myself to fully accept what was happening to me. As all of this was going on, I felt profoundly grateful and astonished in my head, trying to comprehend it all. For some reason in the midst of all this teaching, I think back to the penis I saw at the beginning and right as the thought came into my head it whipped back into my line of vision and the entity began tickling my brain and laughing! It felt so funny, pure, and intense that I couldn’t even laugh. Just as terror began to touch humour and laughter slid in for the rescue. It was like the one-hundred-millionth of a second when you are first tickled by someone but stretched out over eternity and spread throughout my entire body. In a crescendo of joy I let out a cry, rather than a laugh, and trembled/shook as vibrations coursed through my whole body.
As I slowly came out of hyperspace (and I meanslowly) I received a very distinct and clear verbal message: “We are always with you, always inside.” It was unmistakably clear in my head. Recently on the comedown from these experiences I have been receiving messages… My last trip was nowhere near as profound but on the comedown I received this message being “sung” to me over and over again: “We are ol-der than the foun-tain of cre-a-tion!”.
All in all, This was a healing, humorous, powerful, humbling and moving experience. It was my first time experimenting with caapi and I must say WOW! The duration was something else. It really allowed me to submerge in the experience and really evaluate what was going on. This was more or less a test for me before I embark on a changa journey next week. I have a fresh batch of changa curing which I’m anxious to try, and this preliminary experience was just the test I was looking for.
. I am extremely grateful and I will never forget it. I sure love how unpredictable the spirit world can be.
Peace and love, SM 8)