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Receiving gifts from the patriarchal spirit

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
(mind)Set: calm, centered
(physical condition) Set: relaxed
Setting (location): room
time of day: (12 or 24 hour system, daylight? starlight? overcast?) 1800
recent drug use: (list also any kind of medication) joint of weed @ 1700 before, small pipeload of mullein and 10x caapi
last meal: (Time and type) tortilla soup, 2 small cups 1500

Gender: M
body weight: 83kg
known sensitivities: some stimulants
history of use: experienced(


Substance(s): yellow DMT, 10x caapi leaf
Dose(s): 40mg
Method of administration: sandwich method – mullein, DMT, 10xcaapi leaf


Administration time: T=0:02
Duration: 00:20
First effects: T=00:02-04
Come down:T=00:15-00:20
Baseline: 01:00

Intensity (overall): moderately (3)
Evaluation / notes: meaningful, personal, humbling, humorous,

Pleasantness: 4
Unplesantness: 2
Visual Intensity: 4


Hangover: 0
Afterglow: 3 – long afterglow, positive mood and increased outlook


Feeling centered and ready, I carefully loaded up 40mg on a bed of mullein topped with 10x caapi leaf. I had recently smoked a bowl with some caapi extract over mullein about an hour before.

3 rips and my room is a jungle. 1 more and I lay back and cover my eyes.

Almost immediately I am shot into hyperspace and the first image that takes my attention, to my surprise, is a huge penis flopping around in my line of vision. “What the fuck?” I think laughing to myself. As I calm my breathing and let the voyage take hold the penis moves and I am encompassed my a strong male energy in the depths of a multidimensional golden spiral hallway. I’m navigating through this hallway, or being led by this force.

The presence of this energy is extremely strong. I feel devoured by it and at the same time I feel as if I am this being. “Who are you?” I ask. He didn’t give me a clear answer but he showed me his power by stretching my body out while showing me his ability to bend space and time at will. He made it VERY clear that he could crush my soul without even putting forth any effort. I then felt sharp vibrational energy in the center of my forehead and way out in my right hand (my arm felt like it was stretched out a million miles). It was almost painful how intense it was! I watched as this electric energy zapped of these instruments he was holding with alien precision. He was articulating these instruments and sending me energy directly into my third eye and my right hand on the tip of my middle finger. I then asked what he was doing to me and he said he was giving me a gift, a gift I have been seeking and working towards. He gave me this energetic gift for bringing respect to him as a teacher, as I had asked for a teaching in my intentions.

At this point he pushed a part of him through this energy point in my forehead. It was so much pressure on my forehead that I felt frightened. I was being engulfed more and more by this eternal male energy. It was like he was pushing on my brain and moving around different parts of my soul as he seemed fit. Uncomfortable as it was I managed to stay calm,returning to my breath and willing myself to fully accept what was happening to me. As all of this was going on, I felt profoundly grateful and astonished in my head, trying to comprehend it all. For some reason in the midst of all this teaching, I think back to the penis I saw at the beginning and right as the thought came into my head it whipped back into my line of vision and the entity began tickling my brain and laughing! It felt so funny, pure, and intense that I couldn’t even laugh. Just as terror began to touch humour and laughter slid in for the rescue. It was like the one-hundred-millionth of a second when you are first tickled by someone but stretched out over eternity and spread throughout my entire body. In a crescendo of joy I let out a cry, rather than a laugh, and trembled/shook as vibrations coursed through my whole body.

As I slowly came out of hyperspace (and I meanslowly) I received a very distinct and clear verbal message: “We are always with you, always inside.” It was unmistakably clear in my head. Recently on the comedown from these experiences I have been receiving messages… My last trip was nowhere near as profound but on the comedown I received this message being “sung” to me over and over again: “We are ol-der than the foun-tain of cre-a-tion!”.

All in all, This was a healing, humorous, powerful, humbling and moving experience. It was my first time experimenting with caapi and I must say WOW! The duration was something else. It really allowed me to submerge in the experience and really evaluate what was going on. This was more or less a test for me before I embark on a changa journey next week. I have a fresh batch of changa curing which I’m anxious to try, and this preliminary experience was just the test I was looking for.
. I am extremely grateful and I will never forget it. I sure love how unpredictable the spirit world can be.

Peace and love, SM 8)
Nice report, SM!

I'm not really sure what to say but that first part about the giant flopping penis made me giggle a bit. I can only imagine how strange that must have been! As for the rest of the experience, it sounds similar to some entity contact my girlfriend had last night while on mushrooms. She told me it felt like the entities were getting inside her head and making her laugh but also making her feel almost insane because it was hard to understand what they were doing. She also mentioned that the most dominant entity told her that he is always with her, in all plains of existence. Any thoughts she made, they knew about it already and always would.

Anyway, thanks for taking the time to write this up! I always love reading a good trip experience! Have a good day, friend!

Thanks for the read Grateful One!

I wasn't sure if anyone cared to read it because it's a little airy... I made the mistake of writing it while still in the afterglow instead of sitting and meditating on it for a while. So thank you so much for your open-mindedness and interest :)

To follow up, I had an enlightening changa experience last night that heavily relates to this one. It may be of interest to you since your girlfriend experienced a similar entity.

I had been planning on doing a ceremony with my girlfriend and one of my best friends for a long time (we set the date on March 23 because of my fascination with the 23 enigma, and it was a full moon in Libra. Otherwise known as a Worm moon or Crow moon by Native Americans, signifying rebirth and an obliteration of old ways), but due to snow and other occurrences I ended up being the only one able to partake. I felt inclined to proceed anyways as my last experience was exactly 7 days prior, almost down to the hour.

During this week, I felt the presence of this entity often, and I noticed some anxiety and nervousness. For a little background: I have been working with an energy worker/psychic healer once a week for over a year. I make these experiences very clear in my sessions so that I can do what needs to be done (clear energy out, understand what happened to me, learn from the experience, etc...) These sessions alone are extremely psychedelic.

Anyways...even though there was a hint of darkness to this entity, I chose to allow him to stay in my space believing I was meant to learn something from him during the week from when he came to me and the changa ceremony. I took a very long time preparing and I was extremely nervous about what might happen. Thankfully my girlfriend was there to help me take my time and hold the space. This was my first changa blend, and aside from testing a small amount a few days prior this would be my first full blows experience.

It consists of:
-yellow and white spice infused with 91% Lavender/Rose petal IPA, full spectrum 10x caapi extract, mullein, pau d'arco, wild lettuce, pinch passionflower

The experience itself was B-E-A-UTIFUL! I was encompassed by mother earth, and she showed herself to me in many forms at the same time, in like layers and dimensions. I allowed her to work on my energy and she helped me move away the previous entity as well as showed me pure love and understanding. She did things to me internally that I can't explain, but I know that whatever was happening to me was out of love.

I don't want to go too much in detail with what happened because I am still processing it.

I received a healing this morning from my healer and we looked at the "patriarchal" entity from an outside perspective, because it seems he did in fact leave my space. Upon meditation and some work on my clear seeing space, I became privy to new knowledge and perspective. During my healing I was able to Look at this entity clearly and with comfort knowing I am able to release him from my space. The male entity always appeared beautiful, but I couldnt not see his face. It was complete blackness. It became very clear to me that this being was not necessarily the healer/teacher I was looking for. It appeared that he had entered my space because he was looking for a healing himself through me, and he was tempting me with beauty, vibrations (this week my dreams have been intense to stay the least, and I experienced extreme vibrations while attempting astral projection, allthewhile feeling the presence of this entity), and promises of spiritual acceleration. I believe he pushed himself into my space because he wanted the healing and he wanted my self-love, but didnt want to do the work. He wanted to take my hard work from me. I am reminded of the "hungry-ghost" aspect of the Tibetan book of the dead.

She told me it felt like the entities were getting inside her head and making her laugh but also making her feel almost insane because it was hard to understand what they were doing. She also mentioned that the most dominant entity told her that he is always with her, in all plains of existence. Any thoughts she made, they knew about it already and always would.

Phew... Sorry that was so long-winded but I felt obligated to share this follow up experience and my interpretation. My belief system has been shook many times, but in the midst of intense and consistent spiritual work I have come to understand this consciousness in a believe-and-don't-believe everything. This particular experience taught me that it is important to be specific with your intentions, and make sure that you are aware of what you let into your space. If your girlfriend experiences any aggravation, impatience, nervousness, or anger for seemingly no reason at all, its possible that this entity may want something from her too.

Peace and love friend, and thanks again :d
I don't mind long winded posts, I find the perceptions, thoughts and insights of people here at the Nexus quite fascinating and it helps me come to terms with some of my own concerns and feelings. My GF and I tripped on mushrooms last night and I invited all the entities into our space after my GF asked if it was okay. I don't think I realized what I was doing because she had one of the most profound experiences I've ever witnessed.

It is interesting that you mentioned that they may want something from her too. It is hard for me to know fully because she was in a different space then me. I find cosmic beings to be enlightening and frightening all at the same time. They really make one question the nature of this reality. I do feel that they have things to show us, and whether or not those things are already within us, it is interesting to ponder.

In my report above, my GF first encounters childlike beings while in the bathroom who wanted her to "be their mom" ... as if they were lost in whatever world they exist in and were attracted to the energy being released from her. So clearly, they had intentions of their own, which seemed playful and innocent.

I think it is great that you are able to put a competent spin on your encounter. Almost as if you were both feeding off each other for the healing energy. I like to contemplate what it would be like from the perspective of the entity. I'm infinitely curious as to why they seem to have a fascination with humans. Terence Mckenna said (I'm paraphrasing here) that if there were alien intelligent beings watching Earth and the inhabitants, it seems likely that they would make contact while one was in a more receptive or intoxicated state. The psychedelic experience fits that bill almost too perfectly.

But alas, speculation is just speculation, with no way to prove things one way or another. But that is life I suppose!

Yesterday was a powerful day in the cosmos 😁

Human consciousness and our awareness of it are completely wild huh?! I don't know what your beliefs about spirits are, but I can say with confidence that any time you invite beings into your space (or your body) tred with CAUTION. There are all types of energies out there, loving and malicious. You don't want to accidentally invite a seemingly innocent entity into your space and have it turn out that its malicious and starts affecting you in some way.

Being specific with what you say can make all the difference. Like rather than inviting ALL entities in you could say something like "Any energies that are here for the highest good of this space (and/or) the highest good of myself are welcome."

I read your trip report too, beautiful writing and pictures!
Nobody can crush your soul if you don't let them so. Don't let them fool you, and use weakness of your mind against you. Remember, you're not any less powerful than these entities. You're just on lower evolutionary level than themselves. And there are other beings which are even higher than themselves.

Peace and love. <3
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