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recipe for who has problems breaking through.

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Senior Member
OG Pioneer
Edit: this is not meant for first timers, but for those who over and over fail to have a breakthrough on ayahuasca brews.
It is a compromise between being carefull not to take too much, and dosing up because the normal amounts are innefective.
As a result of that compromise it is a stronger brew then an average ayahuasca brew will be.

Apparently, many people find it difficult, breaking through on ayahuasca.
The most likely cause is that they don't take enough caapi, possibly because they somehow have a higher than average tolerance for it.

There is a risk that they will think they need to take more of everything and suddenly winding up in a hyperspace world that is too much for them.

So i decided to place recipe for ayahuasca, that will give almost 100% certainty of a breakthrough, without the risk of taking too much.

The first thing is that you better use standardized caapi extracts or pure harmalines like THH. This is because the tannins and other stuff in the plant material contributes to nausea and stomach discomfort in some people. If you puke everything out, there is a chance that the stuff didn't stay long enough in your stomach to have entered the bloodstream.
So how more concentrated and pure your MAOI's are, the better.

Secondly it is best to take an amount of it that corresponds with about 50 to 60 grams of caapi. This is small enough not to cause nausea and unwanted effects, and large enough to be effective, even for people with a higher tolerance for it.

It is reccomendable to dissolve the caapi extract in your brew, or to take it immediately before you take your DMT-brew. Don't put the stuff in capsules. The caapi isn't active in the stomach for long. That'the reason for drinking it with the DMT.

The DMT brew that will definately work requires 50 grams of chacruna extracted in an as small amount of water as possible. 0.3 liters is large enough to effectively extract all the alkaloids, yet small enough to be quickly processed by the stomach.
Boil the chacruna in amounts that fit the 0.3 liter. 50 grams can be done in three boils. Add water in between and during the boils to keep the amount at 0.3 liters.
Don't boil the chacruna for too long. 5 to 10 minutes is enough to extract the DMT. Boiling it longer may reduce the amount of DMT in your brew.

Let the brew cool to room temperature. Then mix it with 15 grams of mimosa hostilis root bark powder. This is a too small amount to make the total of DMT in your brew too much to handle. Yet, in cold water extractions it is enough to give your brew a boost if the chacruna would be to weak. Chacruna varies in strength more then mimosa does. The addition of mimosa can compensate for weak chacruna, while the amounts won't be too much.
This amount of mimosa also doesn't give a bad taste to your brew and doesn't lead to stomach problems either.
Boiled mimosa does however, so that's why cold water extrects are better.
Filter the mimosa out of your brew.

If you realy want to be guaranteed an effective trip, you can eat or extract an amount of shrooms that is too small to have effects on it's own. That way you can be sure that you will not take too much psychedelic tryptamines. An amount of shrooms that is to small to be effective on it's own cannot in addition to the brew, cause the trip to be too intense, yet it can effectively give the DMT a little boost. If the brew would still be too weak, the extra kick given by the shrooms can activate the DMT fully without causing it to override you completely.

In addition you can eat 3 datura seeds. This also can be an effective booster in case you're resistance to breaking through is realy huge, while it will not cause any unwanted side effects or cause it to be too powerfull.

This will definately work, and it will be strong. But it won't be too strong. The combination of this mixture is still very manageable and very safe. At it's max it can only be 115 to 120% the strength of an average ayahuasca brew. I would consider that, even for beginners, doable and safe.
So 3x 10 min x 0.3 lt water boil, then reduce to a drinkable amound, 50ml? Or does the reduction kill off any alkaloids?
Yes, reducing it may lead to loss of alkaloids. And 50 grams can be boiled in 0.3 liters of water spread over three or four portions, and filtered.
Thanks for this polytrip.
I shall defo be trying this out as i do seem to have trouble breaking through.
How long do you leave the 15g of mimosa in the chacruna tea before you filter it out?
polytrip said:
Yes, reducing it may lead to loss of alkaloids. And 50 grams can be boiled in 0.3 liters of water spread over three or four portions, and filtered.

Is that true, coz they boil the shit out of it in the Amazon!!!
I like to reduce it so it fits in a shot glass, double shot at the most.
I don't know how much they use in the amazon region. The stuff is probably also more powerfull there because it's fresh. If you have weak chacruna, then boiling it for too long will not do it good. It's best to start with a small amount of water and divide the boil into portions. That way you can end up with a very small amount of water that has not been boiling for too long.
polytrip said:
This is a too small amount to make the total of DMT in your brew too much to handle.

If the brew would still be too weak, the extra kick given by the shrooms can activate the DMT fully without causing it to override you completely.

This will definately work, and it will be strong. But it won't be too strong. The combination of this mixture is still very manageable and very safe.

I get that combining all of this will definitely give effects, but it is really not a good idea to say things like:
This will definately work, and it will be strong. But it won't be too strong.
Like it is a hard & solid fact for everyone out there.

You have no idea what an individuals reaction to these substances will be. Every body reacts differently, so there is absolutely no way to know that "it won't be too strong" for anyone but you!!

As an example, a friend & I went camping & took some pharmahuasca, I usually need about 150-200mg of Harmalas plus at least 120-150mg of DMT to even start feeling anything at all. (that's just me though)
My friend however only needed 80-100mg of Harmalas plus 50-100mg of DMT & had an absolutely overwhelming experience!!

The real issue is that more & more everyday, young people with no experience with DMT (or sometimes any psychedelics) come to this web board to learn about the cool new drug they just saw someone take on youtube:? .
A lot of them are not at all familiar with DMT & the way it is not a simple push-button high that does the same thing every time for every user.
In other words a noob will read that as saying that one needs to combine all of that stuff to guarantee a full on "trip".
So that's the first thing they try...having no idea whats coming to them.

Read through the Nursery section on extractions & first time smoking experiences & you'll quickly see that there are a whole lot of kids out there interested in trying the pinical of the psychedelic experience as their first.
And they all want to know the fastest, easiest way to "make DMT" by following a recipe....(the plant makes it, we only extract it).
And why, when they smoked it (at a party with 10 friends standing around yelling) they didn't have the famous "meeting elves trip" that they read about on a web forum...."why didn't it work for me"?!?!?!?
Instead their world fell apart & they where overtaken by some evil being ( :roll: )that wanted to eat their soul or something like that.

Those things come from them not doing any real research into this...but it also comes from people with lots of experience posting things like:
This will definitely work, and it will be strong. But it won't be too strong.
And then taking that statement as gospel. And eventually freaking out hard!

Just make sure you are including explanations about how the effects of tryptameins in particular are very, very different from person to person & even dose to dose!!
And that what you are posting here is how to make a strong brew for an experienced user, who understands where he may be going if it is too strong...for them...this time.


20 grams of caapi alone canbe strong for me..I dont know why that is..12 grams caapi and 5 grams chaiponga can really blow me away.

I however do a 3 day cold water extraction on my caapi, plus 2 boils..so that could be why. Maybe thereis something to those cold water extractions that make it stronger.
With Aya there are just too many variables that can cause a brew to be ineffective.

While your brewing technique may be sound, there is no real way to get a breakthrough EVERY time...it's just not possible unless one uses MASSIVE doses of Caapi AND admixture.

The same brew, at the same dosage can send me to heaven and hell one time, and another time leave me scratching my head wondering where the effects are.

The time of day, foods consumed in the past few days, weight, age, times Aya has been used, are all variables in how much it takes to affect a person.

The actives in the plant material varies so much that while your recipe is a good one, it won't work if the material is weak.

The BEST way to work with Aya is to buy a small sample of plant material, say enough for 2-3 doses...find out how strong the plant material is, and then buy a large amount. This way you know how much you will need for a full experience.

Things like fasting before the experience also are VERY important. If you've just eating 3 cheeseburgers and then drink your brew, you probably aren' going to get much in the way of effects. Also if you have an empty stomach, drink your brew and nothing happens, a bit of olive oil can usually kick start the experience.

Aya is a hard teacher to work with at times, but once you've worked with it enough, you start to understand the variable that are at play. After many tries you can really start to work with Aya, there is bit of a reverse tolerance that occurs with Aya if taken frequently enough.
This procedure is for those who repetetively fail to have a psychedelic experiences with every brew they try to make, whe seem to be very insensitive for either DMT, harmalines or both.

Not for first timers who could be very sensitive to the ingredients in ayahuasca.

And it is meant exactly to prevent people from taking too much at once.

This is a compromise, and the best i can think of between being carefull on one hand and dosing up because you feel that the normal amounts aparently are not sufficient.

Otherwise you could just say to people "well if 50 grams of caapi and 50 grams of chacruna didn't work, double the dose".

I wanted to prevent exactly that people start doing thát. And thén they will conclude that ayahuasca isn't for them, because it's too intense and absolute hell and that it can only lead to insanity.

To me ayahausca is one of the most beautyfull things a person can experience in his life and of all psychedelic experiences, by far the best. I don't want people to have a bad time because they take too much of it and i also don't want people to give up trying because they think it will never work.
acolon_5 said:
Things like fasting before the experience also are VERY important. If you've just eating 3 cheeseburgers and then drink your brew, you probably aren' going to get much in the way of effects. Also if you have an empty stomach, drink your brew and nothing happens, a bit of olive oil can usually kick start the experience.

I my expereince, these types of things are usually the bigger issue with people who are not getting effects from the generally recommended dose amounts.
That & good 'ole set & setting as always.

Also it is very common for the first 1 or 2 times a person takes real Ayahuasca (Cappi + Chacruna/Chaliponga), for the effects to be very subtle, or even non existent.
This happened to me in fact, the first 3 times I brewed & drank Aya, nothing at all...2nd time, same amount, same plants, nothings at all...3rd time, same amount, same brew as last time, just a little feeling good, just a little stirring of my vision, but only a hint.
The next time, same amount, same plants & I had a heavy, full on other worldly experience, with the purging & healing with help from the vine. And have ever since.

All of those were in my bedroom alone, with a small amount of my own "ceremony" involved.

Very unpredictable medicine Ayahuasca. Very beautiful indeed!

I have added an introduction that will hopefully clarify my intentions and prevent people from taking this without having tried the normal route first.
WSaged said:
acolon_5 said:
Things like fasting before the experience also are VERY important. If you've just eating 3 cheeseburgers and then drink your brew, you probably aren' going to get much in the way of effects. Also if you have an empty stomach, drink your brew and nothing happens, a bit of olive oil can usually kick start the experience.

I my expereince, these types of things are usually the bigger issue with people who are not getting effects from the generally recommended dose amounts.
That & good 'ole set & setting as always.

Also it is very common for the first 1 or 2 times a person takes real Ayahuasca (Cappi + Chacruna/Chaliponga), for the effects to be very subtle, or even non existent.
This happened to me in fact, the first 3 times I brewed & drank Aya, nothing at all...2nd time, same amount, same plants, nothings at all...3rd time, same amount, same brew as last time, just a little feeling good, just a little stirring of my vision, but only a hint.
The next time, same amount, same plants & I had a heavy, full on other worldly experience, with the purging & healing with help from the vine. And have ever since.

All of those were in my bedroom alone, with a small amount of my own "ceremony" involved.

Very unpredictable medicine Ayahuasca. Very beautiful indeed!

I expect people not to eat cheeseburgers before they take ayahusca anyway. Not eating cheeseburgers a minute before take-of is supposed to be standard procedure.

I also find chacruna a superiour herb to mimosa, but with the problem of not being very reliable. I don't know a better way to compensate for this and still give people a genuine chacruna brew then to add mimosa in a small amount. Otherwise you have to redose every hour and therefore redose with caapi as well, wich will be less comfortable, because the MAOI effects have subsided, but the other effects of the previous caapi dose are still working.

An amount of shrooms that is not active on it's own can just like datura, activate oral DMT. Without having significant effects once the DMT is fully activated.
I don't believe anybody could react negatively to a minute amount of shrooms. It is, wich i clearly said, not supposed to be enough to have effects on it's own.
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