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Recipes for Organic LSD (LSH)

Migrated topic.
SWIM only used 100 Morning Glory seeds, that is a small dose but SWIM doesn't need much. It was just to experiment also. Anyway, SWIM never got around to drinking it. Hopefully today.
damiana said:
SWIM only used 100 Morning Glory seeds, that is a small dose but SWIM doesn't need much. It was just to experiment also. Anyway, SWIM never got around to drinking it. Hopefully today.

i was just gonna ask...
For the sake of adding to the record, here's a post from Jammr in the Nursery; he's frustrated about not being able to post replies elsewhere in the Nexus.

Jammr said:
Incidentally, I wanted to reply to one of the organic LSA/LSH threads, so I'll take your cue. Roughly +2 hours into a CW MG extract, ~200 seeds, with initial vegetable oil (peanut, that's all I had) wash (following Q21Q21's advice) and converted with 7 drops of peppermint oil, and it is definitely "working" -- feeling pretty euphoric at the moment, close to a small dose of LSD. Thanks to 69ron, whose posts gave me the initial idea, and Q21Q21's posting about doing the oil wash! 8)
SWIM drank the tea he made. It wasn't very strong but he definitely felt something, mostly tired. The peppermint leaves he used were probably too old to convert the LSA to LSH, since SWIM was a little tired all day. A sure sign of LSA.
SWIM couldn't fellow this recipe to the letter since he did a CWE of 40 seeds ryvea C two weeks ago (he thought to take it before) now he did a fresh leaves mint tea, he's about to combine the two water extraction to have this mint working out the LSA to LSH with a little stevia..

How long should he leave it together for the conversion ?
I repeat the CWE of seeds is already done and has a promising golden color (unless seeds are not that fresh which is possible since it was a gift).
Does anyone know the shelf life of this "tea" if kept in a fridge away from light? Will it degrade in a week? Will it help the conversion sitting that length?
I wish I knew. LSA keeps for about 2 years in a tincture, and then it starts coming apart rapidly. LSA powder has the same problem. I'm assuming LSH is far worse.

I've heard that the mere act of extracting the seeds destroys most of the LSH. In one theory I read, I forget who's theory it was, the guy said it was believed that the seeds originally contain no LSA at all, and that LSA is just a product of LSH breakdown. And the only reason LSA is found in the seeds is because all known extraction procedures breakdown LSH.

I haven’t read anything from anyplace stating how fragile LSH actually is. It’s all theory that I’ve read. No proof. And to make it worse, there is no proof LSH is being made by these recipes either.

There seems to be no interest in the study of LSH. There is only a single study of LSH that I know exists. It was a lab animal test, and they concluded it was psychedelic like LSD based on the effect it had on the behavior changes of the animals tested. In that test they also tested LSA, and LSD. Only LSH and LSD showed similar behavior changes in the animal tests. LSA showed sedative effects and no LSD type of behavior changes. But you cannot be sure LSH is psychedelic from animal tests. You don’t even know if LSD is. You can’t ask the animal, “did you have a nice trip?”

I read once that Hoffman himself said LSH had effects like that of LSD. I don’t recall where I read that quote of hand. Maybe its not true. I don’t remember reading that in any of his books.

As far as fragility goes, I would assume it’s very fragile, and not keep it sitting around for too long.
Yes it is...I believe I posted a link to it here somewhere already in this thread. I'm not sure. I know I posted it somewhere on the Nexus. I don't recall where, but I'm sure I could find it again using Google.
that reaction wouldn't happen without a catalist and at particularly enviroment imo (temps,pressure,modifyed atmosfere..who knows) but i don't think that lsa could convert just putting a hand of mint leaves into the glass,sorry for my skepticism :?
ayahuascan said:
would menthol crystals work instead of the leaves?
DiMiTriX said:
no couse in this recipe mint is used just for his acetaldeyde contents,monthol is not acetaldeyde so anwer is no
Reviewing this old thread, I would observe that we don't actually know this. There is no reason not to try lysergamide-containing seed extracts with a menthol admixture. (Menthol is a mild kappa-opioid agonist...)

Unless, of course, someone already tried this and something unaccountably terrible happened :?
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