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Recurring Theme w/ Conclusion (Sort of...)

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Rising Star
Senior Member
OG Pioneer
Hey guys,

I have been away for a while. Several months ago I had approximately three back to back sessions that presented a recurring theme to me. The best way I can sum up the theme in human language is: "This is it. This place exists, this reality is real, it's all here and you are witnessing it. Enjoy it and be grateful that you have the opportunity to visit, but realize that there is nothing more you can do with it. You can experience it here, but you can't take it with you, nothing you find here is applicable to the world you live in. Just know that this exists, and be appreciative and satisfied knowing this, and that is all you can do." I needed a lot of time to digest that, and really decide if there truly is no use for it back hear on earth. It is so massive, and so profound, and so much farther than what we understand of physics and science today.

Last night I embarked on another journey for the first time in several months. I'll get to that later. The sessions that I had prior to last night were incredible and amazing. They were extremely powerful and completely dissociative, with complete separation of mind and body. The previous session, before last night, as I set the pipe down and began to go in deep, I looked down at my hands just prior to closing my eyes. What was absolutely crazy was that my hands and arms were transparent. I could literally see through them. I could see the floor, and the rug, and the coffee table on the other side of them. It's as if I was reduced to pure energy, and no longer consisted of solid matter. It was very similar to the phenomenon of being able to see through ones eyelids that I and others on this forum have experienced, except my eyes were open and I was seeing through my hands and arms. It was truly unbelievable! From there I went deep, deep in to hyperspace. I really don't recall a lot of the details, but I do recall getting "the message". That same recurring theme that all I can do is experience what I am experiencing, and there is nothing more I can do with it once I return.

I have a hard time believing that there is nothing that can be brought back from hyperspace worlds that can be used in our world. Maybe it's the simple fact that nothing in their multidimensional world could ever exist in our three dimensional world, and therefore would have no practical purpose here, because it can't even exist and be perceived in a 3D world. I've been doing a lot of thought on that, and spent a lot of time contemplating why and what fore I am going into hyperspace (aside from the pure magic that is hyperspace). I recently decided that I needed to go back and try and understand more. So...

I'm typically very good at capturing my experience on paper as I'm returning. These recent experiences have been so powerful however, that I'm left in a nearly vegetative state of pure thought. I wish this was not the case, because there were so many incredible details that I wish could recall and translate into human language.

So, we move forward into last nights journey. I took a couple mild warm up tokes to get me into the mode. I burned some nice incense and dimmed the lights. No TV, and No music in the room whatsoever. I then loaded a dose of approximately 40 to 50mg. In my typical fashion I went in with the motivation of learning knowledge. Seeking and gaining knowledge has been the typical mind set and motivation that I have been delving into with these experiences.

So, I take the hit. It takes one not-so-efficient hit, followed by a very long deep inhalation of pure cool, almost tasteless vapor. My vapor chamber was clouded with a thick white vapor cloud,and there was little to no burning going on at the bowl end. I continued to draw the vapor in until I had very little lung left, then I pulled the heat away from the bowl and drew in the as much as possible of the vapor in the chamber. I held this vapor for as long as possible, and right up to the point where I needed more oxygen. I exhaled and then inhaled that last of the vapor remaining in the pipe. At this point things were coming on hard and fast. My world was dissolving around me by the time I set the pipe down.

I sat back in my "Buddha Chair", legs crossed,and fingers interlocked. From this point I was excelled out of my body at a tremendous rate. My body was no more than a lump of flesh and bone in the chair, but my mind was going places, and going there fast! When I figured out what was going on, I realized that I was traveling along a fractal, or at least that is what it felt like. I traveled down and around, through tunnels and over bridges. The only way I can describe it is that I was following a fractal backwards, to its very origin. During this time I could hear an incredible level of auditory input. At one point I actually thought that my wife had woken up and came out to check on me. My thought at that moment was that "she is just going to have to wait until I return. I don't even know where my body is right now, and I certainly don't have any idea how I would get back into it IF I could find it! I let the voices slide, and just do their own thing. I had more pressing issues at hand. (FYI, I spoke to my wife the next day and she was sound asleep the whole time)

I was still riding the fractal downwards, and it was continually getting smaller and smaller. I finally ended up at a single point in space. It was as close to a one dimensional point that one can visually perceive. It existed, but really had no depth, and barely had any height or width. It was a true "point" in space. It was minuscule in every sense of the word. It had to have some dimension for me to even see it, but nothing more. I realized that I had been taken to the origin of the fractal. Everything else around me was just black space. I had been taken in to the very beginning of most everything in existence. The very point from where a fractal originates. And the very point from where the architecture of the universe is derived. At least this is how I interpreted it at the time.

Once I was in this space, staring at this green point of light in space, I was getting telepathic messages insinuating that this is as far as you can go. The messages were almost saying that "this is a message. You have seen what there is to be seen. You have come to the deepest regions of our realm. There is nothing more for you to see..."

I don't know what to make of all of this except they were trying to send me a message. I can not verbalize the experience in words on paper, but the message was one of "You have come, and seen. There is no reason for you to return" I REALLY don't know what to make of all of this. I have heard others quote statements like "Once you have gotten the message, you will know, and there will be no reason for you to return". I remember thinking that this IS one of those messages. It felt like I have seen what I needed to see, and coming back is just going to either be wasted, or be invading their space after they gave me "The Message" I just remember very intense communications pouring into my head, and I just kept thinking. "This is the message"...

I can't imagine never doing the spice again! I am more intrigued than ever now! But I really wonder if the message I picked up was accurate, or misinterpreted. I just don't know...

I wanted to share this with you guys, and see if anyone has had similar communications. I wish I could elaborate more on this experience, but I just can't recall most of the details, only the general theme of the journey. I can tell you that it was one of, if not the most, profound Spice experiences I have ever had in my life. I guess I will have to see what happens when I go for that next big draw of vaped spice! 8) We shall see I suppose, and I will certainly let you guys know!

great post idtravlr! Thankyou for sharing it. Im not sure if there is too much that I can contribute.... I have also received reoccuring messages from the other side, and have been somewhat filled with the notion that there is nothing tangible that we can do with the other hyperspatial dimensions from this prespective...

however after some rather stern communications/messages I have been filled with the concept that we cannnot directly interact with hyperspace 'YET' ... now is not the time, but it will definitely come.... and it is close!

keep journeying brother and bringing back information/knowledge ... even if you feel like you have experienced it all... I feel that we are all only at the beggining ;)

timeloop said:
great post idtravlr! Thankyou for sharing it. Im not sure if there is too much that I can contribute.... I have also received reoccuring messages from the other side, and have been somewhat filled with the notion that there is nothing tangible that we can do with the other hyperspatial dimensions from this prespective...

however after some rather stern communications/messages I have been filled with the concept that we cannnot directly interact with hyperspace 'YET' ... now is not the time, but it will definitely come.... and it is close!

keep journeying brother and bringing back information/knowledge ... even if you feel like you have experienced it all... I feel that we are all only at the beggining ;)

Yeah man. I had to take another journey a couple nights later. :) I'm going to post about that shortly. I was good this time and took my notes as I was coming back.

I also didn't mean to sound like "I've experienced it all". I know that's kind of how it came across, but I KNOW there is MUCH I haven't yet experienced. It was more like a message of... Shit, I don't know how to say it. It wasn't that I have seen it all, but just that I shouldn't expect to bring more back with me. Like I need to understand that there is a limit to what one can bring back, and at that point... from there my thoughts go schpuuuuuuurrrrrrrrrrzzzzzzzzzzzipppp. I'm still not sure what to make of "The Message" bit though.

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