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Recycling code for THE simulation?

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Scientist finds what could be fingerprints of a simulation: quantum equation in astrophysical phenomena. Is this an indication of recycled "code"? The simulation part is just one of many possibilities. Any thoughts?

"This discovery is surprising because the Schrödinger Equation is an unlikely formula to arise when looking at distances on the order of light-years," says Batygin. "The equations that are relevant to subatomic physics are generally not relevant to massive, astronomical phenomena. Thus, I was fascinated to find a situation in which an equation that is typically used only for very small systems also works in describing very large systems."

Press release

Journal Reference:

Konstantin Batygin. Schrödinger evolution of self-gravitating discs. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2018; 475 (4): 5070 DOI: 10.1093/mnras/sty162
I'm actually surprised at the researchers surprise. I thought by now we were well aware of the fractal nature of this universe.

It is kinda cool to see the mathematical confirmation though. :thumb_up:

Not quite sure how it relates to simulation hypothesis.
dreamer042 said:
I'm actually surprised at the researchers surprise. I thought by now we were well aware of the fractal nature of this universe.

It is kinda cool to see the mathematical confirmation though. :thumb_up:

Not quite sure how it relates to simulation hypothesis.
It's kind of like how people are always amazed at how often pi shows up in math in stuff it seemingly has no place. But once you re-frame the question you start to see how it comes into play. Just because we can't see why an equation for the very small appears in things for the very large doesn't mean it has no place being there. Instead I think it shows us that there's another way to be looking at the problem that we just haven't mulled over yet that shows how they're connected.
dreamer042 said:
...Not quite sure how it relates to simulation hypothesis.

When human programmers first started to try to simulate landscapes in computers (e.g. flight simulations) they had issues with the computing power needed. However, when they used fractals in their programming the simulation became a lot simpler to run. It was a major break-through. I think it was discussed at the beginning of this documentary.


So the argument would be that if we were in a simulation it makes sense that the same formula and patterns repeat at different scales. Would make running the simulation a lot easier. It's an interesting possibility I think, who knows if it is actually true.
To summarize the case for plausibility of a simulation hypothesis:

1) Our fundamental physical constants are fine-tuned to allow complex structures such as molecules to arise -> this may simply reflect the initial simulation conditions. From simulations that humans create, we know that the initial conditions are a key part of the crude simulations we can create now.

2) Universe has a clear beginning out of nothing (big bang) based on our astronomical observations -> this is compatible with how a simulation would start after hitting the "run" button.

3)Nature is full of fractals and even formulas are repeated at different scales (this second part is what the new research found in the OP) -> this makes simulations computable as we have learned when working on our own primitive simulations where we use fractals and recycle code when possible.

4)Plank scale exists -> this is compatible with the simulation steps. Interestingly this natural scale points to the computing clock speed of the simulation at 10e44 Hz, about 10e35 times faster than our fastest computers (witch run at 10e9Hz.)

5)Possible existence of an AI -> if we are ever able to create a sentient AI, by induction we are likely also a kind of AI and our AI will likely go on to create it's won AI (why would we be the privileged 1st in this inductive process?).

6) Information and entropy are linked. Why would a physical quantity be linked to a programmable one in such a fundamental way?

7) Perception of a simulation and of an orb that contains the entire universe along with complex fascinating machines seem to independently arise from the psychedelic experience. This common observed thread can be explained if we assume that enhanced conciousnes is able to be aware of the deeper nature of reality.

Overall the simulation hypothesis seems interesting and appears to be able to explain several different observations.

Any thoughts? Any known conflicting observations with the simulation hypothesis? Any other known phenomena that are compatible with the simulation hypothesis?

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