Again quoting entropymancers paper, uhh ahem actually myself because ALOT of his paper was my writings and some of the pics were pics of my products .... the diffrent jungle pulls that is. Anyways's my .02 cents worth is this : the tan waxy material (which it takes di-ethyl ether and naptha washes to oibtain, NOT XYLENE or Tolulene as these pull different alkaloids). The tan waxy stuff pulled with DE is WAY BETTER than the red xyl/tol pulled stuff... its more mellow, not as hard in your face OMG instant blast as opposed to the red xyl stuff.
In my work I have Identified atleast 4 SEPERATE and unique psychadelic compounds from MHRB... these consist of : (5 if you count the trace Beta carbolines alone) but they are :
1: N-N DMT
2: DMT - n-oxide
3: The red jungle pulled with xyl/tol which some call yuremamine???
4: The tan waxy stuff pulled with D/Ether and heptane or combinations of such of which I have posted pictures of all over the net... tan waxy rocks with glistening sparkling xtals in them if veiwed in the proper resolution. It is absolutely beautiful. These pics of that beautiful stuff which I really believe I was the first to discover many , many years ago can be found all over the net.... heres a quick link to a pic I just c&p for a fast veiw of the material I am talking about.
It is pulled by pulling your basified mhrb solution with a mixture of di-ethyl ether and heptane mixed 8-1, DE alone will pull a similar material but the heptane allows it to pick up trace amounts of a known beta-carboline which in this material if pulled correctly makes for a wonderful maoi/tryptamine experience but vastly diff than DMT. Anyways back to the point... its pulled by using the d/e and heptane.... freeze precipped, decant the solvent... wash several times with hot naptha.. this will remove the dmt and leave behind an orange oil... wash it enough with hot naptha to make certain you have removed all traces of DMT, the oil will stay behind.
Now at this point the oil will not harden nor is it even psychadelic.. when smoked or ingested while in oil form it is mentally inactive, however it will have a sluggish, tranquilizing body effect, nothing good. Now... set the jar which contains the oil in a WARM DRY PLACE, STIRRING IT AROUND A BIT EVERY COUPLE DAYS, DO NOT CAP IT, instead wrap a coffee filter or some thin paper/cloth cap over it... it needs air to work...
After two to three weeks with periodic stirring/agitation it will eventually harden into what is shown above in the pics... it has a waxy texture but it will be very hard... it will take a strong knife or razor to chop off a small chip.... smoke a bit and enjoy.... extremely psychadelic, longer lasting than dmt (about 30-40 minutes) and much more enjoyable, always plesant feelings of warm and love... occasional boughts of hysterical laughter or times of uttering love, love love, love.... while having a head full of pleasant but EXTREME visuals.. definetly a closed eyed, laying down experience... the best (i think tryptamine + beta carboline) experience ever.
I feel that whatever makes this material psychadelic is due to oxidation... it has to be exposed to air for several weeks before becoming mentally active... nor will it harden until it has been through the "2-3 week air proccess). Oxidation, the addition of oxygen or some atmosphereic element makes this material active and take shape.... I dont fully understand what is happeningto ths material during this tike.... but it is FN GREAT! I suggest everyone who enjoys tryptamine psychadelics to give this 4th material a try.. again heres one of many links to one of several pics I took of this material over time.
Try it and enjoy..... burnt I love your work and appreciate all of your effort but I disagree with your theory that all jungles are made up of pretty much all DMT and trace amounts of other stuff.... this material I am discussing here Was completely free'd of all DMT... I do appreciate your work but your should give this material a try and I am certain you will agree.. especially considering it is totally in-soluble in naptha. Anyways I gtg .... enough rambling Peace and Godspeed to you all!