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"red wine colored" naphtha??

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Hey guys, i'm on my 3rd pull on 250gr of MHRB and the 2nd and 3rd pull ended in some crazy dark solvent...

It wasn't yellow as usual, it was like red wine, really dark... i didn't suck up any of the lye/water/MHRB mix, its pure naphtha...

so what did the naphtha pull out there??

here are some pics of the naphtha and the endresult after freeze precip... what happened?? :?: :?: :?:


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Ummmm, are you sure you didn't pull the wrong liquid.

that looks very much like mimosa wine to me.

Are you sure you used naphtha and not xylene or toluene?

If that is naphtha I've never seen anything like it before.

I have left naphtha sitting in my mimosa jug for weeks and it has never come out looking like that. Very strange!
Oh and another question...

Nomans Tek suggests to take per 1g of MHRB 1g Lye and 15ml Water... so for 200gr of MHRB that would be 200gr of lye and 3500L water...

after 140gr. of Lye, i already reached a PH of 14... this should be sufficient, no? or is more lye good for a better extraction??
thanks for help n cheers
its naphtha... i used this kind of naphtha before and never ended up in something like this...

i also made the same process as ever... i'm confused, especially because TWO pulls ended up like this...
this is what i lookes like after one hour in the fridge (not freezer)


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Contact said:
Oh and another question...

Nomans Tek suggests to take per 1g of MHRB 1g Lye and 15ml Water... so for 200gr of MHRB that would be 200gr of lye and 3500L water...

after 140gr. of Lye, i already reached a PH of 14... this should be sufficient, no? or is more lye good for a better extraction??
thanks for help n cheers

Good lord... I never did like STBs because of how much lye is needed.

If you have your pH to 13-14 you are fine. You do not need to add more lye.

At 13 your lye is going to eat through MHRB cells just fine....having it up to 14 is a bit excessive, but will still work just fine.
That looks a lot like Jungle Spice to SWIM:

Jungle Spice tends to be pulled after no DMT remains.

1) Your bark is flawed in some way:
Could have been stored too long leading to decomposition of DMT.
Could just be low quality, scrap from the company.
Unlikely but excessive heating during extraction could have decomposed the DMT (but never heard of this actually happening).

2) For some obscure reason your naptha could dissolve either the Jungle Spice in preference to DMT and contain a mixture of both or just jungle spice.

Since the first pull was fine, it could just be that the bark had a very low DMT content in the first place. This however is still unusual since jungle spice isn't normally extracted using naptha (implying naptha is not a good solvent); Shaggy's tek uses toluene/xylene for the purpose. Remains a bit of a mystery to SWIM even though SWIM's no expert.

At any rate try to smoke what you have there and report results.
One said, it is better to pull the normal Spice also with xylene... i have the possibility to buy alot of xylene instead of naphtha... should i use only xylene, or is xylene only good for jungle-spice pulling?

thanks for help :)
For straight up spice I think naphtha is the way forward. Xylene is a beast of solvent, but it smells and is a bitch to evap and you can't precip DMT out of it without stirring in an acid.

I usually use Xylene when I want fumerate... usually when naphtha stops pulling.
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