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Remembering the eternal self, Re-connection to Source Consciousness.

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Before i start i must mention i have never tried any psychedelic like psilocybin, salvia, LSD, or ketamine or any of those high level psychedelics. MDMA with Cannabis was probably the highest I've even got with psychedelics. Although i have had ego-death spiritual experiences, through meditations, visions, near-death experiences and dreams from time to time in my life which lead me to cannabis and psychedelics in the first place. DMT just happened to fall into my life before the others.

(This will be very long as i have been updating it a little bit at a time for about 2 weeks now i just wanted to share as much as i possibly could so i didn't post it right away until i could explain and understand it better.:)

My prayer/intention was to learn what i need to learn at this time in life and to show me divine truth i need to see and reconnect to my eternal being once again. To be guided by love, light and wisdom through this journey and experience what i need to experience to better myself and become more of myself so i can be of service to all.
(I decided to use the 1 gram of syrian rue seeds(powdered) i had left over from an old experiment and make a tea 1 hour before the actual trip)

I loaded the bowl with little bit of mullein(enough to cover the hole)and about 40mg of spice then i added some ashes from hemp wick ontop and another layer of mullein on top of that. I must mention i needed to walk barefoot in nature just before the transition(If you may) to calm myself down and ground myself. The first few times were frightening because the intensity of the feeling was so Alien to me but the more i done it the more i realized I've had similar experiences and been to these places before, like a shadow memory. Its just very intense and fast paced which is probably what makes it shocking and makes ego clench up to the body. I think changa is the better way, they say its more calming and welcoming?

I blessed the spice & water with love, light, gratitude, so that it effects all that it comes to contact with and i take a deep breath out and start pulling, after i rip it, i know the longer i hold it in the better, i really wanted a breakthrough this time because other times i never got there and the intensity made it quite scary in the first few times and seconds and having not meditated for a while i realized the i might of been out of balance. I just wanted to rid myself of ego because i was not happy with how i behaved and how i am now and experience my true inner-being through a non-dual awareness.

I held it in but then i started to feel like i am dissolving into mist again and my head spinning and spiraling so fast felt like i was going to lose consciousness and losing complete control of my body and my breath just let go on its own at about 7-8 seconds in where my aim was 15-20 but i think due to the intensity my body just goes in shock and resorts to breathing to survive and prevent in fear of loss of consciousness.

Just after the exhale there is a buzzing/winding/charging sound or feeling like vibration is getting faster and faster(Humming) and a higher pitch noise like a carrier wave like my body has been sparked on and started vibrating higher and higher like an ancient engine or primal organic machinery turning on for the first time in a long time.

I felt as i did in the previous sessions there were some beings around me at the corner of my vision and around my head trying to push me or gently pull me towards moving out of my body? or moving forward and others gesturing me to come forth which i didn't understand at the time but they seemed gentle and benevolent.

I began to see strands energy flowing in and out of me and all existence as well as numbers/letters/patterns creating each other and communicating with each other yet showing me and i understood what they were telling me and helping me in a way. It was so bizzare yet familiar and home-like.

It felt like my whole reality became a vibrating guitar string or a tuning fork as i was just been struck by lighting dissolving in and out of realities.. I also noticed the sounds of birds outside my window chirping away and then the strangest thing happened the sounds slowed down, i mean really really slow like i was almost about to time travel or stop time..Then i lost focus of that and i was becoming multidimensional strings of energy myself instead of just seeing them, i felt like i was one with them and understood myself and everything i was experiencing as my children, my creation and dancing with the all.

As these energies flew through me they turned into a goddess or divine feminine presence a twin-flame? Spirit of Gaia? whatever it was, it was the most amazing feeling felt with every core cell of my body vibrating and more like dancing vibrations. Like every cell in my body just stopped doing its job and just started to dance yet still in perfect harmony with its normal functions.

We were playing with each other like we've known each other for eternity, like two children free from culture, social, worldly conditionings, attachments and expectations that are still pure and unconditionally loving to everything and everyone around them yet at the same time not leaving everything else out but still feeling one with all creation. I couldn't love anything i saw, felt and experienced any more or less than anything else, I felt like i achieved God Consciousness, I could love a spec of dust the same as i would love a friend or family member. To me at that moment they were no different but merely a part of me, i understood the simplicity of all creation, Its all one consciousness and its infinite.

Felt like my body turned into rainbow strings of energy waves gliding with this feminine energy wave in sync with me flowing and dancing with me yet the movements are some form of language the whole experience there was communication going on in ways that i cannot explain with words, every movement, every thought had meaning and was understood from a greater or quantum perspective. Not a word type of language nor telepathic, this was something even deeper and more primal and authentic.

Every cell in my body felt and understood everything as a whole. Like i was the liquid in the spray bottle in the beginning as one yet even when turned into mist each part of me was still functioning as a whole no matter where every droplet of mist went.

I also riding remember rainbow infinity signs on the come up but then they turned into beautiful golden rainbow-like mandalas and or mayan-like calendars.

Continuing on.. there was another familiar feeling, the vibrations left of trails of rainbow light and they would vibrate and depict reality where ever i keep focus on and soon as i redirect my view something else or look somewhere else the vibration and paint-like substance would follow like some sort of beings creating and hypnotizing environment for me to help let myself go? in which later realized this was my higher minds projections. I also saw a lot of them painting energy waves of the infinity sign multiple times and at one point the infinity sign showed me a version of my younger self which took me back to a time where i felt like i almost lost consciousness, a forgotten memory or suppressed trauma?

I also felt i was in some kind of rainbow small dome spiraling in circles as the figures were painting motions of sacred geometric patterns and i understood everything in the universe like i was inside the library of the universe or Akash and understood everything that they were saying, and what was happening but now i cant remember what the hell and how i understood and past, present, future was one. (there is no way of explaining this)

This picture below i found to be very similar to the dome i experienced.

Although when i try to think deeper, about those energy wave paintings and deeper feelings i had, it was showing me how my mind creates all reality i experience.

Wherever my attention was there was these energy waves flowing with me, becoming me yet they were trying or telling me something, like waves of the ocean through my being,it felt like they were trying to help me surrender and let go? but i was just struck in awe by the whole experience however i did notice when i thought of words love and surrender and just let a big breath out everything that i saw became crystal-like and angelic-light, white lotus petals and saw a diamond shaped white faces and had a super-cyan glow to it.

The strangest thing for me is the feeling. Whatever you feel or think literally becomes and turns into language and reflected back by what you are experiencing. Is this the universe trying to tell us how our thoughts, feelings, actions shape the world around us and attract whatever we put out?

The feeling felt beyond real, beyond physical sensations, frightening at start yet feelings of comfort and home as those energy waves turned into beings and fairy-tale creatures and all happy energy and smiling and dancing beings around me. We were in a spiral of stars and nebulas and light dancing in circles at the same time speaking an Ancient language yet not words but sounds and vibrations and music-like communication and felt like understanding oneness and dancing in perfect harmony and flow with creation.

What was even more interesting was i was communicating with these beings in a play-ful, child-like way yet it felt more godly and wise than ever before but without me choosing to say or do anything, it just came out of me like the real me came out and knew all these beings, everything i said and they said was in perfect harmony, every movement, everything was exactly where its meant to be in perfect synchronicity and i was feeling like i was god or something as all the beings simultaneously felt this divine presence within me and loved being around me and giving off the energy that they've been waiting to see me for a very long time and they are so happy they i visited at the same time they were learning off me yet i was learning from them and exchanging experiences/light.

The thought of love changes the reality of a state instantly, at moments you feel no body, don't focus on that and focus on love and peace and let go it feels more real then real itself, which can be shocking as you are not used to it, you haven't really connected to the real eternal/infinite you since you were born yet it feels more familiar and closer than anything in physical reality.

Everything in the energetic, quantum realm communicates with you on way way or another, either by visuals or sound or other forms of frequency that are beyond my explanation.
You feel like every single moment, something divine was learned, in a way was it teaching us that everything we go through and experience in life is equally as powerful and meaningful then any other. Every moment felt Divine, as should every moment here.

Feels Home, like your waking up into the spiritual world from a dream and this whole life here one earth is the dream and shortly after you wake up, earth and the physical world and all that stuff quickly starts to fade away similar to when we have powerful dreams which feel more real than real.

As i let go further i was completely vibrating in sync with universal energies and at times you completely forget about your physical body and your existence here on earth because in these higher dimensions of frequencies is feels closer to your true self, your true Home.

It gave me an understanding that We go through lower dimensions to help learn and grow to exist in higher dimensions. Ultimately, Everything feels a billion times more vibrant and authentic then the world we are used to living in, its terrifying at times how strange everything feels. Very familiar feelings and vibrations as something i felt before i was born or when i was very young, the high vibratory psychedelic visuals showed me a reflection of younger self at about age 7-10 years young and have the exact same feeling i did then, some sort of old - trauma/fear came up, was it healed? I don't know but i felt wonderful afterwards and one with love and oneness.

All in all it was an experience that confirms everything for me and the more time goes by the more Amazing the experience becomes.

(Some Extras)
I deeply felt i already knew and mastered this place as I just went to sleep to help awaken and assist the others in the lower realms to partake in the greatest collective awakening in our universe has yet to see. Many divine beings around me all sorts of characters and fractals that usually reside in the imagination of a child yet ever-changing life forces, energy beings, cartoon like creatures and shapes and even those bizarre things you only see and recognize in dreams would show up in sight and the thing about this experience is that you don't just visually see things you feel them in your being, in your soul, in your cells like they communicate with you and its always happy, loving, comforting vibes which shows us that to be kind and compassionate and practice love and peace is our true nature, that is what our greater consciousness is trying to show us is to be kind and spiritual to rise to higher consciousness.

One of the strangest things that still boggles me is about the beings i saw was that i knew them all and they all knew me and we were all about laughter, smiles and dancing like creation is one big song or dance because in those higher realms everything is about love because its all seen and understood as love. There was nothing but love.

See the higher you vibrate the more closer to yourself you get. You created this whole thing but don't remember because you came here to experience separation and illusion yet everything is all created by you, everything you see is a reflection of you, you are just a small part of your greater existence, yet equally powerful once you become fully aware.

Every single part of the universe is a part of you, existence, non existence, voids, fairy's, everything exists, and everything is absolute infinity because if something was missing it wouldn't be absolute infinity thus simply impossible to imagine non existence.

Many moments in this experience showed me exactly how creation worked and at one point i said or thought the feeling of being grateful and as soon as i did that everything become much more beautiful and harmonic.

As soon as you thought or choose to be something loving, grateful or positive, everything instantly changes around you to bliss, peace, amazing vibrations and feelings of happiness and joy beyond anything you have possibly felt in physicality. I don't think your physical body would be able to handle and overload for 1 second of this energy.

It made me feel of Home, Comfort, Nurtured or Home how a plant or flower would feel in a forest. At ease, At rest <3

It was so powerful it felt as if my DNA activated or like something was added to my program. Like i downloaded knowledge from a quantum level reality stored within me to help me with life.

My intention was for healing, for reawakening a deeper me and showing me the truth once again, to heal and realign to a more natural, balanced and pure level of being. Similar to when i did a 8 day water fast, and meditated daily i never felt so pure and balanced in my life and i was living only on fruits few weeks prior which was already joyful.

(Some further insights and observations which i believe are result of this experience)

In higher dimensions of reality, everything happens instantaneously similar to dreams, yet in physical reality due to the dense vibrations, it takes time for manifestation to occur but our core is still energy, which has showed me that if we keep doing and loving things being kind, compassionate, peaceful and grateful and focus on the good things, good food, good life, meditation, books, art, nature, music, dance and they will soon come to be our reality as we are evolving closer to the higher levels of life/Self. Some people might think what is said here is nonsense and or crazy but until you go through these experiences in life yourself, you can't really say anything about it no matter who you are or what you've you accomplished. This could completely change your life around in a blink of an eye.

It vividly showed me that we attract what we are, what we think/feel/expect/put out we get back in return and everything here is a creation of our own consciousness, its like a virtual organic school of remembering with a deleted memory. In my opinion.. We are here to learn and grow through separation but ultimately a collective reward is in play. This is why nowadays i no longer care about money, or material things or the physical things that much, i give and spend and just do whatever brings me my greatest joy, as i am giving to myself ultimately.

Many times on MDMA and Cannabis i reconnected to the higher-self(if you may) and i realized something that i didn't wanna give away was just my ego holding on to material possessions when it doesn't matter at the end of the day we are all one. After i gave that away freely without any holding back i started to feel better and better every day. As i did a good deed and helped someone then i was getting helped by the universe back because ultimately that someone was just another version of me so i helped myself.

All is all i learned and felt the whole existence and all of creation for 20 minutes that felt like a infinitely fast-paced eternity. 1 minute is enough to set you straight.

I also felt these moments in deep meditation, its just very slow and comforting. The spice is intense so if you don't meditate often it could be terrifying. Meditation helps you remember the truth and the true self and become more you so you will naturally feel home when you make the transition and respond instead of react.

Scared me many times at the start but the more you get used to the feeling, the more it becomes one with you and the more you remember this is how you originally exist and feel we have just been so distracted with this physical reality and disconnected that when we transition to a higher vibration/realm/reality, we think we are dying or losing our-self when in reality we are just waking up.

Its hard to let go with such a physically-focused and constructed reality and(in a sense) brainwashed people on many levels. Meditation and a healthy lifestyle or being with someone you love and doing what brings you your greatest joy in life is ways to heal and realign with your truth and everything and release the self from man-made creations as well as these wonderful psychedelics of course.

When i fell in love with my soul mate i had my spiritual awakening and showed me all of this in a blink of an eye (before the trip) because i was so immersed in that love vibration that everything around me was beautiful and peaceful and understood with a higher understanding i had no fear whatsoever as i became one with all and i had access to all.

I also remember some great Deja Vu feelings as i saw past/present/future become one this was mindblowing x infinity and the carnival/festival essence to all of creation as life is one big psychedelic trip.

This 20 minutes felt like thousands of lifetimes here on earth.

My conclusion to all this is that DMT is not going somewhere, DMT is simply waking up to where you already are. The physical reality is going somewhere at least. Like a game/frequency we are tuned into. We just lost touch with how to tune out and wake back up again. We must find balance between both realities.

Reminds me mostly of dreams when i was young, some felt like 1000s of years yet only 8 - 10 hours of sleep had past. In a way, i felt like i was much wiser and knew things from within that i couldn't explain to others. Maybe this is why i was so different growing up in school, i was always called weird, strange, pointed out, left out and it went on and on and on. This lead me to extreme darkness and suffering in my teenage life and through so much darkness i found light again and since then i have never stopped living one with truth no matter what anyone thought i knew there was something more which lead me to psychedelics and DMT and i can honestly say if it wasn't for Cannabis coming into my life i would of probably gone crazy by now but then again whats crazy in a crazy world?

Little flying jesters or space gnomes were depicting something out for me and trying to get my attention or hypnotize me from thoughts. I do feel what they were doing had something to do with helping me surrender and let go deeper. When think deeper into this i realize they could be reflections of my own consciousness helping my ego-self let go and calm itself.

It almost seemed like they were trying to distract me from something else by creating these vivid hypnotic hallucinations.

It made me realize i am that higher intelligence i experienced within the trip, those higher beings as i now recognize as myself helping myself through their actions/words, i was sent to help self understand self better.(In a sense)

I feel like DMT shows you everything, as you are everything, this is why we know everything and remember everything whilst on it but then forget how we knew everything when back in the physical, this is the body's self defense mechanism so one can learn individually without having memory of its infinite intelligence within or it would be pointless to exist within the physical lower dimensions if you already know/see/understand all. When you go back there you remember everything again but you must find your way back blindly :)
(Like when i go back to recurring dreams, i remember everyone and everything like I've always been there, similar to that episode of star-trek voyager in the hollow deck when they are spending time in that town).

If there was no more DMT in the world i would still be happy for a lifetime, even if i didn't breakthrough fully but now that i think about it, it does seem like a breakthrough. I remember now, i did before, in past lives and higher forms of life, I've always been everywhere and knew everything and my dreams as a child gave me tastes of those realms and kept me close to source, i was not taught meditation from young sadly so all i had was dreams and my creativity.

I also wanted to share some pictures that are similar to what i saw in this experience.



This video also has the most amazing artwork i have ever seen that explains (in a way) how my trip was especially when he zooms in and everything creates everything else and everyone is connected to one another. Just think in color, 360 view and alive!

Here is that image on its own without the deeper explanation within the video.

I hope you enjoyed what i had to share, Sorry it was super long but i tried to explain as much i as could remember and get the most out of it by sharing more with others and being extremely energized by the experience it unlocked a fire of within me.

Feel free to share your thoughts and any similarities with your experiences and maybe even advice for future journeys :)

Peace, Love
& Gratitude.
Awesome report, I've had many experiences that are very similar in thematic content. You're lucky to have gotten such a download in just one experience, it's taken me hundreds to get so far.

Very interesting how you also get the sense of remembering literally everything when on DMT but then when you come back to the physical reality it doesn't fit in your human brain. And also that you experienced being the creator of everything, I also have had this sense many many times, lovingly looking down on my creations. I had wondered why I (as a human) was so special, why it is such that I created the universe and everything? Seems unlikely. But really I am looking at the wrong way around, we're the all different manifestations of the same consciousness, just at different points in spacetime. The reason why we both have the experience of being the creator is because everyone is the creator, they are just not usually aware. As you mentioned, as does Sagan, we are a part of a process of the universe's self-discovery.
Buah...only great!!!

May I ask you:
* How do you achieve to keep the vision in your memory...or better how to keep it accessible from
your normal brain? For me, a lot of details slips behind a "iron curtain" within seconds after the
* Where did you find the pictures?

Thanks guys, and wonderfully said @arcologist i couldn't agree more.

For me memorizing so much, not that i have photographic memory or anything like that but I've always had a very good long term memory or deep memory as i would call it. I could remember certain moments in life even when i was about 6 months old the earliest(which my mother confirmed the experience) I remember my first few years quite vividly because i was always wondering where did i just come from? I know i was somewhere but i can't see it..

As i mentioned on this post i also have some sort of memory or feeling to just before i was born and when i was in that state i had a touch of that feeling once again which in a way awakened something deeper within me i believe.

I remember some spiritual teachers i watched on youtube a while back were saying we actually remember all our dreams, its just that in the world we live in, most people usually don't remember their dreams because of the thought/belief that most people don't remember their dreams and it has in a way manifested into a collective acceptive nowadays.

Then he was talking about doing some de-programming of the subconscious using meditation to trick yourself to "know" that you actually do remember dreams and not remembering them is all created in the mind because most of our world and life has been deeply rooted and based on the material/physical structure of life, that dreams and all those things have been left and lost their knowledge and understandings thousands of years ago.

Although must mention that diet and lifestyle can play a big role. I mean even when i was a child on junk food and soda cans i still had excellent memory but as soon as i started to consume more real food that nature provided and super-foods, ancient herbs, medicinal mushrooms, sea vegetables/algae ect.. and just getting my life to a more organic/natural path and mostly focus on nature, knowledge and spirituality, it took my life Up a level, Everything is so much more cleaner, clearer, sharper, more alive and vibrant and connected than ever before.

I Understand there is "Chi or Life-force" in foods that are freshly picked from a tree or harvested from the earth and from the books I've read i learned that when processed, heated or changed/manipulated in any way this destroys and changes the life-force and vibrational frequency within the food and sometimes key enzymes that are important for DNA repair, cell regeneration and so on.

I believed in this lifestyle because as soon as i started experimenting, i became much more alive again, like i was when i was a child, full of energy and life. Especially after a 14 day water fast paired with daily meditation, i was so pure and connected it changed me on all levels or should i say restored me back to my more whole self.

So through all my experiences i was (In a way) preparing myself for this DMT moment. I'm not sure if it was a breakthrough or not as they say breakthroughs are the hardest to remember but it sure was something very powerful and restoring.

I used to smoke cannabis every day or every 2-3rd day and since that experience i been smoking 1-3 times a week. I still feel like my brain is processing everything from that experience. The cannabis high had changed for me to much more mind expanding and spiritual after a spiritual awakening i had but after dmt it became even deeper when i smoke now so i smoke even less.

I became sick for a week(Haven't been sick for years) but now that its going, I'm starting to feel amazing again, similar to the times when i meditated daily and focused more on spirituality and unconditional love and the positives of life.

Like i had to get sick due to all the energy blockage or buildup overtime that i was no longer in my more enlightened state and in order to restore myself to balance again and possibly the extraction of toxins within deeper layers temporarily weakened my immune system only to be reborn again.

I must mention what I've found to be a good method to remember the experience even more is listening or reading other peoples experiences and then the similarities can help clear the picture.

Excuse my spike of excited energy, this experience fascinates me just as much :)
Hope this makes sense, I will check in as often as i can.
One Love
It really means a lot, i greatly appreciate your comments and time to read all of what i had to share.
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